blob: 4974516e70d2763b2dcc631a438cb0d9b70049cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rules
import (
// Change represents a Gerrit CL and/or GitHub PR that we want to check rules against.
type Change struct {
// Repo is the repository as reported by Gerrit (e.g., "go", "tools", "vscode-go", "website").
Repo string
// Title is the commit message first line.
Title string
// Body is the commit message body (skipping the title on the first line and the blank second line,
// and without the footers).
Body string
// TODO: could consider a Footer field, if useful, though I think GerritBot & Gerrit manage those.
// TODO: could be useful in future to have CL and PR fields as well, e.g., if we wanted to
// spot check for something that looks like test files in the changed file list.
func ParseCommitMessage(repo string, text string) (Change, error) {
change := Change{Repo: repo}
lines := splitLines(text)
if len(lines) < 3 {
return Change{}, fmt.Errorf("rules: ParseCommitMessage: short commit message: %q", text)
change.Title = lines[0]
if lines[1] != "" {
return Change{}, fmt.Errorf("rules: ParseCommitMessage: second line is not blank in commit message: %q", text)
// Find the body.
// Trim the footers, starting at bottom and stopping at first blank line seen after any footers.
// It is an error to not have any footers (which likely means we are seeing something not managed
// by GerritBot and/or Gerrit).
body := lines[2:]
sawFooter := false
for i := len(body) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if match(`^[a-zA-Z][^ ]*: `, body[i]) {
body = body[:i]
sawFooter = true
if match(`^\(cherry picked from commit [a-f0-9]+\)$`, body[i]) {
// One CL in our corpus (CL 346093) has this intermixed with the footers.
if body[i] == "" {
if !sawFooter {
continue // We leniently skip any blank lines at bottom of commit message.
body = body[:i]
return Change{}, fmt.Errorf("rules: ParseCommitMessage: found non-footer line at end of commit message. line: %q, commit message: %q", body[i], text)
if !sawFooter {
return Change{}, fmt.Errorf("rules: ParseCommitMessage: did not find any footers preceded by blank line for commit message: %q", text)
change.Body = strings.Join(body, "\n")
return change, nil
// Result contains the result of a single rule check against a Change.
type Result struct {
Name string
Finding string
Note string
// Check runs the defined rules against one Change.
func Check(change Change) (results []Result) {
for _, group := range ruleGroups {
for _, rule := range group {
if slices.Contains(rule.skip, change.Repo) || len(rule.only) > 0 && !slices.Contains(rule.only, change.Repo) {
finding, advice := rule.f(change)
if finding != "" {
results = append(results, Result{
Finding: finding,
Note: advice,
break // Only report the first finding per rule group.
return results
// FormatResults returns a string ready to be placed in a CL comment,
// formatted as simple markdown.
func FormatResults(results []Result) string {
if len(results) == 0 {
return ""
var b strings.Builder
b.WriteString("Possible problems detected:\n")
cnt := 1
for _, r := range results {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, " %d. %s\n", cnt, r.Finding)
advice := formatAdvice(results)
if advice != "" {
b.WriteString("\n" + advice + "\n")
return b.String()
// formatAdvice returns a deduplicated string containing all the advice in results.
func formatAdvice(results []Result) string {
var s []string
seen := make(map[string]bool)
for _, r := range results {
if !seen[r.Note] {
s = append(s, r.Note)
seen[r.Note] = true
return strings.Join(s, " ")
// match reports whether the regexp pattern matches s,
// returning false for a bad regexp after logging the bad regexp.
func match(pattern string, s string) bool {
re := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
return re.MatchString(s)
// matchAny reports whether the regexp pattern matches any string in list,
// returning false for a bad regexp after logging the bad regexp.
func matchAny(pattern string, list []string) bool {
re := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
for _, s := range list {
if re.MatchString(s) {
return true
return false
// matchCount reports the count of matches for the regexp in s,
// returning 0 for a bad regexp after logging the bad regexp.
func matchCount(pattern string, s string) int {
re := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
return len(re.FindAllString(s, -1))
// splitLines returns s split into lines, without trailing \n.
func splitLines(s string) []string {
var lines []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(s))
for scanner.Scan() {
lines = append(lines, scanner.Text())
return lines