blob: f54814dd60a6036446f44b37003ab14ff783aad7 [file] [log] [blame]
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<head><link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css"/><title>Go Farmer</title></head>
{{template "build-header"}}
<div class="page">
<h2 id='builders'>Defined Builders</h2>
<thead><tr><th>name</th><th>pool</th><th>owners</th><th>known issue</th><th>notes</th></tr>
{{range .Builders}}
<td><a href='#{{.HostType}}'>{{.HostType}}</a></td>
<td>{{builderOwners .}}</td>
<td>{{range $i, $issue := .KnownIssues}}{{if ne $i 0}}, {{end}}<a href="{{$issue}}" title="This builder has a known issue. See:{{$issue}}.">#{{$issue}}</a>{{end}}</td>
<h2 id='hosts'>Defined Host Types (pools)</h2>
{{range .Hosts}}
<tr id='{{.HostType}}'>