blob: 062b76df5eb17ac633dd405becb959fe76186b91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package buildstats contains code to sync the coordinator's build
// logs from Datastore to BigQuery.
package buildstats
import (
// Verbose controls logging verbosity.
var Verbose = false
// TestStats describes stats for a cmd/dist test on a particular build
// configuration (a "builder").
type TestStats struct {
// AsOf is the time that the stats were queried from BigQuery.
AsOf time.Time
// BuilderTestStats maps from a builder name to that builder's
// test stats.
BuilderTestStats map[string]*BuilderTestStats
// Duration returns the median time to run testName on builder, if known.
// Otherwise it returns some non-zero default value.
func (ts *TestStats) Duration(builder, testName string) time.Duration {
if ts != nil {
if bs, ok := ts.BuilderTestStats[builder]; ok {
if d, ok := bs.MedianDuration[testName]; ok {
return d
return 3 * time.Second // some arbitrary value if unknown
func (ts *TestStats) Builders() []string {
s := make([]string, 0, len(ts.BuilderTestStats))
for k := range ts.BuilderTestStats {
s = append(s, k)
return s
type BuilderTestStats struct {
// Builder is which build configuration this is for.
Builder string
// Runs is how many times tests have run recently, for some
// fuzzy definition of "recently".
// The map key is a cmd/dist test name.
Runs map[string]int
// MedianDuration is the median duration for a test to
// pass on this BuilderTestStat's Builder.
// The map key is a cmd/dist test name.
MedianDuration map[string]time.Duration
func (ts *BuilderTestStats) Tests() []string {
s := make([]string, 0, len(ts.Runs))
for k := range ts.Runs {
s = append(s, k)
return s