blob: a8e542f7ec550af07ff46aad5f4654de13c92cd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build appengine
package build
import (
var knownTags = map[string]string{
"go1": "0051c7442fed9c888de6617fa9239a913904d96e",
"go1.1": "d29da2ced72ba2cf48ed6a8f1ec4abc01e4c5bf1",
"go1.2": "b1edf8faa5d6cbc50c6515785df9df9c19296564",
"go1.3": "f153208c0a0e306bfca14f71ef11f09859ccabc8",
"go1.4": "faa3ed1dc30e42771a68b6337dcf8be9518d5c07",
var lastRelease = "go1.4"
func splitBench(benchProcs string) (string, int) {
ss := strings.Split(benchProcs, "-")
procs, _ := strconv.Atoi(ss[1])
return ss[0], procs
func dashPerfCommits(c appengine.Context, page int) ([]*Commit, error) {
q := datastore.NewQuery("Commit").
Filter("NeedsBenchmarking =", true).
Offset(page * commitsPerPage)
var commits []*Commit
_, err := q.GetAll(c, &commits)
if err == nil && len(commits) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("no commits")
return commits, err
func perfChangeStyle(pc *PerfConfig, v float64, builder, benchmark, metric string) string {
noise := pc.NoiseLevel(builder, benchmark, metric)
if isNoise(v, noise) {
return "noise"
if v > 0 {
return "bad"
return "good"
func isNoise(diff, noise float64) bool {
rnoise := -100 * noise / (noise + 100)
return diff < noise && diff > rnoise
func perfDiff(old, new uint64) float64 {
return 100*float64(new)/float64(old) - 100
func isPerfFailed(res *PerfResult, builder string) bool {
data := res.ParseData()[builder]
return data != nil && data["meta-done"] != nil && !data["meta-done"].OK
// PerfResultCache caches a set of PerfResults so that it's easy to access them
// without lots of duplicate accesses to datastore.
// It allows to iterate over newer or older results for some base commit.
type PerfResultCache struct {
c appengine.Context
newer bool
iter *datastore.Iterator
results map[int]*PerfResult
func MakePerfResultCache(c appengine.Context, com *Commit, newer bool) *PerfResultCache {
p := &Package{}
q := datastore.NewQuery("PerfResult").Ancestor(p.Key(c)).Limit(100)
if newer {
q = q.Filter("CommitNum >=", com.Num).Order("CommitNum")
} else {
q = q.Filter("CommitNum <=", com.Num).Order("-CommitNum")
rc := &PerfResultCache{c: c, newer: newer, iter: q.Run(c), results: make(map[int]*PerfResult)}
return rc
func (rc *PerfResultCache) Get(commitNum int) *PerfResult {
rc.Next(commitNum) // fetch the commit, if necessary
return rc.results[commitNum]
// Next returns the next PerfResult for the commit commitNum.
// It does not care whether the result has any data, failed or whatever.
func (rc *PerfResultCache) Next(commitNum int) (*PerfResult, error) {
// See if we have next result in the cache.
next := -1
for ci := range rc.results {
if rc.newer {
if ci > commitNum && (next == -1 || ci < next) {
next = ci
} else {
if ci < commitNum && (next == -1 || ci > next) {
next = ci
if next != -1 {
return rc.results[next], nil
// Fetch next result from datastore.
res := new(PerfResult)
_, err := rc.iter.Next(res)
if err == datastore.Done {
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("fetching perf results: %v", err)
if (rc.newer && res.CommitNum < commitNum) || (!rc.newer && res.CommitNum > commitNum) {
rc.c.Errorf("PerfResultCache.Next: bad commit num")
rc.results[res.CommitNum] = res
return res, nil
// NextForComparison returns PerfResult which we need to use for performance comprison.
// It skips failed results, but does not skip results with no data.
func (rc *PerfResultCache) NextForComparison(commitNum int, builder string) (*PerfResult, error) {
for {
res, err := rc.Next(commitNum)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if res == nil {
return nil, nil
if res.CommitNum == commitNum {
parsed := res.ParseData()
if builder != "" {
// Comparing for a particular builder.
// This is used in perf_changes and in email notifications.
b := parsed[builder]
if b == nil || b["meta-done"] == nil {
// No results yet, must not do the comparison.
return nil, nil
if b["meta-done"].OK {
// Have complete results, compare.
return res, nil
} else {
// Comparing for all builders, find a result with at least
// one successful meta-done.
// This is used in perf_detail.
for _, benchs := range parsed {
if data := benchs["meta-done"]; data != nil && data.OK {
return res, nil
// Failed, try next result.
commitNum = res.CommitNum
type PerfChange struct {
Builder string
Bench string
Metric string
Old uint64
New uint64
Diff float64
func significantPerfChanges(pc *PerfConfig, builder string, prevRes, res *PerfResult) (changes []*PerfChange) {
// First, collect all significant changes.
for builder1, benchmarks1 := range res.ParseData() {
if builder != "" && builder != builder1 {
// This is not the builder you're looking for, Luke.
benchmarks0 := prevRes.ParseData()[builder1]
if benchmarks0 == nil {
for benchmark, data1 := range benchmarks1 {
data0 := benchmarks0[benchmark]
if data0 == nil {
for metric, val := range data1.Metrics {
val0 := data0.Metrics[metric]
if val0 == 0 {
diff := perfDiff(val0, val)
noise := pc.NoiseLevel(builder, benchmark, metric)
if isNoise(diff, noise) {
ch := &PerfChange{Builder: builder, Bench: benchmark, Metric: metric, Old: val0, New: val, Diff: diff}
changes = append(changes, ch)
// Then, strip non-repeatable changes (flakes).
// The hypothesis is that a real change must show up with the majority of GOMAXPROCS values.
majority := len(pc.ProcList(builder))/2 + 1
cnt := make(map[string]int)
for _, ch := range changes {
b, _ := splitBench(ch.Bench)
name := b + "|" + ch.Metric
if ch.Diff < 0 {
name += "--"
cnt[name] = cnt[name] + 1
for i := 0; i < len(changes); i++ {
ch := changes[i]
b, _ := splitBench(ch.Bench)
name := b + "|" + ch.Metric
if cnt[name] >= majority {
if cnt[name+"--"] >= majority {
// Remove flake.
last := len(changes) - 1
changes[i] = changes[last]
changes = changes[:last]
return changes
// orderPerfTodo reorders commit nums for benchmarking todo.
// The resulting order is somewhat tricky. We want 2 things:
// 1. benchmark sequentially backwards (this provides information about most
// recent changes, and allows to estimate noise levels)
// 2. benchmark old commits in "scatter" order (this allows to quickly gather
// brief information about thousands of old commits)
// So this function interleaves the two orders.
func orderPerfTodo(nums []int) []int {
n := len(nums)
pow2 := uint32(0) // next power-of-two that is >= n
npow2 := 0
for npow2 <= n {
npow2 = 1 << pow2
res := make([]int, n)
resPos := n - 1 // result array is filled backwards
present := make([]bool, n) // denotes values that already present in result array
for i0, i1 := n-1, 0; i0 >= 0 || i1 < npow2; {
// i0 represents "benchmark sequentially backwards" sequence
// find the next commit that is not yet present and add it
for cnt := 0; cnt < 2; cnt++ {
for ; i0 >= 0; i0-- {
if !present[i0] {
present[i0] = true
res[resPos] = nums[i0]
// i1 represents "scatter order" sequence
// find the next commit that is not yet present and add it
for ; i1 < npow2; i1++ {
// do the "recursive split-ordering" trick
idx := 0 // bitwise reverse of i1
for j := uint32(0); j <= pow2; j++ {
if (i1 & (1 << j)) != 0 {
idx = idx | (1 << (pow2 - j - 1))
if idx < n && !present[idx] {
present[idx] = true
res[resPos] = nums[idx]
// The above can't possibly be correct. Do dump check.
res2 := make([]int, n)
copy(res2, res)
for i := range res2 {
if res2[i] != nums[i] {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("diff at %v: expect %v, want %v\nwas: %v\n become: %v",
i, nums[i], res2[i], nums, res2))
return res