blob: 312748bcfe017b48e0485329504917796bd33688 [file] [log] [blame]
set -e
# Add unix timestamp to the end to bust caches, otherwise GCS caches aggressively if you
# accidentally upload a buildlet with caching enabled once. Ideally this script
# would be replaced with a Go program that only did this with HEAD and then only fetched
# the full blob if the Last-Modified or ETag had changed from before. But network is cheap.
url="$(date +%s)"
while ! curl -f -o buildlet.gz "$url"; do
echo "curl failed to fetch $url"
echo "Sleeping before retrying..."
sleep 5
set -x
gunzip -f buildlet.gz
chmod +x buildlet
export GO_BUILDER_ENV=macstadium_vm
while true; do ./buildlet || sleep 5; done