blob: 4167d6dc0ad6b503da834b4575953865a2c58745 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Power64spec reads the “Power ISA V2.07” Manual
// to collect instruction encoding details and writes those details to standard output
// in CSV format.
// Usage:
// ppc64spec PowerISA_V2.07_PUBLIC.pdf >ppc64.csv
// Each CSV line contains four fields:
// instruction
// The instruction heading, such as "AAD imm8".
// mnemonic
// The instruction mnemonics, separated by | symbols.
// encoding
// The instruction encoding, a sequence of name@startbit| describing each bit field in turn.
// tags
// For now, empty.
// For more on the exact meaning of these fields, see the Power manual.
package main
import (
type Inst struct {
Name string
Text string
Enc string
const debugPage = 0
var stdout *bufio.Writer
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("ppc64spec: ")
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: ppc64spec file.pdf\n")
f, err := pdf.Open(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
// Find instruction set reference in outline, to build instruction list.
instList := instHeadings(f.Outline())
if len(instList) < 200 {
log.Fatalf("only found %d instructions in table of contents", len(instList))
var all = []Inst{
// Split across multiple columns and pages!
{"Count Leading Zeros Word X-form", "cntlzw RA, RS (Rc=0)\ncntlzw. RA, RS (Rc=1)", "31@0|RS@6|RA@11|///@16|26@21|Rc@31|"},
for j, headline := range instList {
for _, inst := range all {
if headline == inst.Name {
instList[j] = ""
// Scan document looking for instructions.
// Must find exactly the ones in the outline.
n := f.NumPage()
for pageNum := 1; pageNum <= n; pageNum++ {
if debugPage > 0 && pageNum != debugPage {
p := f.Page(pageNum)
table := parsePage(pageNum, p)
if len(table) == 0 {
for _, inst := range table {
for j, headline := range instList {
if inst.Name == headline {
instList[j] = ""
continue InstLoop
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "page %d: unexpected instruction %q\n", pageNum, inst.Name)
all = append(all, table...)
if debugPage == 0 {
for _, headline := range instList {
if headline != "" {
switch headline {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "missing instruction %q\n", headline)
case "CHKA": // ThumbEE
case "CPS": // system instruction
case "CPY": // synonym for MOV
case "ENTERX": // ThumbEE
case "F* (former VFP instruction mnemonics)": // synonyms
case "HB, HBL, HBLP, HBP": // ThumbEE
case "LEAVEX": // ThumbEE
case "MOV (shifted register)": // pseudo instruction for ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX
case "NEG": // synonym for RSB
case "RFE": // system instruction
case "SMC (previously SMI)": // system instruction
case "SRS": // system instruction
case "SUBS PC, LR and related instructions": // system instruction
case "VAND (immediate)": // pseudo instruction
case "VCLE (register)": // pseudo instruction
case "VCLT (register)": // pseudo instruction
case "VORN (immediate)": // pseudo instruction
stdout = bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
for _, inst := range all {
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "%q,%q,%q,%q\n", inst.Name, strings.Replace(inst.Text, "\n", "|", -1), inst.Enc, "")
func instHeadings(outline pdf.Outline) []string {
return appendInstHeadings(outline, nil)
var instRE = regexp.MustCompile(` ([A-Z0-9]+-form|Byte|Word|Doubleword|Halfword)($| \[)`)
var sectionRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9A-Z]+\.[0-9]`)
func appendInstHeadings(outline pdf.Outline, list []string) []string {
if strings.Contains(outline.Title, "Variable Length Encoding (VLE) Encoding") {
for _, child := range outline.Child {
vle = appendInstHeadings(child, vle)
return list
if instRE.MatchString(outline.Title) && !sectionRE.MatchString(outline.Title) {
list = append(list, outline.Title)
if outline.Title == "Transaction Abort Word Conditional" {
list = append(list, outline.Title+" X-form")
for _, child := range outline.Child {
list = appendInstHeadings(child, list)
return list
const inch = 72.0
func parsePage(num int, p pdf.Page) []Inst {
content := p.Content()
var text []pdf.Text
for _, t := range content.Text {
text = append(text, t)
text = findWords(text)
if debugPage > 0 {
for _, t := range text {
for _, r := range content.Rect {
// Look for instruction encodings.
// Some begin with a Helvetica-BoldOblique size 11 headline like "AND X-Form",
// is followed by Helvetica 9 mnemonic, and then a bit box with
// Helvetica 9 fields and Helvetica 7 bit offsets.
// Others use Arial,BoldItalic 11 for the headline,
// Arial 8 for the mnemonic, and Arial 4.2 for the bit offsets.
var insts []Inst
for {
// Heading
for len(text) > 0 && !match(text[0], "Helvetica-BoldOblique", 11, "") && !match(text[0], "Arial,BoldItalic", 11, "") && !match(text[0], "Arial,BoldItalic", 10, "") {
text = text[1:]
if len(text) == 0 {
heading := text[0].S
text = text[1:]
for len(text) > 0 && (match(text[0], "Helvetica-BoldOblique", 11, "") || match(text[0], "Arial,BoldItalic", 11, "") || match(text[0], "Arial,BoldItalic", 10, "")) {
heading += " " + text[0].S
text = text[1:]
heading = strings.Replace(heading, "]", "] ", -1)
heading = strings.Replace(heading, " ", " ", -1)
heading = strings.Replace(heading, "rEVX-form", "r EVX-form", -1)
heading = strings.Replace(heading, "eX-form", "e X-form", -1)
heading = strings.Replace(heading, "mSD4-form", "m SD4-form", -1)
heading = strings.Replace(heading, "eSCI8-form", "e SCI8-form", -1)
heading = strings.TrimSpace(heading)
if isVLE(heading) {
// Mnemonic
if len(text) == 0 || (!match(text[0], "Helvetica", 9, "") && !match(text[0], "Helvetica-BoldOblique", 9, "") && !match(text[0], "Arial", 9, "") && !match(text[0], "Arial", 10, "")) {
mnemonic := ""
y := text[0].Y
x0 := text[0].X
for len(text) > 0 && (match(text[0], "Helvetica", 9, "") || match(text[0], "Helvetica-BoldOblique", 9, "") || match(text[0], "Arial", 9, "") || match(text[0], "Courier", 8, "") || match(text[0], "LucidaConsole", 7.17, "") || text[0].Y == y) {
if text[0].Y != y {
if math.Abs(text[0].X-x0) > 4 {
mnemonic += "\n"
y = text[0].Y
} else if mnemonic != "" {
mnemonic += " "
mnemonic += text[0].S
text = text[1:]
// Encoding
bits, i := readBitBox(heading, content, text, num)
if i == 0 {
insts = append(insts, Inst{heading, mnemonic, bits})
return insts
var vle = []string{
"System Call C-form,ESC-form",
func isVLE(s string) bool {
for _, v := range vle {
if s == v {
return true
return false
func readBitBox(headline string, content pdf.Content, text []pdf.Text, pageNum int) (string, int) {
// fields
i := 0
if len(text) == 0 || (!match(text[i], "Helvetica", 9, "") && !match(text[i], "Helvetica", 7.26, "") && !match(text[i], "Arial", 9, "") && !match(text[i], "Arial", 7.98, "") && !match(text[i], "Arial", 7.2, "")) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "page %d: no bit fields for %q\n", pageNum, headline)
if len(text) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\tlast text: %v\n", text[0])
return "", 0
sz := text[i].FontSize
y2 := text[i].Y
x2 := 0.0
for i < len(text) && text[i].Y == y2 {
if x2 < text[i].X+text[i].W {
x2 = text[i].X + text[i].W
y2 += sz / 2
// bit numbers
if i >= len(text) || text[i].S != "0" {
if headline == "Transaction Abort Doubleword Conditional X-form" {
// Split across the next page.
return "31@0|TO@6|RA@11|RB@16|814@21|1@31|", i
if headline == "Add Scaled Immediate SCI8-form" {
// Very strange fonts.
return "06@0|RT@6|RA@11|8@16|Rc@20|F@21|SCL@22|UI8@24|", i
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "page %d: no bit numbers for %s\n", pageNum, headline)
if i < len(text) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\tlast text: %v\n", text[i])
return "", 0
sz = text[i].FontSize
y1 := text[i].Y
x1 := text[i].X
for i < len(text) && text[i].Y == y1 {
if x2 < text[i].X+text[i].W {
x2 = text[i].X + text[i].W
if debugPage > 0 {
fmt.Println("encoding box", x1, y1, x2, y2, i, text[0], text[i])
// Find lines (thin rectangles) separating bit fields.
var bottom, top pdf.Rect
const (
yMargin = 0.25 * 72
xMargin = 1 * 72
for _, r := range content.Rect {
// Only consider lines in the same column.
if (x1 < 306) != (r.Max.X < 306) {
if r.Max.Y-r.Min.Y < 2 && x1-xMargin < r.Min.X && r.Min.X < x1 && x2 < r.Max.X && r.Max.X < x2+xMargin {
if y1-yMargin < r.Min.Y && r.Min.Y < y1 {
bottom = r
if y2 < r.Min.Y && r.Min.Y < y2+8 {
top = r
if bottom.Min.X == 0 {
// maybe bit numbers are outside box; see doze, nap, sleep, rvwinkle.
for _, r := range content.Rect {
// Only consider lines in the same column.
if (x1 < 306) != (r.Max.X < 306) {
if r.Max.Y-r.Min.Y < 2 && x1-xMargin < r.Min.X && r.Min.X < x1 && x2 < r.Max.X && r.Max.X < x2+xMargin {
if y1+sz/2 < r.Min.Y && r.Min.Y < y2 {
bottom = r
if debugPage > 0 {
fmt.Println("top", top, "bottom", bottom)
const ε = 0.1 * 72
var bars []pdf.Rect
for _, r := range content.Rect {
if r.Max.X-r.Min.X < 2 && math.Abs(r.Min.Y-bottom.Min.Y) < ε && math.Abs(r.Max.Y-top.Min.Y) < ε && (bottom.Min.X < 306) == (r.Max.X < 306) {
bars = append(bars, r)
out := ""
for i := 0; i < len(bars)-1; i++ {
var sub []pdf.Text
x1, x2 := bars[i].Min.X, bars[i+1].Min.X
for _, t := range content.Text {
tx := t.X + t.W/2
ty := t.Y + t.FontSize/4
if x1 < tx && tx < x2 && y1 < ty && ty < y2 {
sub = append(sub, t)
var str []string
for _, t := range findWords(sub) {
str = append(str, t.S)
s := strings.Join(str, "@")
out += s + "|"
if out == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "page %d: no bit encodings for %s\n", pageNum, headline)
return out, i
type RectHorizontal []pdf.Rect
func (x RectHorizontal) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func (x RectHorizontal) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].Min.X < x[j].Min.X }
func (x RectHorizontal) Len() int { return len(x) }
func checkNoEncodings(num int, text []pdf.Text) {
for _, t := range text {
if match(t, "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "Encoding") {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "page %d: unexpected encoding: %s\n", num, t.S)
func match(t pdf.Text, font string, size float64, substr string) bool {
return t.Font == font && (size == 0 || math.Abs(t.FontSize-size) < 0.1) && strings.Contains(t.S, substr)
func findWords(chars []pdf.Text) (words []pdf.Text) {
// Sort by Y coordinate and normalize.
const nudge = 1.5
old := -100000.0
for i, c := range chars {
if c.Y != old && math.Abs(old-c.Y) < nudge {
chars[i].Y = old
} else {
old = c.Y
// Sort by Y coordinate, breaking ties with X.
// This will bring letters in a single word together.
// Loop over chars.
for i := 0; i < len(chars); {
// Find all chars on line.
j := i + 1
for j < len(chars) && chars[j].Y == chars[i].Y {
var end float64
// Split line into words (really, phrases).
for k := i; k < j; {
ck := &chars[k]
s := ck.S
end = ck.X + ck.W
charSpace := ck.FontSize / 6
wordSpace := ck.FontSize * 2 / 3
l := k + 1
for l < j {
// Grow word.
cl := &chars[l]
if sameFont(cl.Font, ck.Font) && math.Abs(cl.FontSize-ck.FontSize) < 0.1 && cl.X <= end+charSpace {
s += cl.S
end = cl.X + cl.W
// Add space to phrase before next word.
if sameFont(cl.Font, ck.Font) && math.Abs(cl.FontSize-ck.FontSize) < 0.1 && cl.X <= end+wordSpace {
s += " " + cl.S
end = cl.X + cl.W
f := ck.Font
f = strings.TrimSuffix(f, ",Italic")
f = strings.TrimSuffix(f, "-Italic")
words = append(words, pdf.Text{f, ck.FontSize, ck.X, ck.Y, end - ck.X, s})
k = l
i = j
// Split into two columns.
var col1, col2 []pdf.Text
for _, w := range words {
if w.X > 306 {
col2 = append(col2, w)
} else {
col1 = append(col1, w)
return append(col1, col2...)
func sameFont(f1, f2 string) bool {
f1 = strings.TrimSuffix(f1, ",Italic")
f1 = strings.TrimSuffix(f1, "-Italic")
f2 = strings.TrimSuffix(f1, ",Italic")
f2 = strings.TrimSuffix(f1, "-Italic")
return strings.TrimSuffix(f1, ",Italic") == strings.TrimSuffix(f2, ",Italic") || f1 == "Symbol" || f2 == "Symbol" || f1 == "TimesNewRoman" || f2 == "TimesNewRoman"
var jsFix = strings.NewReplacer(
// `\u003c`, `<`,
// `\u003e`, `>`,
// `\u0026`, `&`,
// `\u0009`, `\t`,
func printTable(name string, table []Inst) {
_ = strconv.Atoi