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| title: Blogs |
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| A set of blogs dedicated to Go. |
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| NOTE: Please don't add individual blog entries to this page. Those belong in [articles](Articles) instead. |
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| ## Arabic |
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| * [لغة غو بالعربي](https://argolang.com) - موقع عربي مخصص للغة البرمجة غو |
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| ## English |
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| * [The official Go Blog](https://go.dev/blog) - For in depth posts by the Go team |
| * [Gopher Academy Blog](http://blog.gopheracademy.com/) |
| * [Dave Cheney's Blog](http://dave.cheney.net) |
| * [Dave Cheney's Resources for Go Programmers](http://dave.cheney.net/resources-for-new-go-programmers) |
| * [spf13's Blog](http://spf13.com/post/) |
| * [Mat Ryer's Medium Blog](https://medium.com/@matryer) |
| * [Matt Aimonetti's Blog](http://matt.aimonetti.net/) |
| * [Marcio.io](http://marcio.io/) |
| * [Carlos Becker's Blog](http://carlosbecker.com/) |
| * [Ardan Labs](https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog/) |
| * [The Golang Weekly](http://golangweekly.com/) |
| * [Alex Edward's Go Posts](http://www.alexedwards.net/blog/category/golang) |
| * [GoLang Tutorials](http://golangtutorials.blogspot.com/) |
| * [Mathias Lafeldt's Blog](https://mlafeldt.github.io/) |
| * [Marcelo Magallon's Blog](http://blog.ksub.org/bytes/) |
| * [Mina Andrawos's Go Posts](http://www.minaandrawos.com/category/golang-2/) |
| * [Aliaksandr Pliutau's Blog](http://pliutau.com/) |
| * [Johan Brandhorst's Blog](https://jbrandhorst.com) |
| * [Christoph Berger's Applied Go Blog](https://appliedgo.net) |
| * [Jon Calhoun's Blog](https://www.calhoun.io/) |
| * [Inanc Gumus's Learn Go Programming Blog](https://blog.learngoprogramming.com) |
| * [Elliot Forbes - TutorialEdge.net Go Tutorials](https://tutorialedge.net/course/golang/) |
| * [Timo Savola's Go Posts](http://savo.la/go) |
| * [Packt Hub](https://hub.packtpub.com/) |
| * [GoCenter Community Blog](https://jfrog.com/resource-center/?src=gocenter) - Blogs from GoCenter.io about Go modules and community. |
| * [Golang on the Boot.dev Blog](https://blog.boot.dev/golang/) |
| * [Golang Tutorials ](https://www.w3basic.com/golang/) - Golang Tutorials and Blog |
| * [Go articles at golang.dk](https://www.golang.dk/articles) |
| * [Bitfield Consulting](https://bitfieldconsulting.com/golang) |
| * [Mahmud Ridwan's Go Posts](https://hjr265.me/tags/go/) |
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| ## Bahasa Indonesia |
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| * [Go blog dalam Bahasa Indonesia](https://golang-id.org/blog) |
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| ## Portuguese |
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| * [Eduardo Nunes Pereira](https://medium.com/@eduardonunespereira) |
| * [Gopher Brasil](http://gopher.net.br) |
| * [Bruno Gomes's Blog](https://dev.to/bgskurono) |
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| ## Chinese |
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| * [无忌-Jincheng's Blog](https://jincheng9.github.io/) |
| * [Howtoing运维教程](https://www.howtoing.com) |
| * [虞双齐的博客-Golang](https://yushuangqi.com/tags/golang.html) |
| * [Tony Bai -- 一个程序员的心路历程](http://tonybai.com/) |
| * [Arthur 的博客](http://www.zenlife.tk/index) |
| * [鸟窝](http://colobu.com/) |
| * [飞雪无情的博客](http://www.flysnow.org) |
| * [午夜咖啡](http://jolestar.com/) |
| * [蝈蝈俊的技术心得](http://www.cnblogs.com/ghj1976/) |
| * [FuXiaohei.Me -- 傅小黑的自留地](http://fuxiaohei.me/) |
| * [无闻的小站](https://github.com/Unknwon/wuwen.org) |
| * [astaxie](https://my.oschina.net/astaxie) |
| * [风笑痴](http://lunny.info/) |
| * [ipfans's Blog](https://www.4async.com/) |
| * [Cyeam -- 你不要用战术的勤奋掩盖战略的懒惰。](http://blog.cyeam.com/) |
| * [战魂小筑](http://www.cppblog.com/sunicdavy) |
| * [My Candy](http://mengqi.info/) |
| * [fatedier blog](http://blog.fatedier.com) |
| * [siddontang 的专栏-my thought for program。](http://blog.csdn.net/siddontang) |
| * [domac 博客 life should be func](http://lihaoquan.me) |
| * [七牛云 - 七牛团队博客](http://blog.qiniu.com/) |
| * [博客 - PingCAP](https://pingcap.com/bloglist) |
| * [LittleFeng 的博客 -- Python、Golang、Java、后端技术](https://allenwind.github.io) |
| * [Legendtkl](http://legendtkl.com/) |
| * [行思錄,Travel Coder - Arch, Coding, Life Learning](https://liudanking.com) |
| * [jasper的技术小窝](http://www.opscoder.info) |
| * [三月沙](https://sanyuesha.com/) |
| * [大桥下的蜗牛](https://blog.lab99.org/) |
| * [煎鱼的迷之博客](https://eddycjy.com/posts/) |
| * [Stefno - 博客园](https://www.cnblogs.com/qcrao-2018/) |
| * [No Headback](http://xargin.com/) |
| * [Go 语言基础](https://github.com/weirubo/learn_go) |
| * [chai2010 的博客](https://chai2010.cn/) |
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