blob: a39e8c9c24a159641173fbdd54b82340dfdafb2e [file] [log] [blame] [view]
Here's why: a list of people/organizations tell why they use Go. This is partly redundant with [[GoUsers]]
## Why Go
- [*Half a decade with Go* by blog](
- [**Why Learn Go** by Rob Pike (YouTube)](
- [**Go at Google** by Rob Pike (YouTube)](
- [**Go at Google** by Rob Pike (Article)](
- [**5 things I love** by Andrew Gerrand (dotGo 2014)](
- [** powered by Go** by Brad Fitzpatrick](
- [*Is Google using Go internally?* by](
- [**The State of the Gopher** by Brad Fitzpatrick (dotGo 2014)](
- [*Software I'm excited about* by Brad Fitzpatrick (dotScale 2013)](
- [*I came for the easy concurrency I stayed for the easy composition* by John Graham-Cumming (dotGo 2014)](
- [**Go 1.4+ Garbage Collection (GC) Plan and Roadmap** by Richard L. Hudson](
- [*Five things that make Go fast* by Dave Cheney](
- [*Another go at the Next Big Language* by Dave Cheney](
- [*Rewriting a large production system in Go* by Matt Welsh](
- [*Go is Boring* by Steve Bate](
- [**Gopher Academy Blog**](
- [*Kubernetes + Go = Crazy Delicious* by Joe Beda](
- [*Why InfluxDB is written in Go* by Paul Dix](
- [*How Continuum ended up being written in Go* by Derek Collison](
- [**Building Street Address Autocomplete with Go** by Matt Holt](
- [**GopherConIndia Interview with Gophers**](
- [*Why I went from Python to Go (and not node.js)* by Jordan Orelli](
- [*Farewell Node.js* by TJ Holowaychuk](
- [*Can Go really be that much faster than Python?* on StackOverflow](
- [*Python to Go* by Weng Wei](
- [*Why I Program in Go* by Tahir Hashmi](
- [*DNS Server in Go* by Ask Bjørn Hansen](
- [*Fixing Server bottlenecks with Go and Nginx* by Ismael Celis](
- [*Go and Switft* by Scott Rosenberg](
- [*Features I Like about Go* by Abhi Yerra](
## Who uses Go
- [**Go at Aerospike** by Brian Bulkowski](
- [**Go at Airbrake** by Ben Arent](
- [**Go at Apcera** by Derek Collison](
- [**Go at Axioms.IO** by Dieter Shirley](
- [**Go at BBC**](
- [**Go at Bitly**](
- [**Go at Bowery**](
- [**Go at Canonical (Juju)** by Dave Cheney](
- [**Go at CloudFlare** by John Graham-Cumming](
- [**Go at** by Mark Bakker](
- [**Go at CoreOS** by Kelsey Hightower](
- [**Go at CoreOS**](
- [**Go at Datadog** by Jason Moiron](
- [**Go at DigitalOcean**](
- [**Go at Disqus** by Matt Robenolt #1](
- [**Go at Disqus** by Matt Robenolt #2](
- [**Go at Docker**](
- [**Go at Domainr** by Randy Reddig](
- [**Go at** by Tom Burke](!msg/golang-nuts/Lo7KP3rWP3o/GvNju75FgPIJ)
- [**Go at Dropbox**](
- [**Go at**](
- [**Go at Facebook**](
- [**Go at Flipboard**](
- [**Go at Fullstory** by Ian Rose](
- [**Go at GettyImage** by Dylan Tomas Meissner](
- [**Go at GitHub** by risk danger olson](
- [**Go at GitHub**](
- [**Go at GOV.UK** by nickstenning and James Stewart](
- [**Go at Granify** by Leonid Bugaev](
- [**Go at Heroku**](
- [**Go at**](
- [**Go at Koding** by Devrim Yasar](
- [**Go at MaxCDN** by Bryan Conklin](
- [**Go at Moovweb** by Hampton Catlin](!topic/golang-nuts/MeiTNnGhLg8/discussion)
- [**Go at New York Times** by JP Robinson](
- [**Go at Novartis** by Don Dwoske](
- [**Go at Percona** by Vadim Tkachenko](
- [**Go at PopTip** by Alex Williams](
- [**Go at Runscope** by Frank Stratto](
- [**Go at SendGrid** by Tim Jenkins](
- [**Go at Shopify** by Tobias Lütke](
- [**Go at SoundCloud** by Peter Bourgon](
- [**Go at SourceGraph** by Quinn Slack](
- [**Go at Space Monkey**](
- [**Go at Splice** by Matt Aimonetti #1](
- [**Go at Splice** by Matt Aimonetti #2](
- [**Go at Stack Exchange**](
- [**Go at StatHat** by Patrick Crosby](
- [**Go at Toggl** by Alari Aho](
- [**Go at Torbit** by Tylor Arndt](
- [**Go at VividCortex** by Anna Navatsyk](
- [**Go at Yahoo**](
- [**Go at YouTube (Vitess)** by Sugu Sougoumarane (dotScale 2014 2014)](
- [**Go at YouTube (Vitess)** by Sugu Sougoumarane (FOSDEM 2014)](
- [**Go at YouTube (Vitess)** by Sugu Sougoumarane (I/O Bytes 2014)](
## Benchmarks
- [**Express vs Flask vs Go vs Sparkjava** by Bijan](
- [**Comparing the Performance of Various Web Frameworks** by Abel Avram](
- [TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks](
## Conference & Meetup
- [dotGo](
- [Gophercon](
- [Gophercon India](
- [GothamGo](