| This page contains a list of tools for managing Go packages and their dependencies (vendoring). The tools are divided into categories based on their approach to version management. |
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| To see popularity of these tools, click [here](https://github.com/blindpirate/report-of-build-tools-for-java-and-golang). |
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| ## dep tool |
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| [dep](https://github.com/golang/dep), will be the *official* dependency tool. It is currently being implemented, in pre-alpha state and should be used with caution as "Lots of functionality is knowingly missing or broken". |
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| As of [June 19th, 2015](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-dev/74zjMON9glU/EOKSoaL5p8wJ), the Go toolchain included an experimental vendoring flag, `GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT`. This was part of the Go 1.5 release and represented the Go team's recommended approach to vendoring dependencies. You can read more about how this environment variable worked in the [Go 1.5 documentation](https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Vendor_Directories) and the [original design document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bz5-UB7g2uPBdOx-rw5t9MxJwkfpx90cqG9AFL0JAYo/view). For a more detailed explanation, check out [this post](https://medium.com/@freeformz/go-1-5-s-vendor-experiment-fd3e830f52c3) by [@freeformz](https://twitter.com/freeformz) or [this short explainer](http://engineeredweb.com/blog/2015/go-1.5-vendor-handling/) from Engineered Web. |
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| The Go 1.6 release made this behaviour the default, so you no longer need to have `GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT` set. Go 1.7 made this a standard feature and removed support for the flag. |
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| Tools supporting this feature include: |
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| * [dep](https://github.com/golang/dep) |
| * [manul](https://github.com/kovetskiy/manul) - Vendor packages using git submodules. |
| * [Godep](https://github.com/tools/godep) |
| * [Govendor](https://github.com/kardianos/govendor) |
| * [godm](https://github.com/hectorj/godm) |
| * [vexp](https://github.com/kr/vexp) |
| * [gv](https://github.com/forestgiant/gv) |
| * [gvt](https://github.com/FiloSottile/gvt) - Recursively retrieve and vendor packages. |
| * [govend](https://github.com/govend/govend) - Manage dependencies like `go get` but for `/vendor`. |
| * [Glide](https://github.com/Masterminds/glide) - Manage packages like composer, npm, bundler, or other languages. |
| * [Vendetta](https://github.com/dpw/vendetta) |
| * [trash](https://github.com/rancher/trash) |
| * [gsv](https://github.com/toxeus/gsv) |
| * [gom](https://github.com/mattn/gom) |
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| ## Pkg copy, built using GOPATH modification, supports fetching specific version |
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| Copy packages locally. When building modify the GOPATH or use the GO 1.5 `GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT` to reference the local package store. Not only records specific version, but also fetches specific version. |
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| | **gogradle** |https://github.com/blindpirate/gogradle | |
| |:----------|:-----------------------------| |
| |Title |A Full-featured Build Tool for Golang| |
| |Author |Bo Zhang | |
| |Categories |Project-scoped dependencies, Go version management, Vendoring, Version/Commit locking, Transitive dependency, Automatic build. Support All platforms | |
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| | **trash** |https://github.com/rancher/trash | |
| |:----------|:-----------------------------| |
| |Title |Minimalistic Go vendored code manager| |
| |Author |Ivan Mikushin, Darren Shepherd | |
| |Categories |Vendoring, Version/Commit locking, Pruning unimported code, Using package forks. Does not support Windows. | |
| | | | |
| | **glide** |https://github.com/Masterminds/glide | |
| |Title |Lightweight Vendor Package Manager| |
| |Author |Matt Butcher and Matt Farina | |
| |Categories |Retrieve and manage packages in your `vendor/` directory using the `GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT`. | |
| | | | |
| | **gopm** |https://github.com/gpmgo/gopm | |
| |Title |Package manage and build tool in Go| |
| |Author |Jiahua Chen | |
| |Categories |Revision Locking (git, mercurial, bazaar). Copies into ".vendor/src".| |
| | | | |
| | **gom** |https://github.com/mattn/gom | |
| |Title |Go Manager - bundle for go | |
| |Author |Yasuhiro Matsumoto | |
| |Categories |Vendoring/Bundling. Copies into "_vendor/src" | |
| | | | |
| | **bunch** |https://github.com/dkulchenko/bunch | |
| |Title |npm-like tool for managing Go dependencies| |
| |Author |Daniil Kulchenko | |
| |Categories |Vendoring/Bundling/Revision Locking. Copies into ".vendor". Does NOT fully support windows.| |
| | | | |
| | **goop** |https://github.com/nitrous-io/goop | |
| |Title |A dependency manager for Go (golang), inspired by Bundler.| |
| |Author |Nitrous.IO | |
| |Categories |Vendoring, Revision Locking. Copies into ".vendor/src". Does NOT fully support windows. | |
| | | |
| | **govend** |https://github.com/govend/govend | |
| |Title |A simple tool to vendor Go package dependencies. It's like `go get` for vendoring. | |
| |Author |Jack Spirou | |
| |Categories | Vendor and lock revisions of packages recursively into the "vendor" directory with `go get` commands/flags. Supports Go 1.5+ and Windows. Does not alter `$GOPATH` and works with normal `go` commands/tooling. | |
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| ## Pkg copy, build using GOPATH modification |
| |
| Copy packages locally. When building modify the GOPATH to reference the local package store. |
| |
| | **godep** |https://github.com/tools/godep | |
| |:----------|:-----------------------------| |
| |Title |Helps build packages reproducibly by fixing their dependencies| |
| |Author |Keith Rarick | |
| |Categories |Vendoring, Version Recording. Copies into "Godep/_workspace/src".| |
| | | | |
| | **wgo** |https://github.com/skelterjohn/wgo | |
| |Title |Managed workspaces on top of the go tool| |
| |Author |John Asmuth | |
| |Categories |local GOPATH can be configured.| |
| | | | |
| | **gb** |http://getgb.io/ | |
| |Title |Project-based workspaces and dependency management| |
| |Author |Dave Cheney | |
| |Categories |Project-based workspaces, vendoring, version locking. Manages dependencies in /vendor/src| |
| | | | |
| | **goat** |https://github.com/mediocregopher/goat | |
| |Title |Simple go dependency manager | |
| |Author |Brian Picciano | |
| |Categories |Project-based workspaces and vendoring | |
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| ## Revision Locking |
| |
| Package source control versions are recorded. Versions are updated into the GOPATH package tree. |
| Requires switching GOPATH for every project. |
| |
| | **glock** |https://github.com/robfig/glock | |
| |:-----------|:-----------------------------| |
| |Title |Lock dependencies to specific revisions.| |
| |Author |Rob Figueiredo | |
| |Categories |Revision Locking (git, mercurial, bzr, svn) | |
| | | | |
| | **gobs** |https://bitbucket.org/vegansk/gobs | |
| |Title |Build system and package manager for go language| |
| |Author |Anatoly Galiulin | |
| |Categories |Revision Locking (git). Requires bash, no Windows support. | |
| | | | |
| | **godeps** |https://github.com/rogpeppe/godeps | |
| |Title |Print, fetch and update dependencies with care. In production use by Canonical. The first tool with this name!| |
| |Author |Roger Peppe | |
| |Categories | Revision Locking (git, mercurial, bzr)| |
| | | | |
| | **gopack** |https://github.com/d2fn/gopack | |
| |Title |Dependency management for go inspired by rebar| |
| |Author |Dietrich Featherston | |
| |Categories |Revision Locking (git) | |
| | | | |
| | **gopin** |https://github.com/laher/gopin | |
| |Title |Experimental go-get fork with support for tags and alternative repos| |
| |Author |Go Package Manager | |
| |Categories |Revision Locking (git) | |
| | | | |
| | **gigo** |https://github.com/LyricalSecurity/gigo | |
| |Title |Helps provide go get support for private repositories, pip for golang| |
| |Author |Lyrical Security | |
| |Categories |Vendoring, Revision Locking (git). Does not appear to copy files. | |
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| ## Pkg copy with import path re-write (As of Go 1.5, this is no longer the recommended practice) |
| |
| Vendoring with import path rewriting takes the 3rd party source code that is referenced in your project and makes a copy of that code inside a new folder within the project. It re-writes the import paths so there is a single copy of all packages. GOPATH is not modified at any time. |
| |
| | **party** |https://github.com/mjibson/party | |
| |:----------|:-----------------------------| |
| |Author |Matt Jibson | |
| |Categories |Vendoring, Copies into "_third_party". Does not analyze dependencies first. No inspection.| |
| | | | |
| | **govendor** |https://github.com/kardianos/govendor | |
| |Title |Copy, re-write, and list dependent package status.| |
| |Author |Daniel Theophanes | |
| |Categories |Pkg Copy,Import rewrite, record VCS version. Copies into "internal" or "vendor". | |
| | | | |
| | **vendorize** |https://github.com/kisielk/vendorize | |
| |Author |Kamil Kisiel | |
| |Categories |Vendoring. Copies into "3rdparty". | |
| | | | |
| | **nut** |https://github.com/jingweno/nut | |
| |Author |Jingwen Owen Ou | |
| |Categories |Pkg Copy & Import rewrite. Copies into "vendor". | |
| |
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| ## Vendor Utilities |
| Not full vendor tool, but may still provide value. |
| |
| | **prewrite** |https://github.com/dmitris/prewrite | |
| |:-----------|:-----------------------------| |
| |Author |Dmitry Savintsev | |
| |Categories |Import re-writer, add or remove specified prefix | |
| |
| | **git freeze** |https://github.com/nicerobot/git-freeze | |
| |:-----------|:-----------------------------| |
| |Author |Robert Nix (nicerobot) | |
| |Categories |Easy Go vendoring via git submodule | |
| |
| ## Import Proxies |
| Import Proxies act as a man in the middle between the Go tool and the VCS. It parses the data stream while the repository is being cloned. |
| |
| | **gopkg.in** |https://gopkg.in | |
| |:----------------------|:--------------------------------------------| |
| |Title |Redirect the go tool onto well defined GitHub repositories. Versioning with tags and branches or the repository name.| |
| |Author |Gustavo Niemeyer | |
| |Categories |Import Proxy (GitHub) | |
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| ## Go Version Managers |
| Go Version Managers allow you to have multiple versions of Go installed on your machine. It allows you to switch between those versions. |
| |
| | **goenv** | https://bitbucket.org/ymotongpoo/goenv | |
| |:-----------|:---------------------------------------| |
| | Title | Go environment manager | |
| | Author | Yoshifumi YAMAGUCHI | |
| | Categories | Go Version Manager | |
| |
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| ## Client App Test Packages |
| Here is a list of packages that authors can use to test their tools against. |
| |
| | **beego-mgo** |https://github.com/goinggo/beego-mgo | |
| |:--------------|:-----------------------------------| |
| |Author |Bill Kennedy | |
| |Desc |Sample Application For Using the Beego web framework with MGO| |
| | | | |
| | **revel-mgo** |https://github.com/goinggo/revel-mgo | |
| |Author |Bill Kennedy | |
| |Desc |Sample revel project with mgo support| |
| |
| ## Abandoned Tools |
| * https://github.com/coreos/third_party.go |
| * http://godoc.org/kylelemons.net/go/rx |
| * https://github.com/theplant/pak |
| * https://github.com/msiebuhr/git-version-proxy |
| |
| ## Not Written in Go |
| These tools are recorded for completeness, but it is suggested not to use them as they are platform specific. |
| * https://github.com/rosylilly/gondler |
| * https://github.com/VividCortex/johnny-deps |
| * https://github.com/moovweb/gvm |
| * https://github.com/pote/gpm |
| * https://github.com/brettlangdon/git-vendor |