| Our default decision should always be to not backport, but fixes for **security issues**, **serious problems with no workaround**, and **documentation fixes** are backported to the most recent two release branches, if applicable to that branch. (for example, the most current two release branches are `release-branch.go1.16` and `release-branch.go1.17`, from which new `Go 1.16.x` and `Go 1.17.x` releases are cut) Fixes for experimental ports are generally not backported. |
| |
| A “serious” problem is one that prevents a program from working at all. |
| |
| As soon as an interested party thinks an issue should be considered for backport, they open one or two “child” issues titled like `package: title [1.17 backport]`. The issue should include a link to the original issue and a short rationale about why the backport might be needed. |
| |
| GopherBot is capable of opening the backport issues automatically in response to comments like the following on the main issue. (The keywords are `@gopherbot`, `backport`, `please` and optionally the release. The entire message is quoted in the new issue.) |
| |
| > @gopherbot please consider this for backport to 1.17, it's a regression. |
| |
| > @gopherbot please open the backport tracking issues. This is a severe compiler bug. |
| |
| The fix is developed for the main issue, which is closed when the fix is merged to the master branch. |
| |
| The child issue is assigned to the minor release milestone and labeled **CherryPickCandidate**, and its candidacy is discussed there. Once it is approved it transitions to **CherryPickApproved**. Release managers (a subset of the Go team that handles the release process) and/or code owners approve cherry-picks via an informal process. |
| |
| When the child issue is labeled **CherryPickApproved**, the original author of the change fixing |
| that issue should immediately [create and mail a cherry-pick change](#making-cherry-pick-cls) against the release branch, which will be merged as soon as it is ready, closing the child issue. |
| |
| At release time, any open backport issue which is not release-blocker is pushed to the next minor release milestone, and a minor release is minted with the already merged changes. |
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| ## Making cherry-pick CLs |
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| _Note that only the authors of the original CL (or maintainers with the "impersonate" permission) have the ability to create the cherry-pick._ |
| |
| Once the main fix has been submitted to master, please make a cherry-pick CL to the applicable release branch. |
| |
| You can use the Gerrit UI to make a cherry-pick if there are no merge conflicts: |
| |
|  |
| |
| In the popup enter the branch name (like `release-branch.go1.10`), add the commit message prefix (like `[release-branch.go1.10]`), update the "Fixes" line and do not change any of the other automated lines. |
| |
| To cherry-pick from the command line or to resolve a merge conflict, take note of the final commit hash, then use `git codereview` and `git cherry-pick` to prepare a cherry-pick CL: |
| |
| ``` |
| git checkout release-branch.go1.17 |
| git codereview change cherry-pick-NNNN |
| git cherry-pick $COMMIT_HASH |
| git commit --amend # add message prefix and change Fixes line |
| git codereview mail |
| ``` |
| |
| **The cherry-pick CL must include a message prefix like `[release-branch.go1.10]`, and update the "Fixes" line to the child issue. Do not change or remove the "Change-Id" line nor the other Gerrit lines.** |
| |
| Gerrit is configured to only allow release managers to submit to release branches, but the code review process is otherwise the usual. |
| |
| At this time, it's not possible to make a cherry-pick CL by sending a [[Pull Request|GerritBot]]. Only Gerrit is supported. See [golang.org/issue/30037](https://go.dev/issue/30037). |
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| ### Cherry-pick CLs for vendored golang.org/x packages |
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| The Go standard library includes some generated files whose source of truth is outside the main repository, in golang.org/x repositories. For example, a copy of the `golang.org/x/sys/unix` package is [vendored](https://go.googlesource.com/go/+/go1.16/src/cmd/vendor/modules.txt#45) into the Go tree, and a copy of the `golang.org/x/net/http2` package is [bundled](https://go.googlesource.com/go/+/go1.16/src/net/http/http.go#5). That means a fix to a golang.org/x package that needs to be backported to a Go release will need two corresponding CLs: |
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| 1. In the golang.org/x repository, cherry-pick the fix from the `master` branch to the `internal-branch.go1.x-vendor` branch. |
| |
| The commit message should include "Updates golang/go#nnn" to mention the backport issue. |
| |
| 2. In the main repository on the `release-branch.go1.x` branch, create a CL that pulls in the fix from the golang.org/x internal branch: |
| |
| ``` |
| go get golang.org/x/repo@internal-branch.go1.x-vendor |
| go mod tidy |
| go mod vendor |
| go generate -run=bundle std # If a bundled package needs regeneration. |
| ``` |
| |
| The commit message should include "Fixes #nnn" to close the backport issue. |
| |
| (As of Go 1.16, the golang.org/x branch name is always `internal-branch.go1.x-vendor`. In Go 1.15, the name of the golang.org/x branch is `release-branch.go1.x` or `release-branch.go1.x-bundle` in [special cases](https://go.dev/cl/305489).) |