| # Feedback re Go 2 Error Handling Draft Design |
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| This page is meant to collect and organize feedback about the Go 2 [error handling draft design](https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/go2draft-error-handling-overview.md). |
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| Please post feedback on your blog, Medium, GitHub Gists, mailing lists, Google Docs, etc. And then please link it here. |
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| Please help categorize the rest of the uncategorized proposals at the bottom. |
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| # Requirements |
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| Discussions of the requirements for a new error handling method. |
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| - Warren Stephens, "[Go 2 `handle` should provide line number, source filename, version](https://github.com/warrenstephens/Go2ErrorHandlingFeedback)", December 2018 |
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| - Liam Breck, “[Requirements to Consider for Go 2 Error Handling](https://gist.github.com/networkimprov/961c9caa2631ad3b95413f7d44a2c98a)”, September 2018 |
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| - jimmyfrasche, "[Don't special case error or nil](https://gist.github.com/jimmyfrasche/f2cd6aff16db5e46c577da44ec0cfa72)", September 2018 |
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| - Matt Dee "[Error Handling Should Support Custom Error Types](https://gist.github.com/mattdee123/a04f95ef5639489668cafd9c3b675a8c)", August 2018 |
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| - Ian Lance Taylor, “[Incomplete list of criteria](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21161#issuecomment-389380686)” from GitHub proposal discussion, May 2018 |
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| - Rob Pike (posted by @matjam) “[Simplicity is Complicated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFejpH_tAHM)”, December 2015 |
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| # In support |
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| This includes supporting the existing chaining/stacking of handlers without changes. |
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| - Tokyo Gophers, "[In support comments from Go 2 feedback event](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yTDMP0E9hlJyLnKyr-6XL84RogiiwDnk0fMg9HDOKkc/edit#heading=h.f7ryl4573bu9)", October 2018 |
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| - Adam Bouhenguel "[In support of more declarative error handling](https://gist.github.com/ajbouh/716f8daba40199fe4d4d702704f3dfcc)", August 2018 |
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| - Daniel Theophanes, "[Go 2 Design: Error Handling Net Win](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSq487dLylRHjgtKV42EbTKHW1aHZaaso3MZ4HOG1OS-s8suOnR9WZz6ahzH4Kufs2vwKKDMhoj1_I6/pub)", August 2018 |
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| ## Example code |
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| Code changed to use the existing proposal. |
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| - Mateusz Czapliński, "[Converting a fragment of real code with error handling to Go 2 'design draft'](https://gist.github.com/akavel/62d90bdc43088574c638eb3b16301a92)", August 2018 |
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| - Blake Mizerany, “[How best to account for partial writes when using check/handle?](https://gist.github.com/bmizerany/fcd0348bda96edce05a4fc7426e47751)”, August 2018 |
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| # Against |
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| Critiques without counter-proposals |
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| - Anonymous, “[Go 2 Error Handling Non-Proposal](https://groups.google.com/d/topic/golang-nuts/1McP4_-oOpo/discussion)”, October 2018 |
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| - Stripe developers, “[Feedback on Go 2 draft designs](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/3A_MpcNKg7k/DWiHBLArCAAJ)”, October 2018 |
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| - Tokyo Gophers, "[Against comments from Go 2 feedback event](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yTDMP0E9hlJyLnKyr-6XL84RogiiwDnk0fMg9HDOKkc/edit#heading=h.fy8rnze9tll5)", Oct 2018 |
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| - Liam Breck, “[Golang, How dare you handle my checks!](https://medium.com/@mnmnotmail/golang-how-dare-you-handle-my-checks-d5485f991289)”, September 2018 |
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| - Nate Finch, "[Handle and Check, Let's Not](https://npf.io/2018/09/check-and-handle/)", September 2018 |
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| - Jozef Slezak, "[Use semicolons instead of new keywords: check+handle](https://gist.github.com/jozef-slezak/93a7d9d3d18d3fce3f8c3990c031f8d0)", September 2018 |
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| - Shannon Wynter "[Error Handling as it can already be done](https://gist.github.com/freman/0b372e46c72f6a27652538b9930ee851)", August 2018 |
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| # Modest revisions |
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| - Rockmen, "[Add handle and ? as syntax sugar maybe](https://github.com/rockmenjack/go-2-proposals/blob/master/error_handling.md)", December 2018 |
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| - Steve Manuel, "[Go 2 `handle` statement to optionally use a type switch](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/28344)", October 2018 |
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| - Zlatko Bratkovic, "[In support with tiny change](https://gist.github.com/oktalz/f04f36a3c2f61af22c7a6e06095d18eb)", October 2018 |
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| - DeedleFake, "[Possible Solution to `check` Awkwardness with Chained Method Calls](https://gist.github.com/DeedleFake/5e8e9e39203dff4839793981f79123aa)", September 2018 |
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| - Yesuu Zhang, "[Pass the check and handle parameters, custom handle](https://github.com/yesuu/go-proposal/blob/master/go2errorhanding.md)", September 2018 |
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| - Viktor Kojouharov, "[Reducing the special casing around the new error design draft](https://gist.github.com/urandom/6519990ef9eb7547e888a5f2da7f1a93)", September 2018 |
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| - Aleksei Pavliukov, “[Use a function as a handle parameter](https://github.com/a5i/go-proposal/blob/master/use%20a%20function%20as%20a%20handle%20parameter.md)”, September 2018 |
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| - Savino Pio Liguori, "[Feedback for Go2 error handling design](https://gist.github.com/8lall0/cb43e1fa4aae42bc709b138bda02284e)", August 2018 |
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| - Jeffrey Koehler, "[In support of Handle Chaining; On Check](https://gist.github.com/deef0000dragon1/eb224ce4918d4ec3bdbaedf83a32aeb1)", August 2018 |
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| - Garrus, "[Another style of syntactic sugar on error handling](https://gist.github.com/garrus/5b1f73a7640726c92273700eabed9056)", August 2018 |
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| - Paul Borman, "[Arguments against the Go 2 error handling proposal](https://gist.github.com/pborman/c69e79690d86dfc5c371f096be22930c)", August 2018 |
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| ## Remove handler chaining |
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| - Alessandro Arzilli, “[Against check as an operator and handler chains](https://gist.github.com/aarzilli/1a85db632edecc8159505e2c785882ed)”, August 2018 |
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| - Simon Howard, “[Go 2 errors response: One Handler Per Function](https://gist.github.com/fragglet/df6c5471771d87b2ad597d2efc57cb3e)”, August 2018 |
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| - Eli Bendersky, "[Thoughts on the Go 2 Error Handling proposal](https://gist.github.com/eliben/d0c872054864bfc1110ec761c3c53c47)", September 2018 |
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| - Yoshiki Shibukawa, "[Every handles should have return statement](https://gist.github.com/shibukawa/42a9dee400c2f8577b4a763bcb1a5e5f)", September 2018 |
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| # Counter-proposals |
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| ## Error handling with normal functions |
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| - Andrew Phillips, “[Use closures rather than handlers](http://devmethodologies.blogspot.com/2018/10/go-error-handling-using-closures.html)”, October 2018 |
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| - Taihei Morikuni, "[Use functions as an error handler, Add syntactic sugar to remove duplicated if statement](https://gist.github.com/morikuni/bbe4b2b0384507b42e6a79d4eca5fc61)", September 2018 |
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| - Scott Pakin, "[Go 2 error handling based on non-local returns](https://gist.github.com/spakin/86ea86ca48aefc78b672636914f4fc23)", September 2018 |
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| - Greg Weber "[Error handling with functions and an error return?](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/27567)", September 2018. Originally linked [gist](https://gist.github.com/gregwebs/02479eeef8082cd199d9e6461cd1dab3). |
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| - Gigi Sayfan, “[Go 2 error handling feedback + alternative solution](https://gist.github.com/the-gigi/3c1acfc521d7991309eec140f40ccc2b)", September 2018 |
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| - Ruan Kunliang, "[Simple Error Handling for Go 2](https://gist.github.com/PeterRK/4f59579c1162cdbc28086f6b5f7b4fa2)", August 2018 |
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| - Martin Rode, "[The return of the return, Error Handling for Go 2](https://medium.com/@marode/the-return-of-the-return-278b8ae261ab)", November 2018 |
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| ## Labeled error handlers |
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| - Danijel Premus, "[Use existing go labels](https://gist.github.com/dpremus/3b141157e7e47418ca6ccb1fc0210fc7)", December 2018 |
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| - Burak Serdar, "[Handler for err declares both err and errHandler, less intrusive labeled error handling](https://gist.github.com/bserdar/4c728f85ca30de25a433e84ad5a065a1)", October 2018 |
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| - John Forstmeier, "[Labeled error handling](https://gist.github.com/forstmeier/b6c6a6d2f6f2f72a81a076322959c959)", September 2018 |
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| - Mikaël Cluseau, "[Multiple handlers, unambiguous on which return value is used](https://gist.github.com/mcluseau/1c20c3973fa3acb544d0505637be8d67)", September 2018 |
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| - Kiura Magomadov, “[Addition to Go2 draft error handling](https://gist.github.com/Kiura/4826db047e22b7720d378ac9ac642027)", September 2018 |
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| - Liam Breck, “[The `#id/catch` Error Model](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/27519)”, September 2018 |
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| - Marlon Che, "[How about separating check and handle?](https://gist.github.com/marlonche/4e5d4e5aec0555958ec1f181991325f6)", August 2018 |
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| ## Inlining |
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| - Patrick Kelly, "[handling more than just errors in go](https://medium.com/@phlatphrog/handling-more-than-just-errors-in-go-f97c5aa2eac4)", August 2018 |
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| - Vlad Didenko, “[Error Handling with `grab | name()`](https://didenko.github.io/grab/grab_worth_it_0.1.1.html)”, November 2017 |
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| - Gooid, “[Inline style error handle(simple unambiguous)](https://github.com/gooid/gonotes/blob/master/inline_style_error_handle.md)”, August 2018 |
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| ## Use defer |
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| - Victoria Raymond, “[Force 'check' to return error instead of allowing customized logic](https://gist.github.com/VictoriaRaymond/d70663a6ec6cdc59816b8806dccf7826)”, August 2018 |
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| - Night-walker and daokoder, "[Extend and repurpose defer instead of introducing new syntax](https://github.com/daokoder/dao/issues/191#issuecomment-44784919 )", June 2014 |
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| ## try/catch/finally syntax |
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| - Rust RFC, “[Trait-Based Exception Handling (wherein `catch` is akin to `try`)](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0243-trait-based-exception-handling.md)”, February 2016 |
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| - ZhiFeng Hu, "[[Go2ErrorHandling] Go should support Exception handler](https://www.netroby.com/view/3910)", August 2018 |
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| - Jan Semmelink, “[if-else-undo-done](https://gist.github.com/jansemmelink/235228a0fb56d0eeba8085ab5f8178f3)”, August 2018 |
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| - Vladimir Utoplov, "[Handling throws/throw idiom](https://gist.github.com/trashgenerator/d58e05522d2f83709e1a601564b68fee)", September 2018 |
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| - Gokan EKINCI, "[try-with-resources](https://gist.github.com/eau-de-la-seine/9e2e74d6369aef4a76aa50976e34de6d)", December 2018 |
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| ## Other possibilities |
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| - Plamen Stoev, "[Go 2 block-level checks](https://gist.github.com/coquebg/afe44e410f883a313dc849da3e1ff34c)", November 2018 |
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| - Peter Goetz, "[Formalize and Enforce Error Handling](https://medium.com/@peter.gtz/thinking-about-new-ways-of-error-handling-in-go-2-e56d116952f1)", September 2017 |
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| - Fedir RYKHTIK, "[Go 2 error handling with exclamation mark](https://gist.github.com/fedir/50158bc351b43378b829948290102470)", September 2018 |
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| - Einthusan Vigneswaran, “[Error Aware Keywords - return, defer, if, != and forcing the error object to be the last argument](https://gist.github.com/einthusan/24e18f6359a31b3537815284cde0f6de)”, September 2018 |
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| - Andrew Phillips, “[Improving Go Error Handling](http://devmethodologies.blogspot.com/2017/10/improving-go-error-handling.html)”, October 2017 |
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| # Uncategorized |
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| Please help categorize the rest of the proposals here. |
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| - DeedleFake, "[Feedback for Go 2 Design Drafts](https://deedlefake.com/2018/08/feedback-for-go-2-design-drafts/)", August 2018 |
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| - Loki Verloren, “[Go 2 error handling feedback and my thoughts on how to improve programmer's efficiency and experience](https://gist.github.com/l0k1verloren/8aec03b8c48fdb5d3dab3a77153ce162)”, September 2018 |
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| - Gima, "[Procedural code, separate error handling](https://gitlab.com/snippets/1726097)", June 2018 |
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| ## Adding your feedback |
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| Please format all entries as below. |
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| - _Your Name_, “[_Title_](#URL)”, _month year_ |
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| To make it easier to see new feedback, please add your new proposal to the top of the section it is placed in. |