| ## Builders |
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| Build configs (at the top) and host configs (bottom) are listed here: |
| |
| https://farmer.golang.org/builders |
| |
| A builder runs on a certain host type. (e.g. `linux-386-387` is a build type. It runs on `host-linux-kubestd`, a Kubernetes-based linux/amd64 host) |
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| They come from the file https://github.com/golang/build/blob/master/dashboard/builders.go |
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| For design details about the coordinator, see https://golang.org/s/builderplan |
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| # How to set up a builder |
| 1. talk to golang-dev@ to get a builder host type & hash (they can get one from e.g. https://build-dot-golang-org.appspot.com/key?builder=host-foo-bar), and put that in ` ~/.gobuildkey` or `~/.gobuildkey-host-foo-bar` or the file pointed to by env var `$GO_BUILD_KEY_PATH`. |
| 1. `go get -u golang.org/x/build/cmd/buildlet` |
| 1. Run the buildlet in a loop or under systemd: `while true; do buildlet -coordinator=farmer.golang.org -reverse-type=host-foo-bar -reboot=false; done` |
| 1. Verify you can see the host registered at https://farmer.golang.org/#pools in the "Reverse pool machine detail" section and "Reverse pool summary". |
| 1. Add a builder type to https://github.com/golang/build/blob/master/dashboard/builders.go (see the `addBuilder` lines). Run tests. Send the CL. |
| 1. Have golang-dev deploy it. |
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| ## Old-style builders |
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| Older-style builders are listed below. These builders are configured and run manually. The bug https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21191 tracks migrating the remaining ones over to the new system. |
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| | **title** | **description** | **owner** | **notes** | |
| |:----------|:----------------|:----------|:----------| |
| | nacl-arm-cheney | Raspberry Pi 3 | @davecheney | | |
| | openbsd-arm | SolidRun CuBox-i4Pro, ARM Cortex A9 R2 792 MHz, 2GB RAM | @4a6f656c - Joel Sing | | |
| | plan9-arm | Raspberry Pi 3 Model B | @0intro - David du Colombier | Plan 9 from Bell Labs | |
| | plan9-amd64-9front | VM | @0intro - David du Colombier | 9front | |
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| # Builder Requirements |
| * internet connection (at least be able to access Google and https://build.golang.org) |
| * preferably with two or more (V)CPUs, as at least one test (` sync/atomic ` requires ` runtime.NumCPU() > 1 ` to test more completely) |
| * at least 512MiB of memory (1GB or more highly recommended. 512MB might need a small `GOGC` setting to avoid thrashing.) |
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| # Restrictions |
| * The combination of Ubuntu 11.10 or 12.04 OMAP4 kernel and pandaboard (ES) have proven unstable as builders. See [issue 4305](https://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=4305). Make sure you have updated to the latest available 12.04.2 release. |
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