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Is your area not listed below? Check out [this list]( of people from around the world that are interested in Go meetups.
# Africa
* [Go Egypt]( - Cairo, Egypt.
* [Go Cape Town]( - Cape Town.
* [golang-dakar]( Dakar (Sénégal)
* [angolang]( Luanda, Angola
# Asia
* [Golang China]( - China.
* [Golang JP]( - Japan.
* [GDG Korea Golang]( - Korea.
* [Golang Vietnam]( - [github]( - Vietnam 🇻🇳
* [Golang Taiwan]( - Taiwan.
* [Golang India]( - Bangalore, India.
* [Golang Pune]( - Pune, India.
* [Golang Israel]( - Israel.
* [Singapore Gophers]( - Singapore.
* [GoJakarta]( - Jakarta, Indonesia.
# Europe
* [Amsterdam, NL](
* [Belarus]( - Belarus.
* [Cambridge Gophers]( - Cambridge, UK
* [GDG Berlin Golang]( - Berlin, Germany.
* [Go-User-Group-Hamburg]( - Hamburg, Germany.
* [Go Lithuania User Group]( - Lithuania, Kaunas.
* [Go London User Group]( - London, UK.
* [ManGo The Manchester Go User Group]( - Manchester, UK.
* [Go Wales User Group]( - Wales, UK.
* [Golang Москва]( - Moscow, Russia.
* [Golang Питер]( - Saint Petersburg, Russia.
* [Munich Gophers]( - Munich, Germany
* [Golang Paris]( - Paris, France.
* [Golang Rennes]( - Rennes, France.
* [golang-pl](!forum/golang-pl) - Poland.
* [Gophers Katowice]( - Katowice, Poland.
* [Golang Warsaw]( - Warsaw, Poland.
* [G.L.U.G. Wroclaw]( - Wroclaw, Poland
* [Go-Stockholm]( - Stockholm, Sweden.
* [GolangIT]( - Italy.
* [Go-Turkey]( - Turkey.
* [Go Graz]( - Graz, Austria
* [Meetup Lausanne]( - Lausanne, Switzerland
* [Meetup Zurich]( - Zurich, Switzerland
* [Meetup Frankfurt]( - Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* [Go-ningen]( - Groningen, The Netherlands
* [Golang Ljubljana]( - Ljubljana, Slovenia
* [Go Euregio]( - Maastricht, Netherlands; Liège/Hasselt, Belgium; Aachen, Germany
* [Ukrainian Golang User Group]( - Kyiv, Ukraine
* [L'viv Golang Group]( - L'viv, Ukraine
* [Go SXB, Go!]( - Strasbourg, France
* [Hannover Gophers Meetup]( - Hannover, Germany
* [Golang Nürnberg] - Nürnberg, Germany
# North America
## Canada
* [Edmonton Go Meetup]( - Edmonton AB, Canada.
* [vangophers]( - Vancouver BC, Canada.
* [Go Vancouver]( - Vancouver BC, Canada.
* [GolangVan meetup]( - Vancouver BC, Canada.
* [GolangVan]( - Vancouver BC, Canada.
* [GoTO]( - Toronto ON, Canada.
* [Ottawa Go]( - Ottawa ON, Canada.
## Mexico
* [golangmx]( - Mexico City, Mexico.
* [Golang Monterrey]( - Monterrey, Mexico
## United States
* [Los-Angeles-Gophers]( - Los Angeles CA, USA.
* [Golang Mountain View]( - Mountain View CA, USA.
* [OC Gophers]( - Orange County CA, USA.
* [SDGophers]( — San Diego CA, USA
* [GoSF]( - San Francisco CA, USA.
* [GoSV]( - San Mateo CA, USA.
* [Denver Go Language User Group]( - Denver CO, USA.
* [Go-Miami]( - Miami FL, USA.
* [Go-Users-Group-Atlanta]( - Atlanta GA, USA.
* [chicagolang]( - Chicago IL, USA.
* [Louisville Golang]( - Louisville KY, USA.
* [Go Boston]( - Boston MA, USA.
* [GoMN]( - Minneapolis MN, USA.
* [NYC Go Developers Meetup]( - New York NY, USA.
* [New York Go Language Meetup]( - New York NY, USA.
* [GoPDX]( - Portland OR, USA.
* [GoLangPhilly]( - Philadelphia PA, USA.
* [GoLancaster]( - Lancaster PA, USA.
* [ATX-Golang]( - Austin TX, USA.
* [GoDFW]( - Dallas TX, USA.
* [Golang Houston]( - Houston TX, USA.
* [Utah Gophers]( - Salt Lake City UT, USA.
* [Golang-DC]( - Arglinton VA, USA.
* [Seattle Go Programmers]( - Seattle WA, USA.
* [Triangle Golang]( - Raleigh NC, USA.
* [Las Vegas Go Meetup]( - Las Vegas NV, USA.
# Oceania
* [Canberra Gophers]( - Canberra, Australia.
* [golang-sydney]( - Sydney, Australia.
* [golang-nz]( - New Zealand.
* [Melbourne-Go-Nuts]( - Melbourne, Australia.
* [Brisbane Gophers]( - Brisbane, Australia.
# South America
* [Golang Brasil]( - Brazil.
* [Golang Argentina]( - Argentina.
* [Golang Medellín]( - Colombia.
* [Golang Chile]( - Chile.
* [Golang Panamá]( - Panamá.
* [Golang Lima]( - Perú