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Please keep all entries in reverse chronological order (most recent first)
Table of Contents
* [Indexes](#article-indexes)
* [General](#general)
* [Concurrency / Channels](#concurrency--channels)
* [Containers & Docker](#containers--docker)
* [Cross Platform Development](#cross-platform-development)
* [Error Handling](#error-handling)
* [Interfaces / OOP](#interfaces--oop)
* [Mobile Applications](#mobile-applications)
* [Performance and Profiling](#performance-and-profiling)
* [Pointers/References/Memory](#pointers-references-and-memory-management)
* [Reflection](#reflection)
* [Security](#security)
* [Testing](#testing)
* [Web & API Development](#web--api-development)
* [Misc](#misc)
* [Chinese](#chinese)
* [Czech](#czech)
* [German](#german)
* [Japanese](#japanese)
* [Korean](#korean)
## Article Indexes
* [Collection of #golang posts on Medium]( _latest_
* [Go articles from Dr. Dobbs]( _latest_
* [Slideshare Collection of #golang presentations](**&sort=) _latest_
* [Short Go tutorials on SocketLoop]( _latest_
## General
* [Go Defer Simplified with Practical Visuals]( _2017-11-23_
* [The Zoo of Go Funcs]( _2017-11-09_
* [Ultimate Guide to Go Variadic Functions]( _2017-11-02_
* [Go Funcs-Baby Gopher's Visual Guide]( _2017-10-27_
* [Ultimate Visual Guide to Go Enums]( _2017-10-19_
* [Learn Go Constants]( _2017-10-10_
* [Learn Go Variables]( _2017-10-04_
* [Introduction to Go Packages]( _2017-09-26_
* [About Go Language — An Overview]( _2017-09-20_
* [Debugging code generation in Go]( _2016-10-15_
* [Go tooling essentials]( _2016-09-25_
* [Go from PHP engineer's perspective]( _2016-02-25_
* [Go Proverbs, Illustrated]( _2015-12-04_
* [A whirlwind tour of Gos runtime environment variables]( _2015-11-29_
* [Idiomatic Doc Comments: Document your function, not your function signature]( _2015-10_14_
* [Best Practices for a new Go Developer]( _2015-09-01_
* [Golang Refactoring Tools]( _2015-08-30_
* [Working with Files in Go]( _2015-08-23_
* [Defer Fun]( _2015-07-25_
* [Things I learned teaching Go - Francesc Campoy]( _2014-11-24_
* [Understanding Go Packages]( _2014-11-01_
* [Structuring Applications in Go]( _2014-06-06_
* [Functional Options for Friendly APIs]( _2014-10-17_
* [Go Programming for Beginners]( _2014-10-01_
* [Switching from Python to Go]( _2014-04-21_
* [Google Go: The Good, the Bad, and the Meh]( _2013-02-10_
* [What I Love About Go]( _2013-01-25_
* [Why I program in Go]( _2013-01-05_
* [Go: A New Language for a New Year]( _2012-01-06_
* [Why you PHP guys should learn Golang]( _2012-08-10_
* [Why I went from Python to Go (and not node.js)]( _2012-09-14_
## Concurrency / Channels
* [Using contexts to avoid leaking goroutines]( _2016-10-25_
* [Concurrency in Go]( _2015-12-06_
* [Very basic concurrency for beginners in Go]( _2015-11-18_
* [Exploting Powerful Cloud Services with Go]( _2015-10-11_
* [3 Trivial Concurrency Exercises for the Confused Newbie Gopher]( _2015-10-05_
* [Golang lock-free values with atomic.Value]( _2015-08-21_
* [Golang Pearl: Thread-safe writes and double checked locking in Go]( _2015-07-21_
* [Building a Telnet Server in Go]( _2015-08-28_
* [Fundamentals of concurrent programming]( _2013-01-27_
* [Golang: Funny Play with Channel]( _2012-05-25_
* [Unlimited Buffering with Low Overhead]( _2010-02-10_
* [Concurrent Idioms #1: Broadcasting values in Go with linked channels]( _2009-12-01_
## Containers & Docker
* [Deploying a Go app to a minimal Docker container]( _2015-10-01_
* [Fetching a remote configuration using Docker and Consul]( _2015-09-30_
* [Joining the Docker Ship and Go]( _2015-07-01_
* [Building Minimal Docker Images for Go]( _2015-04-23_
## Cross-Platform Development
* [Releasing cross-platform Go binaries using Goxc and BinTray in 5 minutes]( _2015-11-29_
* [Calling Go from Swift]( _2015-10-3_
* [On Go, portability, and system interfaces]( _2015-09-22_
* [Go cross compilation]( _2015-09-8_
## Error Handling
* [Returning Errors]( _2015-10-10_
* [Inspecting Errors]( _2014-12-24_
## Interfaces / OOP
* [Generics in Golang with Code Generation]( _2015-10-18_
* [Composition with Go]( _2015-09-13_
* [Sorting Inventory Items in Go - the sort.Interface]( _2015-09-06_
* [Loose Coupling in Go Lang]( _2015-02-06_
* [Interface Types in Go]( _2014-10-18_
* [How to use interfaces in Go]( _2012-10-01_
* [Go Object Oriented Design]( _2013-01-14_
* [It is ridiculously easy to refactor Go]( _2013-01-27_
* [Functional Iteration in Go]( _2013-12-13_
* [Interfaces in Go - Russ Cox]( _2009-12-01_
## Mobile Applications
Start by reading the [overview of mobile development](Mobile) documentation first.
* [Go Mobile: Next generation of mobile apps]( _2015-09-18_
* [iOS Apps with Go - Video by Josh Deprez]( _2015-09-17_
* [5 Part Series - Mobile Go](
## Performance and Profiling
* [Mutex profile]( _2016-12-19_
* [How to Optimize Garbage Collection in Go]( _2015-11-23_
* [Golang Escape Analysis]( _2015-10-18_
* [A Pattern for Optimizing Go]( _2015-09-24_
* [Golang Performance Tips]( _2015-09-20_
* [Answering your own (performance) questions in Go]( _2015-09-15_
* [Concise Guide to profiling go programs]( _2014-08-09_
* [Go Performance Observations]( _2014-08-07_
* [Debugging performance issues in Go programs - Intel]( _2014-05-10_
* [How to write benchmarks in Go]( _2013-06-30_
* [Profiling Go Programs - Go blog]( _2011-06-24_
## Pointers, References and Memory Management
* [Equality and Type Aliases]( _2015-09-02_
* [Pointers vs References]( _2014-06-01_
* [Recycling Memory Buffers in Go]( _2013-08-24_
* [Learning Go Types]( _2012-01-27_
## Reflection
* [Go Reflection Index]( by Jimmy Frasche
## Security
* [Mutual TLS authentication in Go]( _2015-11-21_
* [Whispered Secrets - The case for building software with privacy as a primary concern]( _2015-09-19_
## Testing
* [Getting Started with BDD in Go Using Ginkgo]( _2016-07-12_
* [Integration testing in Go using Docker]( _2015-12-07_
* [Debugging Go Programs with Delve]( _2015-12-03_
* [Upgrade Your Appengine Tests with Testify]( _2015_11_21_
## Web & API Development
Start by reading the [overview of server programming](LearnServerProgramming) documentation first.
* [HTTP/2 Server Push]( _2016-12-10_
* [Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery in Go]( _2015-12-14_
* [goa: Untangling Microservices]( _2015-12-07_
* [A Weekend with Go, Beego and React]( _2015-11-03_
* [HTTP Session Handling on Heroku]( _2015-09-09_
* [Go Resiliency Patterns]( _2015-09-01_
* [http.Handler and Error Handling in Go]( _2015-07-02_
* [Deploy a golang photo archive tool to the cloud on IBM BlueMix]( _2015-06-05_
* [A Journey into Microservices - Part 1](, [Part 2](, [Part 3]( _2015-03_09_
* [Making a RESTful JSON API in Go]( _2015-01-01_
* [Building a Web Server in Go]( _2014-09-01_
* [Painless Web Handlers in Go]( _2012-08-07_
* [Implementing Chat with WebSockets]( _2012-03-22_
## Misc
* [Go-powered Open Source IoT Integration Framework "Flogo"]( _2016-11-07_
* [Build Slack Slash Commands with Go]( _2015-09-15_
* [String Matching by Damian Gryski]( _2014-12-05_
* [State machines in Go (#golang)]( _2013-02-10_
* [Go & Assembly]( _2013-02-05_
* [Function Types in Go (golang)]( _2013-02-05_
* [Optimizing Real World Go]( _2013-01-05_
* [Methods as Objects in Go]( _2012-12-26_
* [Applying The Clean Architecture to Go applications]( _2012-09-08_
* [An introduction to cross compilation with Go]( _2012-09-08_
* [Function Call by Name in Golang]( _2012-07-05_
* [Using the Go Regexp Package]( _2012-07-05_
* [Zero Downtime upgrades of TCP servers in Go]( _2012-05-29_
* [Go Reflection Codex](
* [Go JSON Marshalling and Unmarshalling cheatsheet]( _2015-09-30_
## Chinese
* [How to write Go code](
* [Test Go module](
* [Build web application with golang](
* [Go语言评估报告](
* [Why you PHP guys should learn Golang](
* [Function Call by Name in Golang](
* [Golang: Funny Play with Channel](
* [Using MyMySQL - A interface of database/sql](
* [Go did What on the Stack?](
* [Gobs on the wire (Translation)](
* [Go Environment Setup (Translation)](
* [Error Handling and Go (Translation)](
* [The Go Tool (Translation)](
* [Less is exponentially more (Translation)](
* [Zero Downtime upgrades of TCP servers in Go (Translation)](
## Czech
* [Google Go - 1st birthday](
* [Google Go - what we find in the kit](
* [Google Go - advanced topics](
* [Google Go by examples I.](
* [Google Go by examples II.](
* [Error handling in Go](
* [Google Go - The Laws of Reflection](
* [Google Go - 2nd birthday](
## German
* [Go Cheat Sheet - Kurzreferenz für GoLang]( _2011-02-25_
* [Programmiersprachen im Multicore Zeitalter - Google GO und Nebenläugkeit]( ` [PDF] ` _2012-02-02_
* [A list of German press articles about Go](
## Japanese
* [WindowsGo言語のまとめ](
* [Go言語で jQuery ライクな操作が出来る goquery を試した。](
* [Go言語向けの ORMgorp がなかなか良い](
* [GAE/GGoogle Cloud Storageを利用するには(1)](
* [Go言語のWebフレームワーク"goweb"GAE/Gで動かす](
* [Ubuntu 12.04golangを”ソースから”インストールする。](
* [GAE/Gで時間のチェック(Datastore編)](
## Korean
* [The Go Programming Language](
* [You can read Go code](
* [Go channel tutorial](
* [Go character encoding](
* [Using Google API in Go](
* [Go Git 들여다보기](
* [Go: 90% 완벽?!, 100% of the time 슬라이드 번역 ](
* [Go 동시성 패턴 advanced 영상 번역](
* [Go + Revel + Gorp 간단 게시판 만들기](
* [Go + Revel + Gorm 으로 만드는 블로그](