| A set of blogs dedicated to Go. |
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| NOTE: Please don't add individual blog entries to this page. Those belong in [articles](Articles) instead. |
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| ## English |
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| * [The official Go Blog](https://blog.golang.org) - For in depth posts by the Go team |
| * [Gopher Academy Blog](http://blog.gopheracademy.com/) |
| * [Dave Cheney's Blog](http://dave.cheney.net) |
| * [Dave Cheney's Resources for Go Programmers](http://dave.cheney.net/resources-for-new-go-programmers) |
| * [spf13's Go Blog](http://spf13.com/post/) |
| * [Katrina Owen's Blog](http://whipperstacker.com/) |
| * [Mat Ryer's Medium Blog](https://medium.com/@matryer) |
| * [Matt Aimonetti's Blog](http://matt.aimonetti.net/) |
| * [Marcio.io](http://marcio.io/) |
| * [Carlos Becker's Blog](http://carlosbecker.com/) |
| * [Ardan Studios Going Go](http://www.goinggo.net/) |
| * [The Golang Weekly](http://golangweekly.com/) |
| * [Alex Edward's Golang Posts](http://www.alexedwards.net/blog/category/golang) |
| * [GoLang Tutorials](http://golangtutorials.blogspot.com/) |
| * [Mathias Lafeldt's Blog](https://mlafeldt.github.io/) |
| * [Marcelo Magallon's Blog](http://blog.ksub.org/bytes/) |
| * [Mina Andrawos's Golang Posts](http://www.minaandrawos.com/category/golang-2/) |
| * [Aliaksandr Pliutau's Golang Blog](http://pliutau.com/) |
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| ## Portuguese |
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| * [Eduardo Nunes Pereira](https://medium.com/@eduardonunespereira) |
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| ## Spanish |
| * [Golang Argentina](https://golang.com.ar) |