| ### What's happening? |
| To celebrate the release of Go 1.8 we're to organising a world wide release party on February the 16th, 2017. |
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| #### Hang on, did you say Go 1.8 ships on the 16th of February? |
| Nope! Go 1.8 is in good shape to ship in early February, but no firm release date has been published; it might be as early as the 1st of Feb, or it might not. |
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| ### Sounds awesome, how can you get involved? |
| - If you host a Go user group or meetup, schedule a meetup on the 16th of Feb, or as close to it as convenient, and celebrate with Gophers around the world. |
| - If you're a member of a Go user group or meetup, pester your organiser and let them know you'd like to participate. |
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| After the event post a photo, make a video, write a blog post, scribble on your Facebook wall, or tweet something pithy. Let's see how big we can make the celebration. |
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| Spread the word using hashtag [#GoReleaseParty](https://twitter.com/hashtag/goreleaseparty) |
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| Don't forget to add your meetup's details :point_down: right here. |
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| #### Who's involved? |
| Here is a list of the groups who are participating. |
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| - Bengaluru, India - Feb 16th 7.00pm at [Gojek] (https://twitter.com/GojekTech) office. Contact [@rbharshetty] (https://twitter.com/rBharshetty) or view the [meetup] (https://www.meetup.com/Golang-Bangalore/events/237156123/) for details |
| - Munich, Germany: Feb 15 7pm at Stylight. Contact [@lc0d3r](https://twitter.com/lc0d3r), [@munich_gophers](https://twitter.com/munich_gophers) or view the [meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Munich-Gophers-Go-User-Group/events/236962991/) for details. |
| - Washington DC: Feb 16 7pm at MakeOffices Dupont. View the [meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Golang-DC/events/236696696/) for details. |
| - Columbia, MD: Feb 16 5:30pm at Tier 1 Consulting Group. See [event page](https://www.meetup.com/Go-Maryland/events/237121509/) |
| - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Feb 16 7pm at Volta Labs. Contact [@danp](https://twitter.com/danp128) for more info. |
| - Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil: Feb 16 7pm at The Plant. Contact [@joaoh82](https://twitter.com/joaoh82) for more info or go to [Go Belo Horizonte](https://www.meetup.com/go-belo-horizonte/) |
| - Florianólis, SC, Brazil: Feb 16 7pm at Neoway Business Solutions. Contact [@ricardolonga](https://twitter.com/ricardolonga) for more info or go to [Floripa Gophers](https://www.meetup.com/Floripa-Gophers/events/236729070/) |
| - São Paulo, Brazil: Feb 16 7pm at TBD. Contact [@vdemario](https://twitter.com/vdemario) for more info or check the [meetup page](https://www.meetup.com/golangbr/) |
| - [@GolangParis](https://twitter.com/golangparis), France, Feb 16 7pm at TBD, see [event page](https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/Golang-Paris/events/236696058). Ping: gaufres [at] golangparis.org. |
| - Sydney, Australia: Feb 16 6pm at TBD. Contact [@chewxy](https://twitter.com/chewxy) for more info. The [event page](https://www.meetup.com/golang-syd/events/236680493/) |
| - Novosibirsk, Russia: Feb 16 7pm at Academpark. Contact [@lkalneus](https://twitter.com/lkalneus) for more info. Also join [Go Nsk group](https://www.meetup.com/golangnsk/) |
| - PDXGo: Feb 16 6:30 pm at ESRI. View the [meetup](https://www.meetup.com/PDX-Go/events/236702058/) for details. |
| - [@DenverGophers](https://twitter.com/DenverGophers) Feb 16 6:00pm at Comcast Viper. View the [meetup](http://bit.ly/denver-1-8-release-party) or contact [@apriendeau](https://twitter.com/apriendeau) for more info. |
| - [@MinneapolisGo](https://twitter.com/MinneapolisGo) Feb 16 6:00pm at Agosta. View the [meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Minneapolis-Ultimate-Golang/events/236698705/) or contact [@corylanou](https://twitter.com/corylanou) for more info. |
| - Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Feb 16 6pm at [Wercker](http://www.wercker.com). View the [meetup](https://www.meetup.com/golang-amsterdam/events/236723017/) for more details and RSVP. |
| - Wroclaw, Poland: Feb 16 7pm at Kuznicza 10. View the [meetup](https://www.meetup.com/GoLang-User-Group-Wroclaw/events/236727341/) or contact [@viru](https://github.com/viru/) for more details. |
| - Stockholm, Sweden: Feb 21 6pm at TV4. View the [meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Go-Stockholm/events/236748141/) or contact [@marcusolsson](https://twitter.com/marcusolsson/) for more details. |
| - New York, NY: Feb 16 at 7PM at TBD. Will announce the event on [meetup](https://www.meetup.com/golanguagenewyork/). Contact [@wikiwalk](https://twitter.com/wikiwalk) for more details. |
| - Madrid, Spain: Feb 16 at 7:30PM at source{d}, The event will be announced on [meetup](https://www.meetup.com/go-mad/). Contact [@mcuadros_](https://twitter.com/mcuadros_) for more details. |
| - Murcia, Spain: Feb 16 at 7:00PM at CEEIM. Will announce the event on [meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Gophers-Murcia/). Contact [@ANPez](https://twitter.com/ANPez) for more details. |
| - Taipei, Taiwan: Feb 16 at 7:30PM at [Dcard](https://www.dcard.tw). Will announce the event on [meetup](http://golang.kktix.cc/). Contact [@kkdai](https://twitter.com/Evan_Lin) for more details. |
| - Budapest, Hungary: Feb 16 at 7:00PM at [Prezi House of Ideas](https://www.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=1065+Hajós+street+35.,+Budapest,+hu). RSVP on the [meetup page](https://www.meetup.com/go-budapest/events/236811843/). For details please contact the organizer: [@gulyasm](https://twitter.com/gulyasm) |
| - Reston, VA: Feb 16 at 6:45PM at Comcast. See more details and RSVP on the [meetup page](https://www.meetup.com/Golang-Reston/events/236807731/). |
| - Lille, France: Feb 16 at 6:45PM at [Epitech Lille](https://goo.gl/maps/C6H7CjZWrFv). [Meetup page](https://www.meetup.com/GDG-Lille/events/236825262). |
| - Hamburg, Germany: Feb 16 at 7PM place at [loodse](https://loodse.com/en/). [Meetup page](https://www.meetup.com/Go-User-Group-Hamburg/events/236813440/). |
| - Okayama, Japan: Feb 16 7pm at Kurashiki Coffee Shop. See an [event page](https://connpass.com/event/48433/) or contact [@qt_luigi](https://twitter.com/qt_luigi) for more info. |
| - Phoenix, AZ: Feb 16 at 6:30PM, venue TBD. See [event page](https://www.meetup.com/Golang-Phoenix/events/236891853/) or contact [@golangPhoenix](https://twitter.com/golangPhoenix) |
| - Toronto, Canada: Firkin on King, See [event page](https://www.meetup.com/go-toronto/events/236855730/) |
| - Seattle, WA: Feb 16 at 6PM at Uber, See [event page](https://www.meetup.com/golang/events/236803478/) |
| - Vancouver, BC: Feb 16 at 6PM at [Hootsuite](http://hootsuite.com), See [event page](https://www.meetup.com/golangvan/) |
| - San Francisco, CA: Feb 16 at 6:30PM, venue TBD. See [event page](https://www.meetup.com/golangsf/events/236673793/) |
| - Copenhagen, Denmark: Feb 16th at 6PM, at Vivino. See [event page](https://www.meetup.com/Go-Cph/events/233646078/) or contact [@phr0e](https://twitter.com/phr0e) or [@CphGophers](https://twitter.com/CphGophers) |
| - Leeds, England, UK: Feb 16th at 6PM, at Infinity Works's offices. See [event page](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/go-18-release-party-tickets-31217190457) |
| - Zurich, CH, Feb 23rd at 6:30PM at Unic AG offices in Altstetten. See [event page](https://www.meetup.com/Zurich-Gophers/events/236745236/) |
| - Framingham, Ma - Feb 16th 7pm - See [event page](https://www.meetup.com/Framingham-Golang-Meetup/events/236999473/) |
| - Tokyo, Japan - Feb 16th 7pm - See https://gocon.connpass.com/event/48281/ |
| - San Diego, CA @ ScouRED - Feb 16th 6pm - See [event page](https://www.meetup.com/sdgophers/events/236202461/), contact [@carlisia](https://twitter.com/carlisia) |
| - Philadelphia, PA - Feb 16th 6PM, at Sidecar. See [Meetup page](https://www.meetup.com/GoLangPhilly/events/236965685/) or contact [@golangphilly](https://twitter.com/golangphilly) |
| - Milan, Italy - Feb 16th 6.30pm, at Ibuildings' offices. For info tweet to [@kmox83](https://twitter.com/kmox83) or [@mavimo](https://twitter.com/mavimo) - See the [event page](https://www.meetup.com/Golang-Milano/) |
| - Singapore - Feb 16th 7.30pm, at Singapore Power office. See the [Meetup page](https://www.meetup.com/golangsg/events/236725569/) or tweet to [@golangSG](https://twitter.com/golangSG) |
| - Cardiff (Wales UK) - Feb 15th 18:00 at Tramshed Cardiff. See the [Meetup page](https://www.meetup.com/Cardiff-Go-Meetup/events/237158460/) or tweet to [@cdfgolang](https://twitter.com/cdfgolang) |
| - Minsk, Belarus - Feb 16th 7.00pm at Juno. Details will follow up. |
| - Bangor (Wales UK) - Feb 16th 7:00 PM hosted by [NorthWalesTech](http://northwales.technology/). See the [Meetup page](https://www.meetup.com/NorthWalesTech/events/236961582/) |
| - Odessa, Ukraine - Feb 25th 10:00am at VertaMedia. See the [meetup page](http://vmes.vertamedia.com/). |
| - Valencia, Spain - Feb 18th 19:00pm at Oh my Game Bar. Visit the [Telegram group](https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEJGQn7K_oRUBWaNng) or visit our [twitter](https://twitter.com/golangvalencia). |
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| _If your group is not listed here yet, edit the page and add yourself._ |
| _Organisers, once you've added your group, consider tweeting out a link to the page to raise awareness._ |
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| ### Stay in touch |
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| Trying to co-ordinate dozens of meetup groups around the globe will be challenging. Here are some ways you can plan your event, and keep up to date. |
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| As always, if you get stuck, or need help, please [contact the organisers directly](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Go-1.8-release-party#no-seriously-whos-organising-this), we're here to help. |
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| ##### Slack Channel |
| We have a channel for the [release party](https://gophers.slack.com/messages/go-release-party/) on the [Gophers Slack](https://gophers.slack.com/messages/go-release-party/). If you need an invite to Slack, [you can request an automatic invite with this link](https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/). |
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| ##### Mailing list |
| We have set up a [mailing list for meetup organisers](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/go-meetup-organisers) to ask questions. |
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| ### What happens in a release party? |
| As with the previous [Go 1.6](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Go-1.6-release-party) and Go 1.7 release parties, this is a great opportunity to spread the word about the improvements landing 1.8, and the plans for the 1.9 development cycle. |
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| #### Resources |
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| A sample slide deck that you can use is [available here](https://talks.godoc.org/github.com/davecheney/go-1.8-release-party/presentation.slide#1) ([source](https://github.com/davecheney/go-1.8-release-party)) |
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| _Please send PR's with corrections/additions_ |
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| [Here's a link to the _draft_ Go 1.8 release notes](http://beta.golang.org/doc/go1.8). |
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| ### What'll happen if Go 1.8 comes out before the 16th? |
| This is likely to happen, but many meetups have a January date scheduled and don't want to hold two meetups so close together. The 16th is an arbitrary date that a quorum of meetups could find that didn't conflict with their existing schedules. |
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| If you're a meetup organiser and can hit the Feb 16th, awesome, but your participation is more important than being able to organise your group for an exact date. |
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| ### What'll happen if Go 1.8 isn't out by the 16th? |
| Well ... at least we'll have each other. |
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| The feature set of Go 1.8 isn't going to change in over the next month. If Go 1.8 ships after the 16th, it will be a little anticlimactic that we jumped the gun, but it's not a big deal. |
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| ### Who's organising this? |
| Well, if you run a Go meetup, you are. It can't be a worldwide release party without meetups around the globe. |
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| #### No, seriously, who's organising this? |
| Here are the organisers so far: |
| - [Dave Cheney](mailto://dave@cheney.net) - @davecheney |
| - [João Henrique Machado Silva](mailto://joaoh82@gmail.com) - [@joaoh82](https://twitter.com/joaoh82) |
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| _Want to help? Edit this page and add yourself_ |
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| If you have questions, please reach out to one of the organisers. |