blob: ba5a4fd81e94858b8126601a38a781e10e3c6b02 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Introduction
Go is fully supported on Linux and Darwin. Any Go program that you can compile for x86/x86\_64 should work on Arm. Besides Linux and Darwin, Go is also experimentally supported on FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD.
# Supported architectures
Go supports the following ARM architectural families.
| **Architecture** | **Status** | **GOARM value** | **GOARCH value** |
| ARMv4 and below | sorry, not supported | n/a | n/a |
| ARMv5 | supported | GOARM=5 | GOARCH=arm |
| ARMv6 | supported | GOARM=6 | GOARCH=arm |
| ARMv7 | supported | GOARM=7 | GOARCH=arm |
| ARMv8 | supported | n/a | GOARCH=arm64 |
Starting from Go 1.1, the appropriate GOARM value will be chosen if you compile the program from source on the target machine. In cross compilation situations, it is recommended that you always set an appropriate GOARM value along with GOARCH.
# Supported operating systems
* ARM on Linux. You must run an [EABI]( kernel. These are generally known as `armel` for softfloat (compatible with ARMv5) or `armhf` for hardware floating point (ARMv6 and above).
* ARM on Darwin: ARMv7 is required.
* ARM on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD: ARMv6K or above is required.
# Recommended Go version
The recommended minimum version for running Go on arm systems is Go 1.1.
# Tips and tricks
## /tmp and tmpfs
The ` go ` build tool uses ` /tmp ` when compiling and testing, this can cause heavy wear and tear if ` /tmp ` lives on your SD card. To minimise this effect, either ` export TMPDIR ` to somewhere that lives on another filesystem. Alternatively if you have lots of physical memory you can mount a swap backed tmpfs filesystem on /tmp by adding this line to ` /etc/fstab `
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,mode=1777 0 0
## Swap
Building Go from source requires at least 256mb of RAM. Running the tests requires at least 256mb of memory and at least 512mb of swap space.
## Test failures due to resource starvation
The runtime tests create many native operating system threads which at the default of 8mb per thread can exhaust an ARM system with 32bit user mode address space (especially on multicore ARM systems such as the Raspberry PI 2). To prevent the runtime test from failing you may need lower the thread stack limit:
% ulimit -s 1024 # set the thread stack limit to 1mb
% ulimit -s # check that it worked
See [Dave Cheney's blog post about building Go on Raspberry Pi]( for details.
## Build failures due to lack of memory
The Go tool will try to keep all your cpu cores busy when installing packages (during make.bash),
this is normally preferable on PCs where memory is abundant.
However, some powerful multicore ARM machines don't have enough memory to support parallel
builds utilizing all available cores, and you can work around that by using the ` taskset(1) ` utility
to limit Go to only use one core without resorting to swaps.
taskset 1 ./make.bash # use 3 if you want to use two cores
Note: the 1 here is a bitmask for cpu affinity and it's not the number of cpu cores you're
willing to use, please refer to ` taskset(1) ` manual for details.
# Known issues
## Lack of floating point hardware on ARMv5
The major issue with ARMv5 is the lack of floating point support in common ARMv5 hardware<sup>†</sup>. When compiled with the GOARM=5 environment variable, the 5l linker will insert a call to ` _sfloat ` before any block of floating point instructions to branch into the floating point emulator. This means that binaries produced with a Go installation that was compiled with soft float support will work on all supported architectures, but builds compiled without soft floating point support will not work on ARMv5.
<sup>†</sup> This isn't strictly true, there exist ARMv5 implementations which have VFP1 floating point. However the compiler doesn't support VFP1 yet.
## html/template and test/nilptr.go test fail on HTC Android
html/template test and test/nilptr.go is known to fail on HTC's Android kernels ([ref](, because the kernel will kill the application after 10 segfaults.
## Potential kernel bug in 2.6.32-5-kirkwood on QNAP 219P
See [Issue 5466]( for details. Updating to 3.2.0-4-kirkwood solved the issue.
# Success stories
ARM hardware comes in a myriad of shapes and sizes. If you've had a success story building and running Go on your Arm system, please detail your results here.
## Netgear Stora
Architecture: ARMv5
Operating System: Debian Sid
The Netgear Stora is an ARMv5 (Marvell Kirkwood) platform. I flashed mine with a Debian Sid distribution and it was, until Go1, a solid platform for Go development. The main drawback is the Stora only has 128mb of ram, which is not quite enough to run ./all.bash as 5l can use more than 100mb of ram when linking some commands.
Instructions for installing Debian on your Stora can be found on the OpenStora website,
> _-- dave cheney_
## Qnap TS-119P II
Architecture: ARMv5
Operating System: Debian Squeeze
The Qnap TS series of NASs are excellent hackable little linux hosts. The TS-11P9 II is a 2Ghz Marvell Kirkwood ARMv5 processor with 512mb of ram and a single SATA drive bay.
The kirkwood platform is supported by the native debian installer.
> _-- dave cheney_
## Pandaboard
Architecture: ARMv7
Operating System: Ubuntu 12.04LTS (armhf)
The Pandaboard is a dual core ARMv7 development board based on the Texas Instruments OMAP4 SoC platform. I run ubuntu 12.04 LTS server on mine, which is an excellent distribution for Arm development. The Pandaboard has a gig of ram which makes it excellent for development and benchmarking.
Instructions and SD card image can be found on on the Ubuntu wiki,
> _-- dave cheney_
## BeagleBone
Architecture: ARMv7 single core, Cortex-A8, 256MB RAM, 720 MHz
Operating System: Angstrom Linux
BeagleBone is similar to Beagleboard, but without the video components. Angstrom is a very small Linux distribution for ARM based systems. It is built on top of Yocto and OpenEmbedded with additional tools and recipes to make it even easier to build a distribution. You can think of Angstrom as Ubuntu and OpenEmbedded/Yocto as Debian. Angstrom is very light weight and fast compared to Ubuntu. It uses systemd instead of the sys5 scripts which help give you a very fast boot time of a few seconds.
BeagleBone is probably faster than a RasberryPI because of it's newer Cortex-A8 dual-issue superscalar architecture, but the PI has the GPU which theoretically could be used with something like OpenCL to really run circles around the BeagleBone. However, for embedded applications the BeagleBone is easier to work with because it is ready out of the box with GPIO connections.
I've cross compiled for ARM with 5g from a Mac and so far I haven't run into any problems. You can build on the BeagleBone, but cross compiling with Go is so easy that it is better to save wear and tear on the flash drive and just compile somewhere else.
> _-- hans stimer_
### Zyxel NSA 310
Architecture: ARM5
Platform: Debian Wheeze
Successfuly built default branch, going to write fan control daemon for this device in golang.
### Raspberry Pi
* [Building Go 1.5 on the Raspberry Pi - Dave Cheney](
Architecture: ARM1176JZFS, with floating point, running at 700Mhz
Operating System: Debian Wheezy beta distribution ( reported as:
` Linux raspberrypi 3.1.9+ #125 PREEMPT Sun Jun 17 16:09:36 BST 2012 armv6l GNU/Linux `
**Memory Split**: the Pi shares its 256mb of memory between the CPU and the GPU. You should allocate as much memory as possible to the CPU for a successful compilation. The configuration for the memory split is stored on your SD card. This link has a script to adjust the configuration,
Go version weekly.2012-03-27 +645947213cac, with timeout and GOARM 7 patches builds with 2 test failures: encoding/gob fails with out of memory, and fmt fails the NaN test.
Successfully installed and run SVGo via go get, tested with goplay:
Division benchmark via
$ cd $GOROOT/src/pkg/runtime
$ go test -test.bench=BenchmarkUint
BenchmarkUint32Div7 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div37 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div123 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div763 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div1247 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div9305 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div13307 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div52513 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div60978747 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div106956295 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod7 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod37 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod123 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod763 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod1247 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod9305 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod13307 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod52513 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod60978747 5000000 547 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod106956295 5000000 547 ns/op
Running the hardware floating point distribution, Raspbian "pisces" ( and applying the patches in, here are the results of the Eleanor McHugh gospeed benchmark:
raspbian@pisces:~/gowork/src/$ uname -a
Linux pisces 3.1.9+ #171 PREEMPT Tue Jul 17 01:08:22 BST 2012 armv6l GNU/Linux
raspbian@pisces:~/gowork/src/$ go test -test.bench=".*"
BenchmarkBaselineCastInt32ToInt 100000000 13.5 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineCastIntToInt32 100000000 13.5 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineCastInt64ToUint64 100000000 17.8 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineCastUint64ToInt64 100000000 17.2 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineVariableGet 100000000 13.4 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineVariableSet 100000000 22.4 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineVariableGetInterface 100000000 13.5 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineVariableSetInterface 50000000 31.3 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineVariableIncrement 100000000 23.9 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineVariableDecrement 100000000 23.9 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineFieldGet 100000000 13.5 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineFieldSet 100000000 20.9 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineSliceGet 50000000 32.9 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineSliceSet 50000000 34.5 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMapIntGet 1000000 1448 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMapIntSet 1000000 1968 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMapStringGet 1000000 1119 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMapStringSet 1000000 1675 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineIf 100000000 15.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineIfElse 100000000 15.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineSwitchDefault 100000000 13.5 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineSwitchOneCase 100000000 15.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineSwitchTwoCases 100000000 18.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineSwitchTwoCasesFallthrough 100000000 18.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForLoopIteration 50000000 42.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForReverseLoopIteration 50000000 36.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForRange 20000000 80.9 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForSliceLength 50000000 39.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForReverseSliceLength 50000000 36.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForLoopIteration10 20000000 119 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForReverseLoopIteration10 20000000 92.9 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForRange10 10000000 215 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForSliceLength10 20000000 109 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForReverseSliceLength10 20000000 92.9 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForLoopIteration100 2000000 929 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForReverseLoopIteration100 5000000 700 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForRange100 1000000 1567 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForSliceLength100 2000000 853 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForReverseSliceLength100 5000000 700 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForLoopIteration10000 10000 106006 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForReverseLoopIteration10000 50000 67480 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForRange10000 10000 153841 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForSliceLength10000 20000 85735 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineForReverseSliceLength10000 50000 69461 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMakeChannelBoolUnbuffered 200000 10162 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMakeChannelBool1 200000 12517 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMakeChannelBool10 200000 12521 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMakeChannelStringUnbuffered 500000 10369 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMakeChannelString1 200000 12576 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMakeChannelString10 100000 22358 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineGo 50000 367593 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineFunctionCall 50000000 57.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineFunctionCallArg 20000000 81.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineFunctionCall5VarArgs 500000 6852 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineFunctionCallInt 50000000 60.3 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineFunctionCall5VarInts 1000000 3185 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineFunctionCallWithDefer 1000000 2330 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineFunctionCallPanicRecover 500000 6222 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMethodCallDirect 20000000 83.8 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMethodCallDirect1Arg 20000000 106 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMethodCallDirect1Int 20000000 85.2 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMethodCallDirect5Args 5000000 368 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMethodCallDirect5Ints 10000000 233 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMethodCallIndirect 100000000 18.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMethodCallIndirect1Arg 50000000 42.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMethodCallIndirect1Int 100000000 19.5 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMethodCallIndirect5Args 5000000 309 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineMethodCallIndirect5Ints 10000000 168 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeAssertion 10000000 218 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeAssertionEmptyInterface 20000000 106 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeAssertionInterface1 5000000 576 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeAssertionInterface2 5000000 579 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeReflectPrimitiveToValue 5000000 425 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeReflectSliceToValue 1000000 3218 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeReflectStructToValue 500000 4760 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeCheck 10000000 189 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeCheckEmptyInterface 20000000 93.1 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeCheckInterface1 5000000 511 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeCheckInterface2 5000000 516 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeSwitchOneCase 10000000 262 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeSwitchBasicTypesCase 10000000 295 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeSwitchEmptyInterface 10000000 163 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeSwitchInterface1 5000000 588 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineTypeSwitchInterface2 5000000 602 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewStructureLiteral 20000000 84.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewStructure 20000000 127 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewSliceLiteral 50000000 54.2 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewSlice 1000000 3124 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapLiteralIntToInt 500000 9083 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapLiteralIntToInterface 500000 9807 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapLiteralStringToInt 500000 9792 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapLiteralStringToInterface 500000 10595 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapLiteralIntToInt2Item 200000 14265 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapLiteralIntToInterface2Item 200000 14669 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapLiteralStringToInt2Item 200000 14025 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapLiteralStringToInterface2Item 200000 15086 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapIntToInt 500000 9025 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapIntToInterface 500000 9753 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapStringToInt 500000 9740 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewMapStringToInterface 500000 10486 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineSliceCopy 5000000 300 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewSliceAppendElement1 1000000 3318 ns/op
BenchmarkBaselineNewSliceAppendElement10 1000000 5174 ns/op
ok 417.296s
_-- anthony starks_
## Raspberry Pi 2
* [Building Go 1.5 on the Raspberry Pi - Dave Cheney](
go version
go version devel +07f9c25 Wed Dec 9 21:25:05 2015 +0000 linux/arm
$ go test -timeout 20m -v -bench=Benchmark -run=X
BenchmarkAppend-4 3000000 402 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendGrowByte-4 50 27296836 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendGrowString-4 1 1277592542 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend1Byte-4 20000000 75.6 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend4Bytes-4 20000000 88.2 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend7Bytes-4 20000000 103 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend8Bytes-4 20000000 89.1 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend15Bytes-4 20000000 109 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend16Bytes-4 20000000 94.5 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend32Bytes-4 20000000 91.4 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr1Byte-4 20000000 73.9 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr4Bytes-4 20000000 84.7 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr8Bytes-4 20000000 88.7 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr16Bytes-4 20000000 94.5 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr32Bytes-4 20000000 91.3 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSpecialCase-4 2000000 675 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy1Byte-4 20000000 109 ns/op 9.13 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy2Byte-4 20000000 112 ns/op 17.77 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy4Byte-4 10000000 120 ns/op 33.26 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy8Byte-4 10000000 122 ns/op 65.32 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy12Byte-4 10000000 126 ns/op 94.82 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy16Byte-4 10000000 129 ns/op 123.60 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy32Byte-4 10000000 126 ns/op 252.60 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy128Byte-4 10000000 162 ns/op 786.76 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy1024Byte-4 3000000 479 ns/op 2134.17 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy1String-4 20000000 100 ns/op 9.98 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy2String-4 20000000 104 ns/op 19.19 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy4String-4 20000000 111 ns/op 35.86 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy8String-4 20000000 114 ns/op 70.02 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy12String-4 20000000 116 ns/op 103.17 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy16String-4 10000000 120 ns/op 132.69 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy32String-4 20000000 116 ns/op 273.77 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy128String-4 10000000 150 ns/op 851.31 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy1024String-4 3000000 472 ns/op 2167.03 MB/s
BenchmarkChanNonblocking-4 20000000 77.7 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectUncontended-4 2000000 780 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectSyncContended-4 100000 15094 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectAsyncContended-4 500000 2569 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectNonblock-4 10000000 226 ns/op
BenchmarkChanUncontended-4 50000 26993 ns/op
BenchmarkChanContended-4 10000 111382 ns/op
BenchmarkChanSync-4 300000 3994 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdCons0-4 500000 3100 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdCons10-4 1000000 2099 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdCons100-4 1000000 1342 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdConsWork0-4 500000 3071 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdConsWork10-4 500000 2332 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdConsWork100-4 1000000 1382 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectProdCons-4 300000 5015 ns/op
BenchmarkChanCreation-4 2000000 629 ns/op
BenchmarkChanSem-4 1000000 1116 ns/op
BenchmarkChanPopular-4 200 7597153 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure-4 30000000 43.5 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure1-4 30000000 49.0 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure2-4 5000000 323 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure3-4 5000000 318 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure4-4 5000000 324 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivNormal-4 3000000 488 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivNisNaN-4 5000000 375 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivDisNaN-4 5000000 362 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivNisInf-4 5000000 289 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivDisInf-4 5000000 273 ns/op
BenchmarkSetTypePtr-4 20000000 85.1 ns/op 46.98 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr8-4 10000000 169 ns/op 189.14 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr16-4 10000000 213 ns/op 299.83 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr32-4 5000000 297 ns/op 429.62 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr64-4 3000000 462 ns/op 553.72 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr126-4 2000000 791 ns/op 636.59 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr128-4 2000000 777 ns/op 658.60 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtrSlice-4 200000 6208 ns/op 659.75 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1-4 10000000 160 ns/op 74.86 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1Slice-4 1000000 1076 ns/op 356.60 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode8-4 10000000 221 ns/op 180.94 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode8Slice-4 1000000 2359 ns/op 542.53 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64-4 3000000 506 ns/op 521.63 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64Slice-4 100000 12992 ns/op 650.22 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64Dead-4 5000000 308 ns/op 856.90 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64DeadSlice-4 200000 11506 ns/op 734.21 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode124-4 2000000 799 ns/op 630.27 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode124Slice-4 100000 23306 ns/op 692.00 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode126-4 2000000 776 ns/op 659.33 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode126Slice-4 100000 21520 ns/op 761.31 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode128-4 2000000 850 ns/op 611.35 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode128Slice-4 50000 24122 ns/op 689.81 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode130-4 2000000 827 ns/op 638.06 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode130Slice-4 50000 24322 ns/op 694.67 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1024-4 300000 5655 ns/op 725.66 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1024Slice-4 10000 183602 ns/op 715.28 MB/s
BenchmarkAllocation-4 10000 166825 ns/op
BenchmarkHash5-4 10000000 217 ns/op 23.02 MB/s
BenchmarkHash16-4 5000000 289 ns/op 55.18 MB/s
BenchmarkHash64-4 2000000 770 ns/op 83.10 MB/s
BenchmarkHash1024-4 200000 9442 ns/op 108.44 MB/s
BenchmarkHash65536-4 2000 600452 ns/op 109.14 MB/s
BenchmarkEqEfaceConcrete-4 20000000 79.1 ns/op
BenchmarkEqIfaceConcrete-4 20000000 77.0 ns/op
BenchmarkNeEfaceConcrete-4 20000000 80.0 ns/op
BenchmarkNeIfaceConcrete-4 20000000 77.7 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ESmall-4 5000000 362 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2EUintptr-4 5000000 394 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ELarge-4 3000000 457 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ISmall-4 3000000 482 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2IUintptr-4 3000000 524 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ILarge-4 3000000 600 ns/op
BenchmarkConvI2E-4 20000000 60.5 ns/op
BenchmarkConvI2I-4 5000000 302 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2T-4 10000000 121 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2TLarge-4 10000000 131 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2I-4 5000000 329 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2T-4 10000000 125 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2I-4 5000000 328 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2E-4 20000000 84.6 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2E-4 50000000 32.5 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2T2-4 10000000 129 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2T2Blank-4 100000000 18.0 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2E2-4 20000000 91.2 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2E2Blank-4 100000000 16.7 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2E2-4 10000000 159 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2E2Blank-4 100000000 16.8 ns/op
BenchmarkMalloc8-4 5000000 317 ns/op
BenchmarkMalloc16-4 3000000 485 ns/op
BenchmarkMallocTypeInfo8-4 3000000 587 ns/op
BenchmarkMallocTypeInfo16-4 2000000 661 ns/op
BenchmarkMallocLargeStruct-4 500000 3205 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineSelect-4 100 18605318 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineBlocking-4 100 17222169 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineForRange-4 100 19092854 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineIdle-4 100 12554944 ns/op
BenchmarkMapPop100-4 5000 270721 ns/op
BenchmarkMapPop1000-4 300 4674884 ns/op
BenchmarkMapPop10000-4 10 110070793 ns/op
BenchmarkHashStringSpeed-4 3000000 400 ns/op
BenchmarkHashBytesSpeed-4 2000000 709 ns/op
BenchmarkHashInt32Speed-4 5000000 305 ns/op
BenchmarkHashInt64Speed-4 5000000 349 ns/op
BenchmarkHashStringArraySpeed-4 2000000 911 ns/op
BenchmarkMegMap-4 5000000 367 ns/op
BenchmarkMegOneMap-4 5000000 311 ns/op
BenchmarkMegEqMap-4 100 10147332 ns/op
BenchmarkMegEmptyMap-4 10000000 138 ns/op
BenchmarkSmallStrMap-4 5000000 367 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_16-4 5000000 395 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_32-4 5000000 378 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_64-4 5000000 378 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_1M-4 5000000 376 ns/op
BenchmarkIntMap-4 10000000 198 ns/op
BenchmarkRepeatedLookupStrMapKey32-4 2000000 799 ns/op
BenchmarkRepeatedLookupStrMapKey1M-4 100 10023558 ns/op
BenchmarkNewEmptyMap-4 2000000 841 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkNewSmallMap-4 1000000 2357 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapIter-4 1000000 2132 ns/op
BenchmarkMapIterEmpty-4 20000000 107 ns/op
BenchmarkSameLengthMap-4 20000000 111 ns/op
BenchmarkBigKeyMap-4 2000000 727 ns/op
BenchmarkBigValMap-4 2000000 754 ns/op
BenchmarkSmallKeyMap-4 5000000 296 ns/op
BenchmarkComplexAlgMap-4 1000000 1786 ns/op
BenchmarkMemmove0-4 30000000 47.7 ns/op
BenchmarkMemmove1-4 30000000 50.2 ns/op 19.93 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove2-4 30000000 53.7 ns/op 37.28 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove3-4 30000000 56.9 ns/op 52.76 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove4-4 20000000 61.1 ns/op 65.42 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove5-4 20000000 75.8 ns/op 65.95 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove6-4 20000000 79.2 ns/op 75.80 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove7-4 20000000 82.5 ns/op 84.84 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove8-4 20000000 64.8 ns/op 123.37 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove9-4 20000000 67.1 ns/op 134.16 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove10-4 20000000 76.4 ns/op 130.87 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove11-4 20000000 81.3 ns/op 135.30 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove12-4 20000000 66.8 ns/op 179.68 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove13-4 20000000 70.6 ns/op 184.23 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove14-4 20000000 75.2 ns/op 186.19 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove15-4 20000000 79.5 ns/op 188.74 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove16-4 20000000 71.8 ns/op 222.73 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove32-4 20000000 68.3 ns/op 468.52 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove64-4 20000000 79.2 ns/op 808.35 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove128-4 20000000 101 ns/op 1256.13 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove256-4 10000000 145 ns/op 1755.64 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove512-4 5000000 244 ns/op 2095.34 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove1024-4 3000000 475 ns/op 2153.54 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove2048-4 2000000 883 ns/op 2317.95 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove4096-4 1000000 1809 ns/op 2262.99 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned0-4 30000000 58.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned1-4 20000000 63.3 ns/op 15.81 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned2-4 20000000 66.6 ns/op 30.04 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned3-4 20000000 69.9 ns/op 42.89 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned4-4 20000000 95.6 ns/op 41.85 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned5-4 20000000 98.6 ns/op 50.73 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned6-4 20000000 99.9 ns/op 60.08 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned7-4 20000000 101 ns/op 68.77 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned8-4 20000000 108 ns/op 73.58 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned9-4 20000000 112 ns/op 79.90 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned10-4 10000000 126 ns/op 79.18 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned11-4 10000000 128 ns/op 85.32 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned12-4 10000000 132 ns/op 90.67 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned13-4 10000000 125 ns/op 103.51 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned14-4 10000000 132 ns/op 105.50 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned15-4 10000000 138 ns/op 108.38 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned16-4 10000000 141 ns/op 112.89 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned32-4 10000000 154 ns/op 207.69 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned64-4 10000000 211 ns/op 303.20 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned128-4 5000000 318 ns/op 401.47 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned256-4 3000000 436 ns/op 586.76 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned512-4 2000000 722 ns/op 708.50 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned1024-4 1000000 1296 ns/op 789.56 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned2048-4 500000 2576 ns/op 794.83 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned4096-4 300000 4999 ns/op 819.32 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr5-4 20000000 77.1 ns/op 64.82 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr16-4 20000000 96.3 ns/op 166.15 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr64-4 20000000 85.0 ns/op 753.23 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr256-4 10000000 125 ns/op 2040.75 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr4096-4 1000000 1662 ns/op 2464.13 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr65536-4 30000 50428 ns/op 1299.58 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr1M-4 2000 875472 ns/op 1197.73 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr4M-4 500 3529939 ns/op 1188.21 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr8M-4 200 7088731 ns/op 1183.37 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr16M-4 100 14275180 ns/op 1175.27 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr64M-4 20 59343321 ns/op 1130.86 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr5-4 20000000 61.4 ns/op 81.44 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr16-4 20000000 81.7 ns/op 195.78 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr64-4 20000000 69.8 ns/op 917.14 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr256-4 20000000 109 ns/op 2339.84 MB/s
BenchmarkClearFat8-4 200000000 7.84 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat12-4 200000000 8.93 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat16-4 100000000 10.1 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat24-4 100000000 12.3 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat32-4 100000000 14.5 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat40-4 30000000 52.4 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat48-4 20000000 60.3 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat56-4 20000000 65.9 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat64-4 20000000 73.8 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat128-4 10000000 126 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat256-4 10000000 234 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat512-4 3000000 448 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat1024-4 2000000 872 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat8-4 200000000 6.72 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat12-4 200000000 7.80 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat16-4 200000000 8.93 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat24-4 100000000 11.2 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat32-4 100000000 17.9 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat64-4 20000000 75.0 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat128-4 10000000 128 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat256-4 10000000 236 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat512-4 3000000 449 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat1024-4 2000000 879 ns/op
BenchmarkFinalizer-4 500 3830391 ns/op
BenchmarkFinalizerRun-4 200000 6697 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscall-4 5000000 296 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscallWork-4 3000000 551 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscallExcess-4 5000000 296 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscallExcessWork-4 3000000 552 ns/op
BenchmarkPingPongHog-4 100000 13315 ns/op
BenchmarkStackGrowth-4 500000 2461 ns/op
BenchmarkStackGrowthDeep-4 2000 1028254 ns/op
BenchmarkCreateGoroutines-4 500000 2722 ns/op
BenchmarkCreateGoroutinesParallel-4 2000000 649 ns/op
BenchmarkCreateGoroutinesCapture-4 100000 21739 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkClosureCall-4 30000000 48.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMatmult-4 50000000 40.3 ns/op
BenchmarkIfaceCmp100-4 500000 2369 ns/op
BenchmarkIfaceCmpNil100-4 500000 2475 ns/op
BenchmarkDefer-4 1000000 1203 ns/op
BenchmarkDefer10-4 1000000 1089 ns/op
BenchmarkDeferMany-4 1000000 2045 ns/op
BenchmarkStackCopy-4 1 2767373639 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringEqual-4 10000000 140 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringIdentical-4 30000000 41.4 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringSameLength-4 20000000 92.0 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringDifferentLength-4 100000000 13.4 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringBigUnaligned-4 100 11917034 ns/op 87.99 MB/s
BenchmarkCompareStringBig-4 200 10163432 ns/op 103.17 MB/s
BenchmarkRuneIterate-4 500000 3969 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate2-4 500000 3947 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div7-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div37-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div123-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div763-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div1247-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div9305-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div13307-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div52513-4 20000000 103 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div60978747-4 20000000 98.7 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div106956295-4 20000000 100.0 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod7-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod37-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod123-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod763-4 20000000 103 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod1247-4 20000000 103 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod9305-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod13307-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod52513-4 20000000 103 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod60978747-4 20000000 100 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod106956295-4 20000000 100 ns/op
ok runtime 562.289s
## Raspberry Pi Zero
Architecture: 1 GHz ARM1176JZF-S, running at 700Mhz; 512MB RAM
Operating System: Raspbian Jessie
$ go version
go version devel +5c24832 Sat Dec 5 00:10:40 2015 +0000 linux/arm
$ go test -timeout 20m -v -bench=Benchmark -run=X
BenchmarkAppend 3000000 518 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendGrowByte 20 95720661 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendGrowString 1 2232033275 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend1Byte 20000000 99.0 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend4Bytes 10000000 120 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend7Bytes 10000000 155 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend8Bytes 10000000 132 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend15Bytes 10000000 162 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend16Bytes 10000000 134 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend32Bytes 10000000 121 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr1Byte 20000000 97.0 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr4Bytes 10000000 118 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr8Bytes 10000000 129 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr16Bytes 10000000 132 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr32Bytes 10000000 121 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSpecialCase 2000000 791 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy1Byte 10000000 132 ns/op 7.54 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy2Byte 10000000 144 ns/op 13.81 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy4Byte 10000000 153 ns/op 26.12 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy8Byte 10000000 164 ns/op 48.51 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy12Byte 10000000 162 ns/op 74.03 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy16Byte 10000000 167 ns/op 95.63 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy32Byte 10000000 155 ns/op 205.20 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy128Byte 10000000 192 ns/op 664.06 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy1024Byte 2000000 689 ns/op 1484.28 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy1String 10000000 120 ns/op 8.27 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy2String 10000000 134 ns/op 14.85 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy4String 10000000 142 ns/op 28.01 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy8String 10000000 154 ns/op 51.81 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy12String 10000000 151 ns/op 79.01 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy16String 10000000 157 ns/op 101.82 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy32String 10000000 145 ns/op 219.52 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy128String 10000000 182 ns/op 700.88 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy1024String 2000000 976 ns/op 1048.87 MB/s
BenchmarkChanNonblocking 5000000 246 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectUncontended 500000 3610 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectSyncContended 100000 18957 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectAsyncContended 500000 3614 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectNonblock 2000000 814 ns/op
BenchmarkChanUncontended 10000 135820 ns/op
BenchmarkChanContended 10000 133122 ns/op
BenchmarkChanSync 200000 5870 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdCons0 200000 5899 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdCons10 500000 2138 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdCons100 1000000 1557 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdConsWork0 200000 8948 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdConsWork10 300000 5043 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdConsWork100 300000 4498 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectProdCons 200000 10818 ns/op
BenchmarkChanCreation 500000 3187 ns/op
BenchmarkChanSem 1000000 1266 ns/op
BenchmarkChanPopular 100 14315946 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure 30000000 50.0 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure1 30000000 56.3 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure2 3000000 512 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure3 3000000 503 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure4 3000000 512 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivNormal 2000000 735 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivNisNaN 200000 6001 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivDisNaN 200000 5992 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivNisInf 5000000 390 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivDisInf 5000000 375 ns/op
BenchmarkSetTypePtr 10000000 119 ns/op 33.43 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr8 10000000 227 ns/op 140.89 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr16 5000000 285 ns/op 224.30 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr32 5000000 388 ns/op 329.65 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr64 3000000 591 ns/op 432.77 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr126 1000000 1021 ns/op 493.46 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr128 1000000 1003 ns/op 510.46 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtrSlice 200000 7427 ns/op 551.43 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1 10000000 217 ns/op 55.20 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1Slice 1000000 1284 ns/op 299.03 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode8 5000000 277 ns/op 144.17 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode8Slice 500000 2825 ns/op 453.02 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64 2000000 661 ns/op 398.89 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64Slice 100000 15531 ns/op 543.92 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64Dead 5000000 382 ns/op 689.66 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64DeadSlice 100000 13252 ns/op 637.46 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode124 1000000 1017 ns/op 495.27 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode124Slice 50000 28139 ns/op 573.14 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode126 2000000 1001 ns/op 511.10 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode126Slice 50000 26535 ns/op 617.43 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode128 1000000 1087 ns/op 478.22 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode128Slice 50000 29166 ns/op 570.52 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode130 1000000 1067 ns/op 494.83 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode130Slice 50000 29691 ns/op 569.04 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1024 200000 7155 ns/op 573.51 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1024Slice 5000 224292 ns/op 585.52 MB/s
BenchmarkAllocation 2000 957094 ns/op
BenchmarkHash5 5000000 349 ns/op 14.29 MB/s
BenchmarkHash16 3000000 436 ns/op 36.66 MB/s
BenchmarkHash64 1000000 1007 ns/op 63.49 MB/s
BenchmarkHash1024 200000 11267 ns/op 90.88 MB/s
BenchmarkHash65536 2000 797741 ns/op 82.15 MB/s
BenchmarkEqEfaceConcrete 20000000 111 ns/op
BenchmarkEqIfaceConcrete 20000000 106 ns/op
BenchmarkNeEfaceConcrete 20000000 111 ns/op
BenchmarkNeIfaceConcrete 20000000 106 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ESmall 3000000 561 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2EUintptr 2000000 599 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ELarge 2000000 767 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ISmall 2000000 724 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2IUintptr 2000000 750 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ILarge 2000000 907 ns/op
BenchmarkConvI2E 20000000 76.7 ns/op
BenchmarkConvI2I 3000000 425 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2T 10000000 176 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2TLarge 10000000 189 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2I 3000000 455 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2T 10000000 176 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2I 3000000 451 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2E 20000000 109 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2E 30000000 40.7 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2T2 10000000 180 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2T2Blank 50000000 22.8 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2E2 20000000 117 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2E2Blank 100000000 21.7 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2E2 10000000 231 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2E2Blank 100000000 21.8 ns/op
BenchmarkMalloc8 3000000 507 ns/op
BenchmarkMalloc16 2000000 848 ns/op
BenchmarkMallocTypeInfo8 2000000 1012 ns/op
BenchmarkMallocTypeInfo16 1000000 1168 ns/op
BenchmarkMallocLargeStruct 500000 4823 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineSelect 20 76172338 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineBlocking 20 63469806 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineForRange 20 64107650 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineIdle 20 60844381 ns/op
BenchmarkMapPop100 3000 409498 ns/op
BenchmarkMapPop1000 200 7783817 ns/op
BenchmarkMapPop10000 10 170736704 ns/op
BenchmarkHashStringSpeed 3000000 541 ns/op
BenchmarkHashBytesSpeed 1000000 1157 ns/op
BenchmarkHashInt32Speed 5000000 371 ns/op
BenchmarkHashInt64Speed 3000000 427 ns/op
BenchmarkHashStringArraySpeed 1000000 1417 ns/op
BenchmarkMegMap 3000000 404 ns/op
BenchmarkMegOneMap 5000000 346 ns/op
BenchmarkMegEqMap 100 16663414 ns/op
BenchmarkMegEmptyMap 10000000 160 ns/op
BenchmarkSmallStrMap 3000000 415 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_16 3000000 417 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_32 3000000 420 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_64 3000000 420 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_1M 3000000 419 ns/op
BenchmarkIntMap 10000000 220 ns/op
BenchmarkRepeatedLookupStrMapKey32 1000000 1015 ns/op
BenchmarkRepeatedLookupStrMapKey1M 100 15652033 ns/op
BenchmarkNewEmptyMap 1000000 1395 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkNewSmallMap 300000 3368 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapIter 500000 2947 ns/op
BenchmarkMapIterEmpty 20000000 163 ns/op
BenchmarkSameLengthMap 10000000 133 ns/op
BenchmarkBigKeyMap 2000000 899 ns/op
BenchmarkBigValMap 2000000 922 ns/op
BenchmarkSmallKeyMap 3000000 402 ns/op
BenchmarkComplexAlgMap 1000000 2003 ns/op
BenchmarkMemmove0 20000000 61.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMemmove1 20000000 76.6 ns/op 13.05 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove2 20000000 86.3 ns/op 23.18 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove3 20000000 83.7 ns/op 35.83 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove4 20000000 88.0 ns/op 45.48 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove5 20000000 110 ns/op 45.37 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove6 20000000 115 ns/op 51.99 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove7 10000000 123 ns/op 56.89 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove8 20000000 99.5 ns/op 80.44 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove9 20000000 112 ns/op 79.76 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove10 10000000 125 ns/op 79.48 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove11 10000000 125 ns/op 87.84 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove12 20000000 96.9 ns/op 123.87 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove13 20000000 110 ns/op 117.83 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove14 10000000 123 ns/op 113.65 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove15 10000000 122 ns/op 122.30 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove16 20000000 101 ns/op 156.89 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove32 20000000 90.8 ns/op 352.44 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove64 20000000 108 ns/op 588.34 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove128 10000000 127 ns/op 1001.83 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove256 10000000 178 ns/op 1436.19 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove512 5000000 326 ns/op 1569.07 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove1024 2000000 631 ns/op 1620.84 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove2048 1000000 1251 ns/op 1636.60 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove4096 500000 2499 ns/op 1638.97 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned0 20000000 72.5 ns/op
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned1 20000000 87.8 ns/op 11.39 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned2 20000000 99.4 ns/op 20.12 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned3 20000000 96.9 ns/op 30.96 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned4 10000000 135 ns/op 29.44 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned5 10000000 147 ns/op 33.90 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned6 10000000 146 ns/op 41.09 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned7 10000000 151 ns/op 46.27 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned8 10000000 156 ns/op 51.22 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned9 10000000 161 ns/op 55.82 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned10 10000000 166 ns/op 60.09 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned11 10000000 171 ns/op 64.17 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned12 10000000 177 ns/op 67.79 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned13 10000000 181 ns/op 71.60 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned14 10000000 189 ns/op 74.03 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned15 10000000 196 ns/op 76.30 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned16 10000000 200 ns/op 79.91 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned32 10000000 221 ns/op 144.64 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned64 5000000 290 ns/op 220.16 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned128 3000000 413 ns/op 309.84 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned256 2000000 766 ns/op 334.16 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned512 2000000 925 ns/op 553.13 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned1024 500000 2747 ns/op 372.66 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned2048 500000 3180 ns/op 643.85 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnaligned4096 200000 6206 ns/op 659.99 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr5 20000000 105 ns/op 47.53 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr16 20000000 110 ns/op 144.77 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr64 10000000 125 ns/op 511.58 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr256 10000000 182 ns/op 1402.34 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr4096 500000 2489 ns/op 1645.22 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr65536 50000 39883 ns/op 1643.18 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr1M 2000 636812 ns/op 1646.60 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr4M 500 2549362 ns/op 1645.24 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr8M 300 5162451 ns/op 1624.93 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr16M 200 10300878 ns/op 1628.72 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr64M 30 42801198 ns/op 1567.92 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr5 20000000 73.5 ns/op 67.99 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr16 20000000 85.9 ns/op 186.24 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr64 20000000 87.8 ns/op 729.24 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr256 10000000 160 ns/op 1591.97 MB/s
BenchmarkClearFat8 100000000 15.6 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat12 100000000 27.5 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat16 100000000 32.4 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat24 50000000 57.0 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat32 50000000 80.5 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat40 30000000 77.5 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat48 30000000 105 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat56 20000000 87.1 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat64 20000000 137 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat128 20000000 278 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat256 5000000 537 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat512 2000000 1293 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat1024 1000000 2545 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat8 100000000 12.2 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat12 100000000 20.3 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat16 100000000 34.3 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat24 50000000 27.7 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat32 50000000 25.4 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat64 20000000 135 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat128 10000000 299 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat256 2000000 571 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat512 1000000 1218 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat1024 500000 2665 ns/op
BenchmarkFinalizer 50 20313669 ns/op
BenchmarkFinalizerRun 30000 49987 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscall 1000000 1625 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscallWork 500000 2668 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscallExcess 1000000 1613 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscallExcessWork 500000 2658 ns/op
BenchmarkPingPongHog 100000 20539 ns/op
BenchmarkStackGrowth 50000 28473 ns/op
BenchmarkStackGrowthDeep 500 2845263 ns/op
BenchmarkCreateGoroutines 300000 4297 ns/op
BenchmarkCreateGoroutinesParallel 300000 4300 ns/op
BenchmarkCreateGoroutinesCapture 50000 33218 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkClosureCall 30000000 55.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMatmult 10000000 196 ns/op
BenchmarkIfaceCmp100 500000 2672 ns/op
BenchmarkIfaceCmpNil100 500000 2982 ns/op
BenchmarkDefer 1000000 1819 ns/op
BenchmarkDefer10 1000000 1478 ns/op
BenchmarkDeferMany 500000 3464 ns/op
BenchmarkStackCopy 1 3714828065 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringEqual 10000000 160 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringIdentical 30000000 54.1 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringSameLength 20000000 111 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringDifferentLength 100000000 16.3 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringBigUnaligned 100 16695582 ns/op 62.81 MB/s
BenchmarkCompareStringBig 100 17208318 ns/op 60.93 MB/s
BenchmarkRuneIterate 300000 5159 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate2 300000 5158 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div7 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div37 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div123 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div763 10000000 148 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div1247 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div9305 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div13307 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div52513 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div60978747 10000000 131 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Div106956295 10000000 131 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod7 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod37 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod123 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod763 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod1247 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod9305 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod13307 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod52513 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod60978747 10000000 131 ns/op
BenchmarkUint32Mod106956295 10000000 131 ns/op
ok runtime 566.969s
Architecture: ARMv7 quad-core Cortex-A9 (Samsung Exynos 4412 1.4GHz), 1GB RAM, Mali graphics (untested).
Operating System: [Archlinux ARM](
Go pre-1.1 compiles out of the box. The four cores make it particularly suited to Go multi-threaded programs. An ODROID-X2 is coming (Nov 2012) with more RAM.
_-- Rémy Oudompheng_
## BananaPi
[BananaPi]( has a few enhanced hardware components compare with Raspberry Pi.
| **Architecture** | **Comments** |
| [Allwinner A20(ARM Cortex-A7 Dual-core, 1GHz, Mali400MP2 GPU)]( | tbc |
| eSATA | No worry to wear out your root SD Card|
| Onboard Microphone | tbc |
| 1G Etherenet | tbc |
| 1G RAM | tbc |
| Reset Switch | To reset the board ?|
| Power Switch | To power cycle the board ?|
root@bpi01:/data/go13/src# cat ./buildgo.bash
# use 1 CPU to avoid out of memory compilation issue.
time taskset 2 ./make.bash
root@bpi01:/data/go13/src# ./buildgo.bash
Installed Go for linux/arm in /data/go1.3
Installed commands in /data/go1.3/bin
real 9m9.222s
user 8m18.960s
sys 0m40.920s
_--T.J. Yang_
## AppliedMicro X-Gene (ARMv8)
Architecture: ARMv8 (64-bit) 8-core, 2.4GHz, 16GB RAM
Operating Systems: Linux, Fedora 21
You will need to cross-compile a toolchain using bootstrap.bash. After you copy it to the arm64 system and set `GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP`, you can build go natively.
## 96Boards HiKey (ARMv8)
Architecture: ARMv8 (64-bit) 8-core, 1.2GHz, 1GB RAM
Operating System: Linux (Linaro)
Go Version: 1.5Beta1
Special Notes: Enable a swap partition (<=1GB is fine). Build process is CPU-intensive and may cause the internal 90C temperature threshold to be exceeded - keep the HiKey cool during the build.
As mentioned above, use (e.g. on Ubuntu AMD64) for ARM64, then transfer over the bootstrap tbx file, untar it, and use it as GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP. Check out the Go sources into a separate GOROOT, and build.
_--Andrew Cencini_ (
## Scaleway C1 Server
Architecture: armv7l
Operating System: Debian 8.2 (armhf)
Go Version: 1.5
The Scaleway C1 Server is a dedicated ARM server with 2GiB RAM using a SAN for storage.
I used the following guide: [Building Go 1.5 on the Raspberry Pi](
_--Laurent Debacker
## Jetson Nano
Jetson Nano™ from NVIDIA® is a high performance low-power single board computer built for edge Artificial Intelligence computing. It has Quad-core ARM57 based CPU clocked at 1.43 Ghz, 128-core Maxwell based GPU and 4GB of LPDDR4 memory with 25.6 GB/s bandwidth.
Architecture: ARMv8-A
Operating System: Jetson Nano Developer Kit (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) with JetPack 4.2
Kernel: I'm using a custom compiled official kernel with patch for enabling Zswap and having the root file system in a USB SSD. The procedure for doing this is detailed in [Syonyk's blog](
abishek@Titan:~$ uname -a
Linux Titan 4.9.140 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu May 23 01:33:05 IST 2019 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
Go Version:
abishek@Titan:~$ go version
go version go1.12.5 linux/arm64
I used the ARMv8 version from [Other Ports]( section of official downloads.
I set the following system wide environment variables in /etc/environment.
HW configuration : 5V 4A power via DC barrel jack. Noctua 40mm PWM fan. Samsung 840 EVO 120 GB SSD.
SW configuration : Headless. Zswap. 12 GB swap partition.
Simple benchmark.
abishek@Titan:~$ cd $GOROOT/src/runtime
$ go test -test.bench=BenchmarkUint
ok runtime 329.992s
Extensive benchmarks.
$ go test -test.bench=".*" -test.timeout="60m"
goos: linux
goarch: arm64
pkg: runtime
BenchmarkMakeChan/Byte-4 10000000 219 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeChan/Int-4 5000000 298 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeChan/Ptr-4 3000000 452 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeChan/Struct/0-4 10000000 196 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeChan/Struct/32-4 3000000 519 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeChan/Struct/40-4 3000000 592 ns/op
BenchmarkChanNonblocking-4 200000000 7.93 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectUncontended-4 10000000 124 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectSyncContended-4 200000 7358 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectAsyncContended-4 2000000 671 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectNonblock-4 100000000 22.7 ns/op
BenchmarkChanUncontended-4 200000 6956 ns/op
BenchmarkChanContended-4 30000 51996 ns/op
BenchmarkChanSync-4 1000000 1118 ns/op
BenchmarkChanSyncWork-4 200000 11784 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdCons0-4 2000000 817 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdCons10-4 2000000 656 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdCons100-4 3000000 561 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdConsWork0-4 2000000 803 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdConsWork10-4 2000000 706 ns/op
BenchmarkChanProdConsWork100-4 2000000 633 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectProdCons-4 1000000 1411 ns/op
BenchmarkChanCreation-4 10000000 206 ns/op
BenchmarkChanSem-4 3000000 502 ns/op
BenchmarkChanPopular-4 1000 1503920 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure-4 200000000 6.54 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure1-4 300000000 5.94 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure2-4 20000000 72.0 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure3-4 20000000 77.9 ns/op
BenchmarkCallClosure4-4 20000000 74.6 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivNormal-4 20000000 72.3 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivNisNaN-4 30000000 47.0 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivDisNaN-4 20000000 67.6 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivNisInf-4 50000000 38.7 ns/op
BenchmarkComplex128DivDisInf-4 20000000 79.3 ns/op
BenchmarkSetTypePtr-4 200000000 8.54 ns/op 936.87 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr8-4 50000000 37.2 ns/op 1720.14 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr16-4 30000000 45.6 ns/op 2806.20 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr32-4 20000000 60.4 ns/op 4236.17 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr64-4 20000000 110 ns/op 4615.47 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr126-4 10000000 171 ns/op 5892.51 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtr128-4 10000000 169 ns/op 6030.73 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypePtrSlice-4 1000000 1589 ns/op 5154.84 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1-4 50000000 33.7 ns/op 712.62 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1Slice-4 10000000 197 ns/op 3881.85 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode8-4 30000000 42.1 ns/op 1899.69 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode8Slice-4 3000000 558 ns/op 4584.96 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64-4 10000000 128 ns/op 4123.56 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64Slice-4 500000 2707 ns/op 6240.73 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64Dead-4 20000000 72.4 ns/op 7291.77 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode64DeadSlice-4 500000 3203 ns/op 5274.16 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode124-4 10000000 169 ns/op 5961.36 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode124Slice-4 300000 4505 ns/op 7159.55 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode126-4 10000000 171 ns/op 5971.04 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode126Slice-4 300000 4430 ns/op 7395.67 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode128-4 10000000 181 ns/op 5737.43 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode128Slice-4 300000 4958 ns/op 6711.13 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode130-4 10000000 183 ns/op 5764.99 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode130Slice-4 300000 5092 ns/op 6635.64 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1024-4 1000000 1104 ns/op 7430.05 MB/s
BenchmarkSetTypeNode1024Slice-4 50000 32624 ns/op 8050.89 MB/s
BenchmarkAllocation-4 30000 42818 ns/op
BenchmarkReadMemStats-4 50000 26260 ns/op
BenchmarkWriteBarrier-4 20000000 59.5 ns/op
BenchmarkBulkWriteBarrier-4 50000000 30.4 ns/op
BenchmarkScanStackNoLocals-4 10 161375576 ns/op
BenchmarkHash5-4 50000000 24.4 ns/op 205.24 MB/s
BenchmarkHash16-4 100000000 22.9 ns/op 698.97 MB/s
BenchmarkHash64-4 50000000 36.2 ns/op 1766.78 MB/s
BenchmarkHash1024-4 10000000 144 ns/op 7062.29 MB/s
BenchmarkHash65536-4 200000 7637 ns/op 8580.67 MB/s
BenchmarkAlignedLoad-4 200000000 7.74 ns/op
BenchmarkUnalignedLoad-4 200000000 7.72 ns/op
BenchmarkEqEfaceConcrete-4 500000000 3.51 ns/op
BenchmarkEqIfaceConcrete-4 500000000 3.86 ns/op
BenchmarkNeEfaceConcrete-4 500000000 3.51 ns/op
BenchmarkNeIfaceConcrete-4 500000000 3.86 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ESmall-4 100000000 10.9 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2EUintptr-4 100000000 10.7 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ELarge-4 20000000 119 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ISmall-4 100000000 11.0 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2IUintptr-4 100000000 10.5 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2ILarge-4 20000000 118 ns/op
BenchmarkConvI2E-4 300000000 5.43 ns/op
BenchmarkConvI2I-4 30000000 52.5 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2T-4 500000000 3.79 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2TLarge-4 200000000 7.13 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2I-4 30000000 53.3 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2T-4 500000000 3.75 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2I-4 30000000 54.0 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2E-4 300000000 5.38 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2E-4 300000000 4.91 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2T2-4 300000000 4.91 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2T2Blank-4 500000000 3.04 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2E2-4 200000000 6.67 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertI2E2Blank-4 500000000 3.04 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2E2-4 200000000 6.32 ns/op
BenchmarkAssertE2E2Blank-4 500000000 3.04 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/16-4 100000000 10.9 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/32-4 100000000 10.5 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/64-4 100000000 10.5 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/str-4 100000000 11.9 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/slice-4 100000000 12.8 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/big-4 2000000 715 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/nonzero/16-4 30000000 52.6 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/nonzero/32-4 20000000 61.4 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/nonzero/64-4 20000000 73.1 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/nonzero/str-4 10000000 128 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/nonzero/slice-4 10000000 160 ns/op
BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/nonzero/big-4 2000000 722 ns/op
BenchmarkMalloc8-4 20000000 67.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMalloc16-4 20000000 102 ns/op
BenchmarkMallocTypeInfo8-4 20000000 99.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMallocTypeInfo16-4 20000000 119 ns/op
BenchmarkMallocLargeStruct-4 1000000 1034 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineSelect-4 200 5243015 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineBlocking-4 200 6219647 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineForRange-4 200 6146714 ns/op
BenchmarkGoroutineIdle-4 500 2738542 ns/op
BenchmarkHashStringSpeed-4 20000000 75.0 ns/op
BenchmarkHashBytesSpeed-4 20000000 123 ns/op
BenchmarkHashInt32Speed-4 30000000 64.2 ns/op
BenchmarkHashInt64Speed-4 20000000 56.2 ns/op
BenchmarkHashStringArraySpeed-4 10000000 175 ns/op
BenchmarkMegMap-4 30000000 51.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMegOneMap-4 100000000 21.8 ns/op
BenchmarkMegEqMap-4 5000 378562 ns/op
BenchmarkMegEmptyMap-4 200000000 9.83 ns/op
BenchmarkSmallStrMap-4 30000000 53.3 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_16-4 30000000 48.8 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_32-4 30000000 47.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_64-4 30000000 47.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_1M-4 30000000 47.3 ns/op
BenchmarkIntMap-4 30000000 47.9 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/1-4 100000000 15.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/2-4 100000000 15.6 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/3-4 100000000 15.6 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/4-4 100000000 15.6 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/5-4 100000000 15.6 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/6-4 100000000 15.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/7-4 100000000 15.6 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/8-4 100000000 15.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/9-4 50000000 35.2 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/10-4 50000000 35.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/11-4 50000000 35.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/12-4 50000000 35.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/13-4 50000000 35.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/14-4 50000000 35.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/15-4 50000000 35.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapFirst/16-4 50000000 35.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/1-4 100000000 16.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/2-4 100000000 19.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/3-4 100000000 19.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/4-4 100000000 21.3 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/5-4 100000000 21.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/6-4 100000000 23.2 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/7-4 100000000 23.2 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/8-4 50000000 25.6 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/9-4 30000000 40.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/10-4 30000000 55.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/11-4 30000000 46.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/12-4 30000000 46.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/13-4 30000000 46.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/14-4 50000000 46.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/15-4 30000000 40.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapMid/16-4 50000000 46.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/1-4 100000000 16.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/2-4 100000000 19.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/3-4 100000000 21.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/4-4 50000000 23.2 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/5-4 50000000 25.3 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/6-4 50000000 27.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/7-4 50000000 29.6 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/8-4 30000000 47.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/9-4 30000000 52.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/10-4 30000000 56.8 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/11-4 30000000 56.9 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/12-4 30000000 55.6 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/13-4 20000000 55.1 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/14-4 20000000 51.9 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/15-4 30000000 48.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMapLast/16-4 30000000 48.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMapCycle-4 20000000 80.9 ns/op
BenchmarkRepeatedLookupStrMapKey32-4 20000000 76.9 ns/op
BenchmarkRepeatedLookupStrMapKey1M-4 5000 241809 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeMap/[Byte]Byte-4 5000000 378 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeMap/[Int]Int-4 3000000 586 ns/op
BenchmarkNewEmptyMap-4 50000000 25.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkNewSmallMap-4 10000000 152 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapIter-4 5000000 323 ns/op
BenchmarkMapIterEmpty-4 100000000 22.5 ns/op
BenchmarkSameLengthMap-4 100000000 18.3 ns/op
BenchmarkBigKeyMap-4 20000000 95.4 ns/op
BenchmarkBigValMap-4 20000000 95.5 ns/op
BenchmarkSmallKeyMap-4 20000000 66.7 ns/op
BenchmarkMapPopulate/1-4 20000000 83.6 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapPopulate/10-4 1000000 1953 ns/op 179 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapPopulate/100-4 50000 25432 ns/op 3252 B/op 15 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapPopulate/1000-4 5000 279914 ns/op 49383 B/op 19 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapPopulate/10000-4 500 2723038 ns/op 412217 B/op 163 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapPopulate/100000-4 50 28713410 ns/op 3588881 B/op 3733 allocs/op
BenchmarkComplexAlgMap-4 10000000 214 ns/op
BenchmarkGoMapClear/Reflexive/1-4 20000000 112 ns/op
BenchmarkGoMapClear/Reflexive/10-4 10000000 123 ns/op
BenchmarkGoMapClear/Reflexive/100-4 5000000 304 ns/op
BenchmarkGoMapClear/Reflexive/1000-4 300000 3735 ns/op
BenchmarkGoMapClear/Reflexive/10000-4 50000 34074 ns/op
BenchmarkGoMapClear/NonReflexive/1-4 5000000 379 ns/op
BenchmarkGoMapClear/NonReflexive/10-4 3000000 480 ns/op
BenchmarkGoMapClear/NonReflexive/100-4 1000000 1183 ns/op
BenchmarkGoMapClear/NonReflexive/1000-4 100000 13549 ns/op
BenchmarkGoMapClear/NonReflexive/10000-4 10000 117289 ns/op
BenchmarkMapStringConversion/32/simple-4 30000000 41.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapStringConversion/32/struct-4 30000000 41.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapStringConversion/32/array-4 30000000 41.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapStringConversion/64/simple-4 30000000 46.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapStringConversion/64/struct-4 30000000 46.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapStringConversion/64/array-4 30000000 46.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapPop100-4 50000 36575 ns/op
BenchmarkMapPop1000-4 3000 511995 ns/op
BenchmarkMapPop10000-4 100 12112237 ns/op
BenchmarkMapAssign/Int32/256-4 20000000 66.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapAssign/Int32/65536-4 20000000 90.2 ns/op
BenchmarkMapAssign/Int64/256-4 20000000 66.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMapAssign/Int64/65536-4 10000000 115 ns/op
BenchmarkMapAssign/Str/256-4 20000000 79.9 ns/op
BenchmarkMapAssign/Str/65536-4 10000000 186 ns/op
BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Int32/256-4 20000000 66.2 ns/op
BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Int32/65536-4 20000000 95.3 ns/op
BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Int64/256-4 20000000 66.7 ns/op
BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Int64/65536-4 10000000 138 ns/op
BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Str/256-4 1000000 5035 ns/op
BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Str/65536-4 3000000 682 ns/op
BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Int32/256-4 20000000 96.4 ns/op 47 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Int32/65536-4 5000000 275 ns/op 28 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Int64/256-4 20000000 95.7 ns/op 47 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Int64/65536-4 5000000 293 ns/op 28 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Str/256-4 10000000 318 ns/op 93 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Str/65536-4 3000000 465 ns/op 48 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMapDelete/Int32/100-4 20000000 104 ns/op
BenchmarkMapDelete/Int32/1000-4 20000000 77.8 ns/op
BenchmarkMapDelete/Int32/10000-4 20000000 103 ns/op
BenchmarkMapDelete/Int64/100-4 20000000 103 ns/op
BenchmarkMapDelete/Int64/1000-4 20000000 80.3 ns/op
BenchmarkMapDelete/Int64/10000-4 20000000 104 ns/op
BenchmarkMapDelete/Str/100-4 10000000 124 ns/op
BenchmarkMapDelete/Str/1000-4 20000000 117 ns/op
BenchmarkMapDelete/Str/10000-4 10000000 126 ns/op
BenchmarkMemmove/0-4 300000000 5.58 ns/op
BenchmarkMemmove/1-4 100000000 13.5 ns/op 74.30 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/2-4 100000000 13.5 ns/op 148.40 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/3-4 100000000 13.3 ns/op 225.03 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/4-4 100000000 13.3 ns/op 299.99 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/5-4 100000000 13.3 ns/op 374.96 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/6-4 100000000 13.5 ns/op 444.23 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/7-4 100000000 13.4 ns/op 522.62 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/8-4 100000000 13.3 ns/op 600.00 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/9-4 100000000 13.4 ns/op 673.43 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/10-4 100000000 13.3 ns/op 750.14 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/11-4 100000000 13.3 ns/op 824.91 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/12-4 100000000 13.3 ns/op 899.90 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/13-4 100000000 13.5 ns/op 962.98 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/14-4 100000000 13.4 ns/op 1046.19 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/15-4 100000000 13.3 ns/op 1124.88 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/16-4 100000000 13.5 ns/op 1188.13 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/32-4 100000000 13.6 ns/op 2356.67 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/64-4 100000000 16.3 ns/op 3924.55 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/128-4 50000000 23.9 ns/op 5354.07 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/256-4 50000000 35.2 ns/op 7280.74 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/512-4 20000000 68.1 ns/op 7522.83 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/1024-4 20000000 113 ns/op 9060.92 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/2048-4 10000000 203 ns/op 10086.84 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmove/4096-4 5000000 383 ns/op 10668.94 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/0-4 100000000 10.7 ns/op
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/1-4 100000000 15.4 ns/op 64.75 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/2-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 142.50 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/3-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 213.78 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/4-4 100000000 14.5 ns/op 275.50 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/5-4 100000000 14.9 ns/op 335.56 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/6-4 100000000 14.7 ns/op 407.71 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/7-4 100000000 14.9 ns/op 468.79 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/8-4 100000000 14.5 ns/op 550.56 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/9-4 100000000 14.7 ns/op 611.60 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/10-4 100000000 15.0 ns/op 668.48 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/11-4 100000000 14.8 ns/op 744.55 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/12-4 100000000 15.1 ns/op 792.42 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/13-4 100000000 15.0 ns/op 866.28 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/14-4 100000000 14.9 ns/op 942.03 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/15-4 100000000 15.0 ns/op 1000.58 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/16-4 100000000 14.5 ns/op 1103.84 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/32-4 100000000 16.7 ns/op 1921.87 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/64-4 50000000 32.7 ns/op 1954.46 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/128-4 50000000 28.1 ns/op 4560.37 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/256-4 30000000 47.7 ns/op 5364.41 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/512-4 20000000 84.9 ns/op 6029.49 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/1024-4 10000000 156 ns/op 6552.17 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/2048-4 5000000 290 ns/op 7059.63 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/4096-4 3000000 561 ns/op 7296.37 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/0-4 100000000 10.5 ns/op
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/1-4 100000000 15.6 ns/op 64.12 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/2-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 142.49 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/3-4 100000000 14.2 ns/op 211.08 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/4-4 100000000 13.9 ns/op 287.49 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/5-4 100000000 13.6 ns/op 367.36 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/6-4 100000000 13.9 ns/op 432.38 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/7-4 100000000 13.6 ns/op 514.32 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/8-4 100000000 13.8 ns/op 579.18 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/9-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 643.05 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/10-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 715.96 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/11-4 100000000 13.8 ns/op 795.76 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/12-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 855.35 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/13-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 930.87 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/14-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 998.89 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/15-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 1072.50 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/16-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 1141.96 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/32-4 100000000 15.4 ns/op 2072.73 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/64-4 100000000 18.5 ns/op 3450.95 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/128-4 50000000 25.6 ns/op 4996.57 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/256-4 50000000 37.9 ns/op 6754.79 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/512-4 20000000 74.0 ns/op 6919.73 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/1024-4 20000000 119 ns/op 8554.12 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/2048-4 10000000 206 ns/op 9940.15 MB/s
BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/4096-4 5000000 385 ns/op 10629.02 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/5-4 100000000 14.7 ns/op 339.27 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/16-4 100000000 14.9 ns/op 1075.74 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/64-4 100000000 20.0 ns/op 3192.24 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/256-4 50000000 34.7 ns/op 7373.17 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/4096-4 5000000 288 ns/op 14199.71 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/65536-4 200000 5920 ns/op 11069.74 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/1M-4 10000 119686 ns/op 8761.04 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/4M-4 3000 492651 ns/op 8513.73 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/8M-4 2000 978378 ns/op 8573.99 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/16M-4 1000 1960626 ns/op 8557.07 MB/s
BenchmarkMemclr/64M-4 200 7860433 ns/op 8537.55 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr/5-4 200000000 8.66 ns/op 577.65 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr/16-4 200000000 7.03 ns/op 2277.18 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr/64-4 100000000 13.3 ns/op 4810.16 MB/s
BenchmarkGoMemclr/256-4 50000000 31.5 ns/op 8122.27 MB/s
BenchmarkClearFat8-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat12-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat16-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat24-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat32-4 2000000000 1.42 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat40-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat48-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat56-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat64-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat128-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat256-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat512-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkClearFat1024-4 2000000000 1.42 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat8-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat12-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat16-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat24-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat32-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat64-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat128-4 2000000000 1.42 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat256-4 2000000000 1.41 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat512-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat520-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkCopyFat1024-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkIssue18740-4 100000 14531 ns/op
BenchmarkFinalizer-4 500 2526732 ns/op
BenchmarkFinalizerRun-4 1000000 2604 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscall-4 20000000 63.4 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscallWork-4 20000000 96.9 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscallExcess-4 20000000 63.4 ns/op
BenchmarkSyscallExcessWork-4 20000000 96.8 ns/op
BenchmarkPingPongHog-4 500000 2889 ns/op
BenchmarkStackGrowth-4 100000000 21.2 ns/op
BenchmarkStackGrowthDeep-4 500000 2548 ns/op
BenchmarkCreateGoroutines-4 1000000 1046 ns/op
BenchmarkCreateGoroutinesParallel-4 10000000 198 ns/op
BenchmarkCreateGoroutinesCapture-4 200000 8941 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkClosureCall-4 300000000 5.80 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/0s-4 100000 20843 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/1µs-4 50000 23993 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/2µs-4 50000 27880 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/5µs-4 50000 37540 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/10µs-4 30000 56729 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/20µs-4 20000 96465 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/50µs-4 10000 221160 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/100µs-4 5000 359871 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSyscall/0s-4 10000 321507 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSyscall/1µs-4 5000 335555 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSyscall/2µs-4 5000 346055 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSyscall/5µs-4 5000 343007 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSyscall/10µs-4 5000 386787 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSyscall/20µs-4 5000 387292 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSyscall/50µs-4 5000 556090 ns/op
BenchmarkWakeupParallelSyscall/100µs-4 3000 626904 ns/op
BenchmarkMatmult-4 200000000 9.45 ns/op
BenchmarkFastrand-4 2000000000 1.65 ns/op
BenchmarkFastrandHashiter-4 50000000 32.3 ns/op
BenchmarkFastrandn/2-4 200000000 8.42 ns/op
BenchmarkFastrandn/3-4 200000000 8.43 ns/op
BenchmarkFastrandn/4-4 200000000 8.50 ns/op
BenchmarkFastrandn/5-4 200000000 8.42 ns/op
BenchmarkIfaceCmp100-4 5000000 370 ns/op
BenchmarkIfaceCmpNil100-4 10000000 203 ns/op
BenchmarkEfaceCmpDiff-4 1000000 2052 ns/op
BenchmarkDefer-4 5000000 256 ns/op
BenchmarkDefer10-4 10000000 230 ns/op
BenchmarkDeferMany-4 3000000 489 ns/op
BenchmarkRWMutexUncontended-4 20000000 112 ns/op
BenchmarkRWMutexWrite100-4 10000000 197 ns/op
BenchmarkRWMutexWrite10-4 1000000 1629 ns/op
BenchmarkRWMutexWorkWrite100-4 10000000 221 ns/op
BenchmarkRWMutexWorkWrite10-4 1000000 1314 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeSlice/Byte-4 20000000 60.2 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeSlice/Int16-4 20000000 73.2 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeSlice/Int-4 10000000 133 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeSlice/Ptr-4 10000000 188 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeSlice/Struct/24-4 10000000 200 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeSlice/Struct/32-4 10000000 230 ns/op
BenchmarkMakeSlice/Struct/40-4 5000000 262 ns/op
BenchmarkGrowSlice/Byte-4 10000000 144 ns/op
BenchmarkGrowSlice/Int16-4 10000000 204 ns/op
BenchmarkGrowSlice/Int-4 5000000 245 ns/op
BenchmarkGrowSlice/Ptr-4 5000000 365 ns/op
BenchmarkGrowSlice/Struct/24-4 3000000 428 ns/op
BenchmarkGrowSlice/Struct/32-4 3000000 486 ns/op
BenchmarkGrowSlice/Struct/40-4 2000000 607 ns/op
BenchmarkExtendSlice/IntSlice-4 10000000 165 ns/op
BenchmarkExtendSlice/PointerSlice-4 10000000 213 ns/op
BenchmarkExtendSlice/NoGrow-4 100000000 15.4 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend-4 30000000 56.2 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendGrowByte-4 300 5560036 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendGrowString-4 5 226765389 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSlice/1Bytes-4 100000000 12.6 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSlice/4Bytes-4 100000000 12.0 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSlice/7Bytes-4 100000000 11.9 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSlice/8Bytes-4 100000000 12.0 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSlice/15Bytes-4 100000000 11.9 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSlice/16Bytes-4 100000000 12.3 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSlice/32Bytes-4 100000000 12.6 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/1024Bytes-4 1000000 1420 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/4096Bytes-4 300000 4643 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/16384Bytes-4 100000 13584 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/65536Bytes-4 50000 32999 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/262144Bytes-4 10000 120741 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/1048576Bytes-4 2000 679068 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr/1Bytes-4 100000000 13.5 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr/4Bytes-4 100000000 11.9 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr/8Bytes-4 100000000 11.9 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr/16Bytes-4 100000000 12.6 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendStr/32Bytes-4 100000000 14.4 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendSpecialCase-4 20000000 85.0 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy/1Byte-4 100000000 14.0 ns/op 71.25 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/1String-4 100000000 13.8 ns/op 72.29 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/2Byte-4 100000000 21.4 ns/op 93.67 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/2String-4 100000000 17.1 ns/op 117.24 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/4Byte-4 100000000 16.9 ns/op 237.34 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/4String-4 100000000 16.8 ns/op 237.50 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/8Byte-4 100000000 22.9 ns/op 348.61 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/8String-4 100000000 16.8 ns/op 475.00 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/12Byte-4 100000000 16.8 ns/op 712.43 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/12String-4 100000000 16.9 ns/op 712.04 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/16Byte-4 50000000 24.8 ns/op 646.37 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/16String-4 100000000 16.8 ns/op 949.90 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/32Byte-4 100000000 16.3 ns/op 1964.35 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/32String-4 100000000 16.4 ns/op 1956.17 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/128Byte-4 50000000 27.4 ns/op 4676.48 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/128String-4 50000000 27.4 ns/op 4676.64 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/1024Byte-4 20000000 113 ns/op 9005.87 MB/s
BenchmarkCopy/1024String-4 20000000 113 ns/op 9004.83 MB/s
BenchmarkAppendInPlace/NoGrow/Byte-4 1000000 1352 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendInPlace/NoGrow/1Ptr-4 300000 4058 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendInPlace/NoGrow/2Ptr-4 200000 7520 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendInPlace/NoGrow/3Ptr-4 200000 8608 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendInPlace/NoGrow/4Ptr-4 100000 14133 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendInPlace/Grow/Byte-4 1000000 1076 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendInPlace/Grow/1Ptr-4 1000000 1074 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendInPlace/Grow/2Ptr-4 1000000 1449 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendInPlace/Grow/3Ptr-4 1000000 1841 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendInPlace/Grow/4Ptr-4 1000000 1983 ns/op
BenchmarkStackCopyPtr-4 5 309390029 ns/op
BenchmarkStackCopy-4 5 297313618 ns/op
BenchmarkStackCopyNoCache-4 2 518883532 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringEqual-4 100000000 12.8 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringIdentical-4 100000000 11.9 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringSameLength-4 100000000 10.5 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringDifferentLength-4 2000000000 1.40 ns/op
BenchmarkCompareStringBigUnaligned-4 3000 430422 ns/op 2436.18 MB/s
BenchmarkCompareStringBig-4 3000 428766 ns/op 2445.59 MB/s
BenchmarkConcatStringAndBytes-4 20000000 78.6 ns/op
BenchmarkSliceByteToString/1-4 100000000 16.9 ns/op
BenchmarkSliceByteToString/2-4 20000000 65.6 ns/op
BenchmarkSliceByteToString/4-4 20000000 73.4 ns/op
BenchmarkSliceByteToString/8-4 20000000 88.1 ns/op
BenchmarkSliceByteToString/16-4 10000000 122 ns/op
BenchmarkSliceByteToString/32-4 10000000 139 ns/op
BenchmarkSliceByteToString/64-4 10000000 186 ns/op
BenchmarkSliceByteToString/128-4 5000000 281 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneCount/lenruneslice/ASCII-4 50000000 37.9 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneCount/lenruneslice/Japanese-4 5000000 263 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneCount/lenruneslice/MixedLength-4 10000000 232 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneCount/rangeloop/ASCII-4 50000000 33.0 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneCount/rangeloop/Japanese-4 5000000 260 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneCount/rangeloop/MixedLength-4 10000000 208 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneCount/utf8.RuneCountInString/ASCII-4 30000000 41.4 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneCount/utf8.RuneCountInString/Japanese-4 10000000 184 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneCount/utf8.RuneCountInString/MixedLength-4 10000000 218 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate/range/ASCII-4 50000000 29.5 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate/range/Japanese-4 5000000 246 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate/range/MixedLength-4 10000000 206 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate/range1/ASCII-4 50000000 29.5 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate/range1/Japanese-4 5000000 246 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate/range1/MixedLength-4 10000000 221 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate/range2/ASCII-4 50000000 29.5 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate/range2/Japanese-4 5000000 246 ns/op
BenchmarkRuneIterate/range2/MixedLength-4 10000000 204 ns/op
BenchmarkArrayEqual-4 200000000 6.33 ns/op
BenchmarkClockVDSOAndFallbackPaths/vDSO-4 10000000 195 ns/op
BenchmarkClockVDSOAndFallbackPaths/Fallback-4 1000000 1936 ns/op
BenchmarkTimeNow-4 10000000 197 ns/op
ok runtime 1331.420s
--Abishek Muthian ([@heavyinfo](