| # Use [winstrap](https://github.com/golang/winstrap) |
| |
| Download the latest version of winstrap.exe from the [winstrap](https://github.com/golang/winstrap) page and run it. |
| |
| It will download some installers to your desktop, which you should run. Just click through; all the defaults are fine. |
| |
| Then it will check out Go and place it in c:\Users\%USER%\goroot and build it. |
| |
| That's it. |
| |
| |
| --- |
| |
| Older (deprecated?) instructions follow. |
| |
| |
| --- |
| |
| |
| # Install MinGW/MSYS |
| |
| Download and save the latest version of the automated MinGW installer executable (` exe `) file from SourceForge. |
| |
| http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/Automated%20MinGW%20Installer/mingw-get-inst/ |
| |
| Open and run the saved automated MinGW installer executable file, which is named ` mingw-get-inst-yyyymmdd.exe `, where ` yyyymmdd ` is the version date stamp. For example, ` mingw-get-inst-20110530.exe `. |
| |
| The MinGW Setup Wizard window will open with the title "Setup - MinGW-Get". Except for the following, accept the setup defaults, unless it's necessary to change them. |
| |
| For Repository Catalogues, check the Download latest repository catalogues button. |
| |
| For Select Components, the MinGW Compiler Suite, the C Compiler box is automatically checked. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and check the MinGW Developer Toolkit box, which includes the MSYS Basic System. |
| |
| For Ready to Install, review and verify the installation settings, which should look similar this: |
| ``` |
| Installing: |
| mingw-get |
| pkginfo |
| C Compiler |
| MSYS Basic System |
| MinGW Developer Toolkit |
| Downloading latest repository catalogues |
| Destination location: |
| C:\MinGW |
| ``` |
| When the installation settings are correct, Install. |
| |
| The installation loads the package installation catalogues and downloads and installs the files. The installation may take some time, largely depending on the download speed. |
| |
| The MSYS terminal window may be opened by opening and running the ` C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat ` batch file. |
| |
| # Build |
| |
| ``` |
| hg clone https://code.google.com/p/go/ |
| cd go\src |
| all.bat |
| ``` |
| |
| # 64-bit Notes |
| |
| 1. Ensure you are able to compile a working 32-bit Go first. |
| 1. Grab the latest zip from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Automated%20Builds/ and extract it over the MinGW directory, so that for example the .exe files end up in the same location as the 32-bit ones. |
| 1. Replace ` gcc.exe ` and ` ar.exe ` with their 64-bit counterparts. |
| 1. Set ` GOARCH=amd64 ` and away you go! |
| |
| # Alternative Strategy |
| |
| Install http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/ |
| |
| Install Python 2.x. |
| |
| Install Mercurial for Python 2.x. |
| |
| Make a "godev.bat" file on your desktop with: |
| |
| ``` |
| set GOROOT=c:\go |
| set GOPATH=c:\you\gopath |
| set PATH=%PATH%;%GOROOT%\bin;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts |
| cd %GOROOT%\src |
| CMD |
| ``` |
| |
| Then double-click and type "all.bat". The codereview extension should work too (test with "hg pq") |