blob: 81e5aa529dcc4b4ed4fb12ae4513800a7d7878b8 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Introduction
[Performance Dashboard]( does continuous monitoring of performance characteristics of the Go implementation. It notifies codereview threads about any significant changes caused by the commit, allows to see performance changes caused by [recent commits](, allows to investigate changes [in detail]( as well as shows [graphical representation]( of performance dynamics.
# Builders
The dashboard uses two builders: linux-amd64 running Ubuntu 14.04 and windows-amd64 running Windows 8.1. Both builders has the same hardware: 2 x Intel Xeon E5620 @ 2.4GHz, 8 HT cores, 12GB RAM.
# Benchmarks
The builders run benchmarks from the [x/benchmarks]( repo:
* ` json `: marshals and unmarshals large json object, in several goroutines independently.
* ` http `: http client and server serving "hello world", uses persistent connections and read/write timeouts.
* ` garbage `: parses net package using go/parser, in a loop in several goroutines; half of packages are instantly discarded, the other half is preserved indefinitely; this creates significant pressure on the garbage collector.
* ` build `: does 'go build -a std'.
# Metrics
Metrics collected are:
* ` allocated `: amount of memory allocated, per iteration, in bytes
* ` allocs `: number of memory allocations, per iteration
* ` cputime `: total CPU time (user+sys from time Unix utility output), can be larger than time when GOMAXPROCS>1, per iteration, in ns
* ` gc-pause-one `: duration of a single garbage collector pause, in ns
* ` gc-pause-total `: total duration of garbage collector pauses, per iteration, ns
* ` latency-50/95/99 `: request latency percentile, in ns
* ` rss `: max memory consumption as reported by OS, in bytes
* ` sys-gc `: memory consumed by garbage collector metadata (` MemStats.GCSys `), in bytes
* ` sys-heap `: memory consumed by heap (` MemStats.HeapSys `), in bytes
* ` sys-other `: unclassified memory consumption (` MemStats.OtherSys `), in bytes
* ` sys-stack `: memory consumed by stacks (` MemStats.StackSys `), in bytes
* ` sys-total `: total memory allocated from OS (` MemStats.Sys `), in bytes
* ` time `: real time (essentially the same as std Go benchmarks output), per iteration, in ns
* ` virtual-mem `: virtual memory consumption as reported by OS, in bytes
And for build benchmark:
* ` binary-size `: size of the go command, in bytes
* ` build-cputime `: CPU time spent on the build, in ns
* ` build-rss `: max memory consumption of the build process as reported by OS, in bytes
* ` build-time `: real time of the build, in ns
# Profiles
The dashboard also collects a set of profiles for every commit, they are available from the [details page]( For usual benchmarks [CPU]( and [memory]( profiles are collected. For build benchmark - [perf profile](, [per-process split of CPU time]( and [per-section size](
# Perf Changes View
The [view]( allows to see aggregate information about significant performance changes caused by recent commits.
* The first row shows difference between the latest release and tip.
* The rest of the rows show deltas caused by individual commits.
* The first column is commit hash.
* Second - number of benchmarks that were executed for the commit to far.
* Third - metric name, or the special 'failure' metric for build/runtime crashes.
* Fourth - negative deltas.
* Fifth - positive deltas.
* The rest describe commit.
You can click on any positive/negative delta to see details about the change.
# Perf Graphs View
The [view]( shows dynamics of performance metrics in graphical form.
On the left pane you select one or more builders, benchmarks, metrics, GOMAXPROCS values as well as commit range, and click Refresh to update the graph.
If you hover over the graph, you see information about the commit and metric values. You can zoom in/out by scrolling (mouse wheel), and see older/newer commits by dragging the graph. Right mouse click on the graph resets view to initial.
All lines are normalized to their starting point. The first point is always 1.0, and the rest are relative to the first point.