| Commercial providers of Go training |
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| ## On-line |
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| * [Mastering Go Programming](https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/mastering-go-programming-video) - A comprehensive Go video training course |
| * [Golang - From Beginner to Advanced - Romeo Mihalcea](https://www.devcasts.io/course/golang-from-beginner-to-advanced/) |
| * [Golang Tutorials - Sathish VJ](http://golangtutorials.blogspot.com/2011/05/table-of-contents.html) - A free online class. |
| * [Learn Go - Codementor.io](https://www.codementor.io/go) - Beginner level online class. |
| * [Learning to Program in Go - Chris Hawkes](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLei96ZX_m9sVSEXWwZi8uwd2vqCpEm4m6) - Free video tutorial for beginner Go programming. |
| * [Go Language Programming Practical Basics Tutorial - Sentdex](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQVvvaa0QuDeF3hP0wQoSxpkqgRcgxMqX) - Free video tutorial for Go beginners by Sentdex. |
| * [O'Reilly Go Fundamentals](http://shop.oreilly.com/category/learning-path/go-fundamentals.do) - Video training series. |
| * [Pluralsight.com](http://www.pluralsight.com/tag/golang) - Offers 5 classes at beginner and advanced levels. |
| * [Master Go](https://appliedgo.com/p/mastergo/) - A paid online video course on Go for developers |
| * [Learn to Create Web Applications using Go](https://www.usegolang.com/) - A paid online video course and book about Web programming with Go |
| * [Golang tutorial](https://hackr.io/tutorials/learn-golang) - Learn Go from the best online golang tutorials submitted & voted by the golang programming community. |
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| ## Classroom and In-Person |
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| * [Ardan Labs](https://www.ardanlabs.com/) - Offering customized on-site live training classes. |
| * [Boss Sauce Creative](https://bosssauce.it/services/training) - Personalized or track-based Go training for teams. |
| * [Brian Ketelsen](https://www.brianketelsen.com/) - In-person, remote, and online training classes for individuals and companies. |
| * [Gopher Guides](https://www.gopherguides.com/) - Customized In-person, remote, and online training classes. Training for Developers by Developers. Lead Instructors: [Mark Bates](http://www.gopherguides.com/team/mark.bates), [Cory LaNou](http://www.gopherguides.com/team/cory.lanou) |
| * [Web Development in Go](http://goblimey.com/courses/go.for.oo.devs.html) - three days, 26th-28th June 2017, London. |