| ### Party recap on tweets |
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| Missed or missing the party? Here is a flashback for you: https://storify.com/gobridge/go-16v-world-release-party |
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| ---- |
| ### What's happening? |
| To celebrate the release of Go 1.6 we're organising a world wide release party on February the 17th, 2016. |
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| #### Hang on, did you say Go 1.6 ships on the 17th of February? |
| Nope! Go 1.6 ships when it's ready. With that said, things are looking pretty good for a mid Feb release. Using the power of software estimation, a date was plucked from the aether that happened to coincide with several meetups that were already in the works. |
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| ### Sounds awesome, how can you get involved? |
| - If you host a Go user group or meetup, schedule a meetup on the 17th of Feb and celebrate with Gophers around the world. |
| - If you're a member of a Go user group or meetup, pester your organiser and let them know you'd like to participate. |
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| After the event post a photo, make a video, write a blog post, scribble on your Facebook wall, or tweet something pithy. Let's see how big we can make the celebration. |
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| Don't forget to add your details :point_down: right here. |
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| #### Who's involved? |
| Here is a list of the groups who are participating. |
| - [Sydney Go users' group](http://www.meetup.com/golang-syd/events/228276309/) |
| - [Go-Miami](http://www.meetup.com/Go-Miami/events/228280324/) |
| - [San Diego Gophers](http://www.meetup.com/sdgophers/events/228129827/) |
| - [PDX Go](http://www.meetup.com/PDX-Go/events/228220792/) |
| - [GopherConIndia](http://www.gophercon.in/) |
| - [Belarus Golang User Group](https://events.dev.by/belarus-golang-user-group-meetup-2) |
| - [Ukrainian Golang User Groups](http://www.meetup.com/uagolang/events/228343484/) |
| - [Lviv Golang Group](http://www.meetup.com/Lviv-Golang-Group/events/228344940/) |
| - [Edmonton Go](https://edmontongo.org/) (Feb 22) |
| - [Software Craftsmanship Toulouse](http://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/Software-Craftsmanship-Toulouse/events/228285655/) |
| - [Golang Paris](http://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/Golang-Paris/events/228563347/) |
| - [Polish GLUG Meetup](http://www.meetup.com/GoLang-User-Group-Wroclaw/events/228369658/) |
| - [Google Developer Group Gigcity](http://www.meetup.com/GDG-Gigcity/events/228373161/) |
| - [Golang Montréal](https://golangmontreal.org) (Feb 22nd) |
| - [Golang Vietnam](https://www.facebook.com/events/1651152271814093/) (Feb 23) |
| - [Gophers Katowice](http://www.meetup.com/Gophers-Katowice/events/228375778/) |
| - [GoSF](http://www.meetup.com/golangsf/events/226090306/) |
| - [Boston Golang](http://www.meetup.com/Boston-Go-lang-User-Group/events/228398963/) |
| - [Go-Tampa](http://www.meetup.com/Go-Tampa/events/227365472/) |
| - [Atlanta](http://www.meetup.com/Go-Users-Group-Atlanta/events/228336134/) |
| - [GoAKL](http://www.meetup.com/Go-AKL/events/228436705/) |
| - [Golang Barcelona](http://www.meetup.com/es-ES/Golang-Barcelona/events/228438675/) |
| - [Golang Singapore](http://www.meetup.com/golangsg/events/228148961/) (February 18) |
| - [Go Maryland](http://www.meetup.com/Go-Maryland/events/228445301/) (February 18) |
| - [Orange County Gophers](http://www.meetup.com/Orange-County-Gophers/events/228458630/) |
| - [Central Jersey Tech Meetup](http://www.meetup.com/Central-Jersey-Tech-Meetup/events/228461491/) |
| - [Kansas City Golang Meetup](http://www.meetup.com/Kansas-City-Go-lang-Meetup/events/228467750/) |
| - [Mexico City Gophers](http://www.meetup.com/GophersMX/events/228478343/) |
| - [Women Who Go London](http://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Go-London/events/228254901/) |
| - [Go Israel](http://www.meetup.com/Go-Israel/events/228520409/) |
| - [Go User Group Hamburg](http://www.meetup.com/Go-User-Group-Hamburg/events/228370048/) |
| - [Golang Brasil - São Paulo](http://www.meetup.com/golangbr/events/228525183/) (Saturday, February 20) |
| - [Zürich Gophers - Switzerland](http://www.meetup.com/Zurich-Gophers/events/228578365/) |
| - [Golang Reston](http://www.meetup.com/Golang-Reston/events/228252844/) |
| - [GoMAD](http://www.meetup.com/go-mad/events/228591957/) |
| - [GoCon](http://gocon.connpass.com/event/26572/) |
| - [GDG Golang Berlin](http://www.meetup.com/golang-users-berlin/events/228632499/) (Feb 17) |
| - [ATX Golang](http://www.meetup.com/atxgolang/events/226396146/) (Austin) |
| - [GoCon Tokyo](http://gocon.connpass.com/event/26572/) |
| - [Golang Italian Hackers, at Develer](https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-go-16-release-party-21450150979) |
| - [Go London User Group](http://www.meetup.com/Go-London-User-Group/events/228371135/) |
| - [Seattle Go Programmers](http://www.meetup.com/golang/events/228465356/) |
| - [Vilnius Golang](http://www.meetup.com/Vilnius-Golang/events/228751719/) |
| - [Go DC](http://www.meetup.com/Golang-DC/events/228378173/) |
| - [GDG Korea Golang](https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cku5socs07a6o3oihqu3dfvhf70) (Feb 22) |
| - [Golang ZG, Zagreb Croatia] (http://www.meetup.com/Golang-ZG/events/228863217/) |
| - [Gophers-ir Iran/Tehran] (https://evand.ir/events/gophers-16) (February 18) |
| - [Golang Brazil - Porto Alegre](https://www.facebook.com/events/980566935370382/) (February 17) |
| - [Seattle Go Programmers] (http://www.meetup.com/golang/events/228465356/) (Wed February 17) |
| - [Go Cape Town] (http://www.meetup.com/gocapetown/events/228874257/) |
| - [Golang Hong Kong] (http://www.meetup.com/GolangHK/events/228551636/) |
| - [Golang Lima] (http://www.meetup.com/es-ES/Golang-Peru/events/228643682/) |
| - [Gophers Barranquilla] (http://www.meetup.com/es-ES/Gophers-Barranquilla/events/228899893/) |
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| _If your group is not listed here yet, edit the page and add yourself._ |
| _Organisers, once you've added your group, consider tweeting out a link to the page to raise awareness._ |
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| ### Stay in touch |
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| Trying to co-ordinate dozens of meetup groups around the globe will be challenging. Here are some ways you can plan your event, discuss it online, and keep up to date. |
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| As always, if you get stuck, or need help, please [contact the organisers directly](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Go-1.6-release-party#no-seriously-whos-organising-this), we're here to help. |
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| ##### Slack Channel |
| We have a channel for the [release party](https://gophers.slack.com/messages/go-release-party/) on the [Gophers Slack](https://gophers.slack.com/messages/go-release-party/). If you need an invite to Slack, [you can request an automatic invite with this link](https://gophersinvite.herokuapp.com/). |
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| ##### Mailing list |
| We have set up a [google groups mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/go-meetup-organisers) for meetup organisers to ask questions. At the moment the list is focused on the event on the 17th, hopefully if that goes well the mailing list will become a useful resource in the future. |
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| ### What happens in a release party? |
| Go 1.6 is the 7th release of the language which has been open source since November 10th, 2009 -- that's 6.5 years since the project was open sourced and nearly 4 years since the 1.0 release. |
| A lot has changed in the language since 1.0, so this is a great opportunity to discuss the improvements landing 1.6. |
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| #### Resources |
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| Francesc Campoy presented his _State of Go_ talk at FOSDEM, which includes details of the upcoming Go 1.6 release. [His slide are available online](https://talks.golang.org/2016/state-of-go.slide#1). |
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| Here a Go 1.6 presentation slide deck from the Go Sydney users' group. Feel free to use this for your meetup. |
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| [talks.godoc.org/github.com/davecheney/gosyd/go1.6.slide](http://talks.godoc.org/github.com/davecheney/gosyd/go1.6.slide) |
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| _Source_: https://github.com/davecheney/gosyd/blob/master/go1.6.slide |
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| _Please send PR's with corrections/additions_ |
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| #### Go 1.6 new and noteworthy |
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| _Please help by expanding this section so meetup organisers can share these details with their groups._ |
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| - [Go 1.6 release notes (draft)](http://tip.golang.org/doc/go1.6) |
| - HTTP/2. |
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| Go 1.6's `net/http` package supports [HTTP/2](https://http2.golang.org/) for both the client and server out of the box. |
| [Here is a video of @bradfitz giving an overview of Go 1.6's HTTP/2 support](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gukAZO1fqZQ). |
| - Garbage Collector improvements. |
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| Go 1.6 focused heavily on improvements to the low latency collector shipped in Go 1.5. |
| Rick Hudson gave a [presentation at GopherCon 2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiv1JOfMjm0) describing the low latency collector delivered in Go 1.5, and gave hints to the improvements being worked on for 1.6. |
| Rick recently [recorded an interview with InfoQ](http://www.infoq.com/interviews/hudson-go-gc) which focused on 1.6 in more detail. |
| - GOVENDOREXPERIMENT becomes the default. |
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| Go 1.5 added experimental support for a mechanism of including the source of your package's dependencies in the package itself, colloquially known as _vendoring_. This feature was opt-in during Go 1.5. |
| Go 1.6 makes the vendor support the default, and it's likely that packages will start to use it soon. |
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| - `text/template` changes. |
| A long requested ability to [trim whitespace in templates](http://tip.golang.org/pkg/text/template/#hdr-Text_and_spaces) has arrived. This template |
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| `"{{23 -}} < {{- 45}}"` |
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| will produce this output |
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| `"23<45"` |
| |
| - cgo changes |
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| cgo continues to get stricter about sharing data between Go and C. http://tip.golang.org/cmd/cgo/#hdr-Passing_pointers |
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| Ian Lance Taylor has put a lot of work into making signal handling more sane. |
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| - More supported platforms. |
| Go 1.6 adds experimental ports to Linux on 64-bit MIPS (linux/mips64 and linux/mips64le). Note that this is 64 bit MIPS, not the older 32 bit MIPS commonly found in routers. |
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| 64-bit PowerPC (linux/ppc64le), Go 1.6 now supports cgo with external linking and is roughly feature complete. |
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| Go 1.6 also adds an experimental port to Android on 32-bit x86 (android/386). |
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| _Did you contribute to Go 1.6 and your contribution is not listed here? Edit this page and add some details about what you did._ |
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| ### What'll happen if Go 1.6 comes out early? |
| It'll ruin the surprise, but only a little. Being realistic, even without the difficulty of timezones it's impossible to run every meetup at exactly the same time. As mentioned above, Feb 17 is an arbitrary date. |
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| If you're a meetup organiser, Feb 17th would be great, but your participation is more important than being able to organise your group for exactly the 17th. |
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| ### What'll happen if Go 1.6 isn't out by the 17th? |
| Well ... at least we'll have each other. |
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| The feature set of Go 1.6 isn't going to change in the next few weeks. If Go 1.6 ships after the 17th, it will be a little anticlimactic that we jumped the gun, but it's not a big deal. |
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| ### Who's organising this? |
| Well, if you run a Go meetup, you are. It can't be a worldwide release party without meetups around the globe. |
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| #### No, seriously, who's organising this? |
| Here are the organisers so far: |
| - [Dave Cheney](mailto://dave@cheney.net) - @davecheney |
| - [Carlisia Campos](mailto://carlisia@golangbridge.org) - @carlisia |
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| _Want to help? Edit this page and add yourself_ |
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| If you have questions, please reach out to one of the organisers. |