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# Introduction
First, is the primary cgo documentation.
There is also a good introduction article at
## The basics
If a Go source file imports ` "C" `, it is using cgo. The Go file will have access to anything appearing in the comment immediately preceding the line ` import "C" `, and will be linked against all other cgo comments in other Go files, and all C files included in the build process.
Note that there must be no blank lines in between the cgo comment and the import statement.
To access a symbol originating from the C side, use the package name ` C `. That is, if you want to call the C function ` printf() ` from Go code, you write ` C.printf() `. Since variable argument methods like printf aren't supported yet (issue [975](, we will wrap it in the C method "myprint":
package cgoexample
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void myprint(char* s) {
printf("%s\n", s);
import "C"
import "unsafe"
func Example() {
cs := C.CString("Hello from stdio\n")
## Calling Go functions from C
It is possible to call both top-level Go functions and function variables from C code invoked from Go code using cgo.
### Global functions
Go makes its functions available to C code through use of a special ` //export ` comment.
Note: you can't define any C functions in preamble if you're using exports.
For example, there are two files, foo.c and foo.go:
foo.go contains:
package gocallback
import "fmt"
#include <stdio.h>
extern void ACFunction();
import "C"
//export AGoFunction
func AGoFunction() {
func Example() {
foo.c contains:
#include "_cgo_export.h"
void ACFunction() {
### Function variables
The following code shows an example of invoking a Go callback from C code. Because of the [pointer passing rules]( Go code can not pass a function value directly to C. Instead it is necessary to use an indirection. This example uses a registry with a mutex, but there are many other ways to map from a value that can be passed to C to a Go function.
package gocallback
import (
extern void go_callback_int(int foo, int p1);
// normally you will have to define function or variables
// in another separate C file to avoid the multiple definition
// errors, however, using "static inline" is a nice workaround
// for simple functions like this one.
static inline void CallMyFunction(int foo) {
go_callback_int(foo, 5);
import "C"
//export go_callback_int
func go_callback_int(foo, p1 {
fn := lookup(int(foo))
func MyCallback(x {
fmt.Println("callback with", x)
func Example() {
i := register(MyCallback)
var mu sync.Mutex
var index int
var fns = make(map[int]func(
func register(fn func( int {
defer mu.Unlock()
for fns[index] != nil {
fns[index] = fn
return index
func lookup(i int) func( {
defer mu.Unlock()
return fns[i]
func unregister(i int) {
defer mu.Unlock()
delete(fns, i)
### Function pointer callbacks
C code can call exported Go functions with their explicit name. But if a C-program wants a function pointer, a gateway function has to be written. This is because we can't take the address of a Go function and give that to C-code since the cgo tool will generate a stub in C that should be called. The following example shows how to integrate with C code wanting a function pointer of a give type.
Place these source files under _$GOPATH/src/ccallbacks/_. Compile and run with:
$ gcc -c clibrary.c
$ ar cru libclibrary.a clibrary.o
$ go build
$ ./ccallbacks
Go.main(): calling C function with callback to us
C.some_c_func(): calling callback with arg = 2
C.callOnMeGo_cgo(): called with arg = 2
Go.callOnMeGo(): called with arg = 2
C.some_c_func(): callback responded with 3
package main
#cgo CFLAGS: -I .
#cgo LDFLAGS: -L . -lclibrary
#include "clibrary.h"
int callOnMeGo_cgo(int in); // Forward declaration.
import "C"
import (
//export callOnMeGo
func callOnMeGo(in int) int {
fmt.Printf("Go.callOnMeGo(): called with arg = %d\n", in)
return in + 1
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Go.main(): calling C function with callback to us\n")
package main
#include <stdio.h>
// The gateway function
int callOnMeGo_cgo(int in)
printf("C.callOnMeGo_cgo(): called with arg = %d\n", in);
int callOnMeGo(int);
return callOnMeGo(in);
import "C"
#ifndef CLIBRARY_H
#define CLIBRARY_H
typedef int (*callback_fcn)(int);
void some_c_func(callback_fcn);
#include <stdio.h>
#include "clibrary.h"
void some_c_func(callback_fcn callback)
int arg = 2;
printf("C.some_c_func(): calling callback with arg = %d\n", arg);
int response = callback(2);
printf("C.some_c_func(): callback responded with %d\n", response);
## Go strings and C strings
Go strings and C strings are different. Go strings are the combination of a length and a pointer to the first character in the string. C strings are just the pointer to the first character, and are terminated by the first instance of the null character, ` '\0' `.
Go provides means to go from one to another in the form of the following three functions:
* ` func C.CString(goString string) *C.char `
* ` func C.GoString(cString *C.char) string `
* ` func C.GoStringN(cString *C.char, length string `
One important thing to remember is that ` C.CString() ` will allocate a new string of the appropriate length, and return it. That means the C string is not going to be garbage collected and it is up to **you** to free it. A standard way to do this follows.
// #include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
import "unsafe"
var cmsg *C.char = C.CString("hi")
// do something with the C string
Of course, you aren't required to use ` defer ` to call ` `. You can free the C string whenever you like, but it is your responsibility to make sure it happens.
## Turning C arrays into Go slices
C arrays are typically either null-terminated or have a length kept elsewhere.
Go provides the following function to make a new Go byte slice from a C array:
* ` func C.GoBytes(cArray unsafe.Pointer, length []byte `
To create a Go slice backed by a C array (without copying the original data), one needs to acquire this length at runtime and use a type conversion to a pointer to a very big array and then slice it to the length that you want (also remember to set the cap if you're using Go 1.2 or later), for example (see for a runnable example):
import "C"
import "unsafe"
var theCArray *C.YourType = C.getTheArray()
length := C.getTheArrayLength()
slice := (*[1 << 28]C.YourType)(unsafe.Pointer(theCArray))[:length:length]
It is important to keep in mind that the Go garbage collector will not interact with this data, and that if it is freed from the C side of things, the behavior of any Go code using the slice is nondeterministic.
## Common Pitfalls
### Struct Alignment Issues
As Go doesn't support packed struct (e.g., structs where maximum alignment is 1 byte), you can't
use packed C struct in Go. Even if your program passes compilation, it won't do what you want.
To use it, you have to read/write the struct as byte array/slice.
Another problem is that some types has lower alignment requirement than their counterpart in Go,
and if that type happens to be aligned in C but not in Go rules, that struct simply can't be represented
in Go. An example is this ([issue 7560](
struct T {
uint32_t pad;
complex float x;
Go's complex64 has an alignment of 8-byte, where as C has only 4-byte (because C treats the
complex float internally as a ` struct { float real; float imag; } `, not a basic type), this T struct simply
doesn't have a Go representation. For this case, if you control the layout of the struct, move the
complex float so that it is also aligned to 8-byte is better, and if you're not willing to move it,
use this form will force it to align to 8-byte (and waste 4-byte):
struct T {
uint32_t pad;
__attribute__((align(8))) complex float x;
However, if you don't control the struct layout, you will have to define accessor C functions for
that struct because cgo won't be able to translate that struct into equivalent Go struct.
### ` //export ` and definition in preamble
If a Go source file uses any ` //export ` directives, then the C code in the comment may only include declarations (` extern int f(); `), not definitions (` int f() { return 1; } ` or ` int n; `).
Note: you can use ` static inline ` trick to work around this restriction for tiny functions defined
in the preamble (see above for a complete example).
### Windows
In order to use cgo on Windows, you'll also need to first install a gcc compiler (for instance, mingw-w64) and have gcc.exe (etc.) in your PATH environment variable before compiling with cgo will work.
### environmental variables
Go os.Getenv() doesn't see variables set by C.setenv()
### tests
_test.go files can't use cgo.