| # Resources for New Speakers |
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| Go needs everyone's help. |
| We want to see more new speakers with new perspectives at Go conferences, |
| especially more women and others underrepresented in the Go community. |
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| The process of applying to speak at a tech conference can be a bit opaque and confusing |
| for first-time speakers. |
| In general, please remember that, first and foremost, |
| conferences organizers want to find great talks; |
| there is no single format or recipe for a great talk; |
| and you need not be a Go expert to give a great talk. |
| All that you need to be is excited about sharing something |
| you've observed or learned about using Go. |
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| Here are some good blog posts with tips for writing conference talk proposals: |
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| - “[How to write a successful conference proposal](https://dave.cheney.net/2017/02/12/how-to-write-a-successful-conference-proposal)” by Dave Cheney |
| - “[How to write a successful conference proposal](https://medium.com/@fox/how-to-write-a-successful-conference-proposal-4461509d3e32)” by Karolina Szczur |
| - “[Is your conference proposal good enough?](http://rckbt.me/2014/01/conference-proposals/)” by Raquel Vélez (rockbot) |
| - “[What your conference proposal is missing](http://www.sarahmei.com/blog/2014/04/07/what-your-conference-proposal-is-missing/)” by Sarah Mei |
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| Elsewhere on the wiki, we maintain a list of [upcoming conferences](Conferences) with links to CFPs. |
| The same page also lists past conferences with links to talk videos. These conferences welcome speakers of all experience levels and backgrounds! |
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| ## Contact Us |
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| We, the Go community members listed below, |
| are happy to discuss or review talk proposals |
| and answer other questions about the overall speaking process. |
| Feel free to contact any of us directly. |
| |
| - Russ Cox, rsc@golang.org, [@_rsc](https://twitter.com/_rsc) |
| - Steve Francia, spf@golang.org, [@spf13](https://twitter.com/spf13) |
| - William Kennedy, bill@ardanlabs.com, [@goinggodotnet](https://twitter.com/goinggodotnet) |
| - Cassandra Salisbury, cassandra@golangbridge.org, [@cassandraoid](https://twitter.com/cassandraoid) |
| - Ashley McNamara, ashmc@microsoft.com, [@ashleymcnamara](https://twitter.com/ashleymcnamara) |
| - Brian Ketelsen, bjk@microsoft.com, [@bketelsen](https://twitter.com/bketelsen) |
| - Natalie Pistunovich natalie@golangbridge.org, [@nataliepis](https://twitter.com/nataliepis) |
| - Erik St. Martin, erikstm@microsoft.com, [@erikstmartin](https://twitter.com/erikstmartin) |
| - Francesc Campoy, campoy@golang.org, [@francesc](https://twitter.com/francesc) |
| - Sameer Ajmani, sameer@google.com, [@Sajma](https://twitter.com/Sajma) |
| - Florin Pățan, florinpatan@gmail.com, [@dlsniper](https://twitter.com/dlsniper) |
| - Aaron Schlesinger, arschles@gmail.com, [@arschles](https://twitter.com/arschles) |
| - Paul Jolly, paul@myitcv.io [@_myitcv](https://twitter.com/_myitcv) |
| - Alexey Palazhchenko, alexey.palazhchenko@gmail.com [@paaleksey](https://twitter.com/paaleksey) (English, Russian) |
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| (Experienced speakers, feel free to add your contact information to the list, or email rsc@golang.org if you don't have wiki edit permission.) |