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This page links to resources for learning about server programming in Go - both web services and mobile backends. The items are organized into sections by topic.
## Getting Started
- Read [Writing Web Applications with the Go standard library](
- Read [Building Web Applications in Go]( from the author of the [Negroni]( and [Martini]( webserver toolkits.
- Read [Build a Web Application With Go]( from the author of the [BeeGo web framework](
- Read [Building Your Own Web Framework in Go]( a 5-part series.
- Code [A Tour of Go: Web Servers]( and [HTTP Handlers](
- Watch [Go: code that grows with grace](
- Download a [full working 3-tier application example]( from the Sourcegraph Team.
### Middleware
A topic you will see discussed frequently is "middleware". If you're not familiar with that term, we suggest you start out by reading a few of these articles:
* [Writing Handsome Golang Middleware]( _2015-05-05_
* [Middleware in Go: Best practices and examples]( _2014-11-13_
* Custom Handlers [Part 1 - Avoiding Globals](, [Part 2 - Error Handling]( _2014-07-16_
* [Making and Using HTTP Middleware]( _2014-10-21_
* [Writing HTTP Middleware in Go]( _2013-10-09_
## Toolkits and Frameworks
Before you decide to adopt a third party web framework or toolkit, keep in mind that the Go standard library provides all of the tools you need to build a sophisticated, modern web application. Keeping with Go's preference for simplicity and composability over complexity and magic, we suggest you [see how far the standard library can take you](
If you decide you need a bit more infrastructure, start by looking at some of the toolkits and libraries available.
### Toolkits & Libraries & Microframeworks
* [Gorilla Toolkit](
* [Negroni Toolkit - Idiomatic HTTP Middleware for Go](
* [Echo Framework - Fast and Unfancy](
* [Goji Web Microframework](
* [Go Craft Middleware](
* [Go RESTful]( - Toolkit for RESTful service APIs
* [limiter]( - Simple rate-limiting middleware for Go
* [Kite Micro-service framework](
* [Alice - Painless middleware chaining for Go](
* [YAM - Yet Another Mux](
* [Bone - Fast HTTP Router](
### Frameworks
* [BeeGo Framework](
* [Frodo]( - Go mini web framework inspired by Laravel(php), Slim(php) and ExpressJS(node.js)
* [GinGonic](
* [Macaron]( - Productive, modular web framework in Go.
* [Revel Web Framework](
* [Ringo]( - Lighweight MVC web framework inspired by Rails, Gin.
* [Utron]( - Lightweight MVC framework for web applications.
## Communication
- [Package net/http]( provides HTTP client and server implementations.
- [Package encoding/json]( implements encoding and decoding of JSON objects as defined in RFC 4627.
- [Package net/rpc]( provides access to the exported methods of an object across a network or other I/O connection.
- [Package os/exec]( runs external commands.
## Presentation
- [Package text/template]( implements data-driven templates for generating textual output.
- [Package html/template]( implements data-driven templates for generating HTML output safe against code injection.
## Profiling and Performance
- Read [Profiling Go Programs](
- Read [Arrays, slices (and strings): The mechanics of 'append'](
- Read the [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)](, especially
- [Why does Go perform badly on benchmark X?](
- [Why do garbage collection? Won't it be too expensive?](
- [Package bufio]( implements buffered I/O.
- [Package runtime/pprof]( writes runtime profiling data in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool.
- [Package net/http/pprof]( serves via its HTTP server runtime profiling data in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool.
## Tracing, Monitoring, Logging, and Configuration
- [Package expvar]( provides a standardized interface to public variables, such as operation counters in servers.
- [Package flag]( implements command-line flag parsing.
- [Package log]( implements a simple logging package.
- [Package glog]( implements logging analogous to the Google-internal C++ INFO/ERROR/V setup.
## Storage
- [Package os]( provides a platform-independent interface to operating system functionality.
- [Package path/filepath]( implements utility routines for manipulating filename paths in a way compatible with the target operating system-defined file paths.
- [Package database/sql]( provides a generic interface around SQL (or SQL-like) databases.
## Platforms
### Google Cloud Platform
- Read [Go, Cloud Endpoints and App Engine, Part 1](, [Part 2](
- Read [Google Cloud Platform: Go Runtime Environment](
- Watch [Go and the Google Cloud Platform](
- Read [Go on App Engine: tools, tests, and concurrency](
- Get [Google Cloud Platform Go Libraries](
- Read [Deploying Go servers with Docker](
- Search packages for [Google Cloud]( or [gcloud](
- Search packages for [App Engine]( or [GAE](
### Amazon Web Services
- The [aws-sdk-go]( repository provides automatically generated AWS clients in Go. It has [official support]( from Amazon.
- [Package goamz]( enables Go programs to interact with the Amazon Web Services.
- Search packages for [AWS]( or [Amazon services](
### Microsoft Azure
- Microsoft OpenTech's [azure-sdk-for-go]( provides a Golang package that makes it easy to consume and manage Microsoft Azure Services.
- Search packages for [Azure](
### Openstack / Rackspace
- Rackspace's [gophercloud]( is a Golang SDK for working with OpenStack clouds.
- Search packages for [Openstack]( or [Rackspace](
### IBM BlueMix
- [Write your first Golang app on BlueMix](