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Sorted by publication date.
# English
* **Go Programming**
* Author: John P. Baugh
* Publication Date: June 16, 2010
* ISBN: 978-1453636671
* **The Way to Go: A Thorough Introduction to the Go Programming Language**
* Author: Ivo Balbaert
* Publication Date: March 8, 2012
* ISBN: 978-1469769165
* **The Go Programming Language Phrasebook**
* Author: David Chisnall
* Publication Date: May 10, 2012
* ISBN: 978-0321817143
* **Programming in Go: Creating Applications for the 21st Century**
* Author: Mark Summerfield
* Publication Date: May 14, 2012
* ISBN: 978-0321774637
* **An Introduction to Programming in Go**
* Author: Caleb Doxsey
* Publication Date: September 3, 2012
* ISBN: 978-1478355823
* References: [site](
* **Learning Go** (e-book)
* Author: Miek Gieben
* Publication Date: ---
* ISBN: ---
* References: [site](
* **Network Programming with Go** (e-book)
* Author: Jan Newmarch
* Publication Date: ---
* ISBN: ---
* References: [site](
* **Go: Up and Running**
* Author: Alan Harris
* Publication Date: April 2015 (est.)
* ISBN: 978-1-4493-7025-1
* **Go In Action**
* Authors: Brian Ketelsen, Erik St. Martin, and William Kennedy
* Publication Date: Summer 2015 (est.)
* ISBN: 9781617291784
* References:
* Discount Code 40% Off: gocenter
# Chinese
* **Go语言·云动力**
* Author: 樊虹剑(fango
* Publication Date: 2012-06
* ISBN: 978-7-115-28307-8
* Reference:
* **Go语言编程**
* Author: 许式伟
* Publication Date: 2012-08
* ISBN: 978-7-115-29036-6
* Reference:
* **Go Web编程**
* Author: 谢孟军
* Publication Date: 2013-05
* ISBN: 9787121200915
* Reference:
* **Go语言程序设计 (Programming in Go: Creating Applications for the 21st Century)**
* Author: Mark Summerfield
* Translator: 许式伟, 吕桂华, 徐立, 何李石
* Publication Date: 2013-08
* ISBN: 978-7-115-31790-2
* Reference:
* **Go语言程序设计 (21世纪高等学校规划教材·计算机科学与技术)**
* Author: 王鹏
* Publication Date: 2013-12-18
* ISBN: 9787302347231
* Reference:
* **学习 Go 语言** (e-book / Translation)
* Author: Xing Xing (mikespook)
* Publication Date: ---
* ISBN: ---
* References: [site](
* **Go 学习笔记 - 第三版** (e-book)
* Author: 雨痕(qyuhen
* Publication Date: ---
* ISBN: ---
* References: [site](
# Japanese
* **はじめての「Go言語」**
* Author: 茨木 隆彰
* Publication Date: 2010-11
* ISBN: 978-4777515592
* Reference:
* **Go言語プログラミング入門on Google App Engine**
* Author: 横山 隆司
* Publication Date: 2011-12
* ISBN: 978-4798031804
* Reference:
* **はじめてのGoogle App Engine Go言語編**
* Author: 茨木 隆彰
* Publication Date: 2012-2
* ISBN: 978-4777516605
* Reference:
* **プログラミング言語Goフレーズブック**
* Author: David Chisnall (著), デイビッド・チズナール (著), 柴田 芳樹 (翻訳)
* Publication Date: 2012-10
* ISBN: 978-4864010962
* Reference:
* **基礎からわかる Go言語**
* Author: 古川
* Publication Date: 2012-11
* ISBN: 978-4863541177
* Reference:
# German
* **Programmierung in Google Go** (e-book)
* Authors: Rainer Feike and Steffen Blass
* ISBN: 978-3-8632-4722-5
* Publication Date: 2010-11
* Reference:
* **Systemprogrammierung in Google Go**
* Author: Frank Müller
* Publication Date: 2011-01
* ISBN: 978-3-89864-712-0
* Reference:
* **Nichtsequentielle Programmierung mit Go 1** (2nd edition) (available as print and e-book)
* Author: Christian Maurer
* Publication Date: 2012
* ISBN: 978-3-642-29968-1
* Reference:
* **Einstieg in Google Go** (e-book)
* Author: Christian Himpel and Mario Deilmann
* Publication Date: 2012-04
* ISBN: 978-3-86802-415-9
* Reference:
# Brazilian Portuguese
* **Programando em Go: crie aplicações com a linguagem do Google**
* Author: Caio Filipini
* Publication Date: 2014-07-01
* ISBN: 978-85-66250-49-7
* Reference:
# Russian
* **Программирование на языке Go**
* Author: Марк Саммерфильд
* Publication Date: 2013-02-14
* ISBN: 978-5-94074-854-0
* Reference: