| This page links to blog posts and videos discussing moving a code base to Go from some other language. |
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| # Python |
| * [Disqus: Trying out this Go thing](https://blog.disqus.com/trying-out-this-go-thing) |
| * [Rackspace: Making OpenStack-Powered Rackspace Cloud Files Buzz With Hummingbird](https://blog.rackspace.com/making-openstack-powered-rackspace-cloud-files-buzz-with-hummingbird/) |
| * [Repustate: From Python to Go: migrating our entire API](https://blog.repustate.com/migrating-entire-api-go-python/) |
| * [Spacemonkey: Python to Go] (https://www.spacemonkey.com/blog/posts/go-space-monkey) |
| * [Why I went from Python to Go (and not node.js)] (http://jordanorelli.com/post/31533769172/why-i-went-from-python-to-go-and-not-nodejs) |
| * [How to Convince Your Company to Go With Golang] (https://sendgrid.com/blog/convince-company-go-golang/) |
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| # Node |
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| * [Digg](https://medium.com/@theflapjack103/the-way-of-the-gopher-6693db15ae1f#.yw5lk8t25) |
| * [Uber](https://www.infoq.com/articles/podcast-matt-ranney) (audio) |
| * [Apex/TJ Holowaychuk](https://medium.com/@tjholowaychuk/farewell-node-js-4ba9e7f3e52b#.3hjxf6pbp) |
| * [ScaleDrone](http://blog.scaledrone.com/posts/nodejs-to-go) |
| * [From Node.js To Go, Why One Startup Made The Switch](http://thenewstack.io/from-node-js-to-go-why-one-startup-made-the-switch/) |
| * [Why did Koding switch from Node.js to Go?](https://www.quora.com/Why-did-Koding-switch-from-Node-js-to-Go) |
| * [Letting Go of Node.js](http://blog.davebalmer.com/letting-go-of-node-js/) |
| * [Our Experience with Golang](https://www.upguard.com/blog/our-experience-with-golang) |
| * [Interview with Steve Kaliski, CTO of Bowery - The tech stack that powers Bowery, Moving from Node.js to Go lang and more](https://hashnode.com/post/interview-with-steve-kaliski-cto-of-bowery-the-tech-stack-that-powers-bowery-moving-from-nodejs-to-go-lang-and-more-ciibz8dmn001lj3xt468g5k78) |
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| # C++ |
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| * [dl.google.com](https://talks.golang.org/2013/oscon-dl.slide#1) by Brad Fitzpatrick |
| * [Flywheel: Google's mobile image compression proxy](http://matt-welsh.blogspot.nl/2013/08/rewriting-large-production-system-in-go.html) |
| * [Fulfilling a Pikedream: the ups of downs of porting 50k lines of C++ to Go](https://togototo.wordpress.com/2015/03/07/fulfilling-a-pikedream-the-ups-of-downs-of-porting-50k-lines-of-c-to-go/) |
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| # Ruby |
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| * [Toggl: Moving to Go](https://blog.toggl.com/2012/09/moving-to-go/) |
| * [Iron.io: How We Went from 30 Servers to 2: Go](https://www.iron.io/how-we-went-from-30-servers-to-2-go/) |
| * [Parse: How We Moved Our API From Ruby to Go and Saved Our Sanity](http://blog.parse.com/learn/how-we-moved-our-api-from-ruby-to-go-and-saved-our-sanity/) |
| * [Timehop: Why Timehop Chose Go to Replace Our Rails App](https://medium.com/building-timehop/why-timehop-chose-go-to-replace-our-rails-app-2855ea1912d) |
| * [Scout App: FROM RUBY TO GO: A REWRITE FOR THE FUTURE](http://blog.scoutapp.com/articles/2014/09/25/from-ruby-to-go-a-rewrite-for-the-future) |
| * [Steven Yue: From Ruby's Grape to Martini in Go for Building Web API Server](http://stevenyue.com/blogs/from-rubys-grape-to-martini-in-go-for-building-web-api-server/) |
| * [Soundcloud: Go at Soundcloud](https://developers.soundcloud.com/blog/go-at-soundcloud) |
| * [My impressions of Go](http://blog.bensigelman.org/post/56158760736/golang-impressions) |
| * [Our Experience with Golang](https://www.upguard.com/blog/our-experience-with-golang) |
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| # Java |
| * [A journey from C and JAVA to GOLANG](https://rbock44.wordpress.com/2015/03/30/c-java-golang/) |
| * [Why one developer switched from Java to Google Go](http://www.javaworld.com/article/2459212/scripting-jvm-languages/why-one-developer-switched-from-java-to-google-go.html) |
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| # .NET |
| * [Why I Left the .NET Framework](http://blog.jonathanoliver.com/why-i-left-dot-net/) |
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| # Scala |
| * [CrowdStrike: Moving a Team from Scala to Go](https://web.archive.org/web/20160612120018/http://jimplush.com/talk/2015/12/19/moving-a-team-from-scala-to-golang/) |
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| # PHP |
| * [Switching from PHP to Go (read comments section)](https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/3wfnru/switching_from_php_to_go/) |
| * [A Journey into Microservices](https://sudo.hailoapp.com/services/2015/03/09/journey-into-a-microservice-world-part-1/) |
| * [ARDUINO WEB ARCHITECTURE, BACK TO THE FUTURE](https://blog.arduino.cc/2015/04/16/arduino-web-architecture-back-to-the-future/) |
| * [Why I switched from PHP to Go](http://codepushr.com/why-i-switched-from-php-to-go/) |
| * [Marco switched to GoLang from PHP and Saved Money, why not you ?!](http://phpmagazine.net/2015/02/marco-switched-to-golang-from-php-and-saved-money-why-not-you.html) |
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| # Perl |
| * [Perl to Go] |
| (http://tech.tokopedia.com/blog/perl-to-go) |
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| # Haskell |
| * [Golang’s Real-time GC in Theory and Practice] |
| (https://blog.pusher.com/golangs-real-time-gc-in-theory-and-practice/) |