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# Introduction
Go is a great language for CS majors. This page presents some university courses that use Go. For a list of free and commercial Go training classes, see [the Learn wiki](Learn).
# Language
* University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science used to have a course named Introduction to Go, taught by K. Bäckman: in Spring 2010.
* University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics has elective course named "Programming with Go", taught by K. Vladimiroff: (bulgarian) and their [[public lectures](] - (also in bulgarian)
* Free University of Berlin (Germany) had a course [Introduction to Go Programming]( in Spring 2013.
* J.W. Goethe University (Frankfurt/Main, Germany) had a course [Introduction to Go Programming]( in Spring 2015 (in german)
* University of Pennsylvania had a course on [Go Programming]( in Spring 2017.
* SUNY Potsdam (Potsdam, NY) "Selected languages course with Go", taught by Dr. Brian C. Ladd (Associate Professor of Computer Science). First class in Spring 2017
* University of Milan has a course named "Computer Programming" taught by Paolo Boldi:
# Programming Concepts
* President University (Cikarang, West Java, Indonesia) had a course [Programming Concepts]( for every junior students (using C, Go and Javascript).
# Web
* CS 4830: Science and Engineering of the WWW taught by Ryanne Dolan at University of Missouri:
* CSCI 130: Web Programming taught by [Todd McLeod]( at California State University Fresno
* CSCI 194: Adv. Web Programming taught by [Todd McLeod]( at California State University Fresno
* CIT 90: Data Drive Websites taught by [Todd McLeod]( at Fresno City College
* CIT 94: Server Side Scripting taught by [Todd McLeod]( at Fresno City College
# Concurrency
* Go is being used at the end of a yearlong freshman computer science class at KTH:
* Go, Concurrent and Systems Programming from Rochester Institute of Technology:
* Free University of Berlin (Germany) had a course on [Concurrent Programming]( with Go as a reference language in 2013.
* University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) had a lecture about Go and CSP within their course on [Concurrent systems modelling]( in summer 2014. [[Slides](]
* University of Stavanger, Norway. We use Go to teach concurrency principles in DAT320 Operating Systems.
* University of Tromsø, Norway. [Concurrent and Data-Intensive Programming (INF-2200)](
* University of Victoria (Canada) used Go in the section on Concurrency as a part of [Programming Languages (CSC 330)](
# Distributed Computing
* Distributed Computer Systems (CS 138) at Brown:
* Distributed Systems course (COS 418) at Princeton:
* Distributed Systems course (15-440) at CMU: (see also
* 6.824 Distributed Systems at MIT is using Go in its labs:
* CSE 223B, Spring 2014: Distributed Computing and Systems at UC San Diego
* Dixie State University teaches Go in an introductory course to programming languages and later on in distributed systems.
* CS 352, Computer Organization and Design, at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire:
* KTH Stockholm uses Go to teach concurrency:
* Norwegian University of Science and Technology: TTK4145 Real-Time Programming
* University of Stavanger, Norway. We use Go to build a replicated state machine based on Paxos in DAT520 Distributed Systems.
* Moscow State University, Russia. Go is used in graduate course on "Selected Topics in Distributed Systems Engineering"
* D7024E - Mobile and Distributed Computing Systems at Luleå University of Technology. Go is used to implement the DHT algorithm Chord and create a data replication system.
* University of Tromsø, Norway. [Distributed Systems Fundamentals (INF-3200)]( and [Advanced Distributed Systems (INF-3203)](
# Networking
* Computer Networking (COS 461) at Princeton: (See Assignment 1 and Assignment 4
# Compiler Design
* Compiler Design (CS712/CS812) at the University of New Hampshire: In Fall 2016 we are compiling a subset of Go to LLVM code.
* Introduction to Compilers (6197, Spanish) at Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid: Students write a compiler in Go that implements a language for drawing graphics.
# Security
* [Computer Systems Security]( (CS166) At Brown University. In particular, the final [Dropbox Project](