move some links from section Uncategorized to Other
diff --git a/ b/
index 146f6a1..79927e9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -151,26 +151,26 @@
 - Plamen Stoev, "[Go 2 block-level checks](", November 2018
+- Peter Goetz, "[Formalize and Enforce Error Handling](", September 2017
  - Fedir RYKHTIK, "[Go 2 error handling with exclamation mark](", September 2018
  - Einthusan Vigneswaran, “[Error Aware Keywords - return, defer, if, != and forcing the error object to be the last argument](”, September 2018
+ - Marlon Che, "[How about separating check and handle?](", August 2018
+ - Garrus, "[Another style of syntactic sugar on error handling](", August 2018
 - Andrew Phillips, “[Improving Go Error Handling](”, October 2017
 # Uncategorized
 Please help categorize the rest of the proposals here.
-- Peter Goetz, "[Formalize and Enforce Error Handling](", September 2017
 - DeedleFake, "[Feedback for Go 2 Design Drafts](", August 2018
 - Savino Pio Liguori, "[Feedback for Go2 error handling design](", August 2018
- - Garrus, "[Another style of syntactic sugar on error handling](", August 2018
- - Marlon Che, "[How about separating check and handle?](", August 2018
 - Yesuu Zhang, "[Pass the check and handle parameters, custom handle](", September 2018
 - Loki Verloren, “[Go 2 error handling feedback and my thoughts on how to improve programmer's efficiency and experience](”, September 2018