Go 1.1
Function Calls
Go 1.2
xml.Marshaler and Umarshaler
encoding.TextMarshaler and Unmarshaler
Runtime Symbol Table Format
Field Selectors and Nil Checks
Slice Syntax
Preemptive Scheduler
Go 1.3
Contiguous Stacks
Go 1.3 Linker Overhaul
Go 1.3 Native Client Support
Go 1.4
Go channels on steroids
Go 1.4 “Internal” Packages
Go 1.4 src/pkg → src
Go 1.4 Custom Import Path Checking
Go generate: A Proposal
The syscall package
Go 1.4 Subrepo Renaming
Go 1.4 Native Client Support for ARM
dev.cc branch plan
Go 1.5
Go 1.5 Bootstrap Plan
Go Compiler Overhaul
Go Execution Tracer
Future Proposals
New SSA Backend for the Go Compiler
Go 1.4+ Garbage Collection (GC) Plan and Roadmap
Better GC and Memory Allocator for Go
Groups Discussion
Precise GC Stack Roots
Go 1.3 cmd/go and os/fsnotify
Go 1.5 os/fsnotify API
Simple Multi-Dimensional Slices (Tables)
Go execution modes
NUMA-aware scheduler for Go
Go 1.5+ “External” Packages
Other Tools
Go Oracle
Binding Go and Java
Go Builder Plan
gomobile — a tool for building apps
Rejected Proposals
Read-only Slices
Evaluation of read-only slices
Go 1.4: unsafe.Pointer arithmetic