Companies currently using Go throughout the world
United States
- Google - the core Go team work at Google. Most uses of Go at Google are confidential.
- 6Wunderkinder - video
- 99designs - golang-nuts
- ActiveState - github
- adeven - blog
- Adori Labs
- AeroFS - github, blog
- Aerospike - blog
- Airbrake
- Apcera - blog
- Appbase
- Aruba Networks - golang-nuts
- Atatus - blog
- Avocet - blog
- Axioms - blog
- Basecamp - blog
- BBC Worldwide - source
- Beachfront Media article
- Beehively - Presentation
- Beme - job post
- Betable - talk #1, talk #2
- Big Commerce - blog, github
- Bitbucket - source
- bitly - github blog
- Blackbuck Computing - blog
- Blippar
- Bolt
- - github blog
- - source
- Bread Finance
- BuySellAds
- Byndr
- Canonical - source, email
- Carbon Games - source
- Clearblade - github
- Clever - github blog
- CloudFlare - blog article
- Cloud Foundry - blog github
- CloudWalk - github
- clypd - blog
- Cockroach Labs - blog
- Codeship - blog
- Comcast - github
- Conformal Systems - github
- Copper.IO - blog
- CoreOS - github, blog
- Couchbase - github
- Crashlytics - tweet
- Cupcake - tweet github
- CURT Manufacturing - github
- CustomerIO - tweet
- Dailymotion - github, blog
- Datadog - blog
- Datascale
- DeferPanic - github
- DigitalOcean - blog
- Disqus - blog, blog
- DNSimple - blog
- DoubleDutch
- domainr - tweet
- Docker - docker slides
- - post github
- Dropbox - blog, github
- Economist - github
- Embedly - blog
- EMC Cloud Services - tweet
- - blog
- Facebook - github, blog
- Factom - github
- Foize - github
- Flipboard - source (job post)
- FLXOne - blog
- Fullstory - blog
- Gatherer - twitter
- Gamegos
- General Electric Software - tweet, jobs
- Gengo - blog
- Getty Images - tweet tweet
- GitHub - blog post
- Granify - blog
- Hailo - slides
- Happy Pancake - blog
- HashiCorp - github
- Heroku - Go blog post, news
- Home24 - github
- Hooklift - github
- IBM - Clampify, i18n4go, libsecurity
- Igneous
- Imgur - github
- InfluxDB - blog
- Instela
- Intel Germany (Debugger QA Team) - source
- - source blog:“30 servers to 2” blog:“2 years of production Go”
- JelloLabs
- Jimdo - tweet github
- Karma - blog
- Kayako - twitter
- - github
- Kingsoft - github
- Kochava
- Koding - quora
- LabStack - github, website
- Lean Labs - git release
- Lincoln Loop - blog (as part of , #go-nuts IRC logging)
- LocalRaces - website
- Maldive
- MalwareBytes - blog
- MaxCDN - blog
- Medium - blog
- MediaMath - github, youtube
- Metasearch - twitter
- Microcosm - slides
- Modcloth - github
- Moovweb - github source
- MongoDB - blog
- Monsoon Commerce - blog
- Mozilla Services - github blog
- MROffice - source
- Namely - blog
- New York Times - source
- Nexway
- Ninchat - twitter
- Novartis - g+ post
- Odoscope - twitter, job
- Ooyala - github
- OpenShift - blog
- OvrClk - github
- Oyster Books - blog
- - github
- - blog
- Percona - blog
- Pinshape - job
- - blog status
- Poptip - blog, job posting
- Public Good Corp - meetup
- Qurami
- Rackspace - github
- Raintank - blog
- RapidLoop - product
- Rawstream - tweets
- Raygun - blog
- Remind101 - github, blog
- Rendered :Text - blog
- Repustate
- Rounds - blog
- Runscope - blog
- Sajari - blog
- Secret - blog
- Segment - github
- SendGrid - blog
- SendHub - source (shipbuilder PaaS)
- Shopify tweet
- Showyou source
- Shutterfly
- SignalFx - blog
- SmartyStreets source
- SmugMug - blog
- Skimlinks blog
- SoundCloud - blog
- Sourcegraph - talk, github
- Space Monkey - blog
- SpaceX - reddit
- Splice - tweet, blog, blog
- Springer - tweet
- Square - blog
- StackEngine - blog
- Stack Exchange - blog, github, website
- StatHat - Go blog post
- blog
- Streetspotr - tweet
- SumoLogic - github
- SyndicatePro - source
- Tamber - blog
- Tapglue
- Tapjoy - blog, github
- Teamwork - blog
- TF2Stadium - github, blog
- The Plant - Qortex, QoR
- Thisissoon - github
- Thomson Reuters Eikon - github source, video
- Thumbtack - Go Hercule blog post
- Timehop - blog
- TinkerCad
- Toggl - blog
- Torbit - blog
- Transloadit - blog
- Treetop Commons, NobleHour - tweet
- Tumblr - github source
- TurboBytes - github, tweet
- TV4 (Swedish TV station) - blog
- Twitch - blog
- Twitter - blog
- TweetQureet - blog
- Uber - tweet github
- Ulele - tweet
- Umbel - tweet
- - github
- VerveMobile
- VividCortex - blog, github
- VMware - github
- Weave
- Whim - meetup, tweet
- Yahoo - github
- Yik Yak - tweet
- Zynga - github
United Kingdom
Southeast Asia
Middle East
Tried Go, but moved away
See also Success Stories