This package is marked as deprecated now and suggests using
diff --git a/ b/
index daace23..33a961d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -140,13 +140,8 @@
## Import Proxies
Import Proxies act as a man in the middle between the Go tool and the VCS. It parses the data stream while the repository is being cloned.
-| **git-version-proxy** ||
-|Title |A HTTP Git proxy that only exposes certain versions|
-|Author |Morten Siebuhr |
-|Categories |Import Proxy (git) |
-| | |
| **** | |
|Title |Redirect the go tool onto well defined GitHub repositories. Versioning with tags and branches or the repository name.|
|Author |Gustavo Niemeyer |
|Categories |Import Proxy (GitHub) |
@@ -177,6 +172,7 @@
+ *
## Not Written in Go
These tools are recorded for completeness, but it is suggested not to use them as they are platform specific.