editors: TextMate syscrusher fork is now officially available when opening *.go files.
diff --git a/IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins.md b/IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins.md
index 2a0bc0b..a7a4fed 100644
--- a/IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins.md
+++ b/IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
* [GoAutocomplete](https://github.com/steve-perkins/GoAutocomplete) is another code completion plugin.
* **[Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com/)**: Commercial text editor. [Plugin collection with IDE-like features available](https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime).
* **[Textadept](http://foicica.com/textadept/)**: Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible cross-platform text editor. Supports Go syntax highlighting out of the box.
- * **[TextMate](http://macromates.com/)**: Commercial text editor for OS X. [Source code available](https://github.com/textmate/textmate) under the GPLv3. [Bundle for Go available](https://github.com/AlanQuatermain/go-tmbundle).
+ * **[TextMate](http://macromates.com/)**: Commercial text editor for OS X. [Source code available](https://github.com/textmate/textmate) under the GPLv3. [Bundle for Go available](https://github.com/syscrusher/golang.tmbundle).
* **[TextWrangler](http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/)**: free _little brother_ of BBedit. Both the Go module and Go.bbpackage for BBedit work for TextWrangler as well.
* **[Vim](http://www.vim.org/)**: Vi Improved. There are a number of plugins available that make editing Go code easier.
* The [vim-go](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go) plugin includes misc/vim and has many other new improvements.