Updated LearnServerProgramming (markdown)
diff --git a/LearnServerProgramming.md b/LearnServerProgramming.md
index e97bb19..217e0cb 100644
--- a/LearnServerProgramming.md
+++ b/LearnServerProgramming.md
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 This page links to resources for learning about server programming in Go. The items are organized into sections by topic.
-In Go servers, each incoming request is handled in its own goroutine.  These goroutines share memory by communicating.  [LearnConcurrency](/golang/go/wiki/LearnConcurrency) outlines a course of study of Go's concurrency model, including techniques that are useful in server programming.
+## Getting Started
+- Code [A Tour of Go: Web Servers](http://tour.golang.org/methods/13) and [HTTP Handlers](http://tour.golang.org/methods/14)
+- [LearnConcurrency](/golang/go/wiki/LearnConcurrency) outlines a course of study of Go's concurrency model, including techniques that are useful in server programming.
 ## Communication