Updated Courses (markdown)
diff --git a/Courses.md b/Courses.md
index 541fafb..752589f 100644
--- a/Courses.md
+++ b/Courses.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   * University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science used to have a course named Introduction to Go, taught by K. Bäckman: http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/courses/582336 in Spring 2010.
   * University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics has elective course named "Programming with Go", taught by K. Vladimiroff: http://fmi.golang.bg (bulgarian) and their [[public lectures](https://github.com/fmi/go-lectures)] (also in bulgarian)
   * Free University of Berlin (Germany) had a course [Introduction to Go Programming](http://w3.inf.fu-berlin.de/lehre/WS12/go/) in Spring 2013.
-* J.W. Goethe University (Frankfurt/Main, Germany) had a course [Introduction to Go Programming](http://www.sepl.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de/2014-ws/b-ps2/index.de.html) in Spring 2015
+  * J.W. Goethe University (Frankfurt/Main, Germany) had a course [Introduction to Go Programming](http://www.sepl.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de/2014-ws/b-ps2/index.de.html) in Spring 2015 (in german)
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