
Tips for hacking on Go and having multiple $GOROOT workspaces...

Sometimes you need to check out multiple copies of the Go tree, perhaps you're working on several core library changes at once and you want to test them independently.

Let‘s say you’ve checked the trees out as $HOME/go1, $HOME/go2, etc. (The specific names are not important.) While you‘re working in each tree, it’s important that you always set GOROOT to the correct tree or unexpected things will happen, like binaries will be built from sources other than the ones you‘ve just edited. Such mistakes can be time-consuming to notice, and it’s easy to forget to update GOPATH when you change directories. The following trick may be helpful.

Define a script called go, and ensure its directory is on your PATH or define a shell alias go that points to it. In the script, set the GOROOT and (if you like) GOPATH environment variables to appropriate values determined from your current working directory. Then exec the real go command.

For example:

# Set GOROOT to the innermost enclosing directory containing
# an AUTHORS file.  Set GOPATH to its child called "got".
while true; do
  if [ -f "$dir/AUTHORS" ]; then
    export "GOROOT=$dir"
    export "GOPATH=$GOROOT/got"
    echo "GOROOT=$GOROOT" >&2
    echo "GOPATH=$GOPATH" >&2
  dir=$(dirname "$dir")
  if [ "$dir" = / ]; then
    echo "Can't locate GOROOT". >&2
    exit 1
exec "$GOROOT/bin/go" "$@"