Updated AssemblyPolicy (markdown)
diff --git a/AssemblyPolicy.md b/AssemblyPolicy.md
index c904a80..f7fb8a2 100644
--- a/AssemblyPolicy.md
+++ b/AssemblyPolicy.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 * make your assembly easy to review, and ideally auto-generated from a Go program so we can review the generator program. Comment it well.
-* test it well. The bar for new assembly code is high. It needs commensurate test coverage. The generic existing high-level tests are often not enough to test hundreds of lines of assembly. Test subroutines individually. Test it (fuzz it) against the Go implementation.
+* test it well. The bar for new assembly code is high. It needs commensurate test coverage. The generic existing high-level tests are often not enough to test hundreds of lines of assembly. Test subroutines individually. Fuzz it against the Go implementation.
 ## Future directions