This table attempts to collect all known regular livestreams centered around Go. Please keep each table sorted alphabetically by name.

Note that conferences and podcasts have their own wiki pages already, and should not be included here. Similarly, meetups are already collected here.

In English

NameTopic (short)FrequencyLink
Jordan LewisCockroachDB internalsTwice per week
Matt LayherLinux networking/syscalls in GoTwice per month
Matthew DempskyHacking on the Go compilerThree times per week
Michael StapelbergHacking on OSS projectsAiming for 1x/month
Travis JefferyDistributed systems and data streamingTwice a month

In Russian

NameTopic (short)FrequencyLink
Good reviewer - Bad reviewerCode review and commentary for open source projectsWeeklyYouTube
Generic TalksPodcast about Go and systems programmingWeeklyYouTube

In Chinese

NameTopic (short)FrequencyLink
Go 夜读 - TalkGoWeekly Go Online MeetupWeeklyYouTube, Bilibili, GitHub