Updated GOPATH (markdown)
diff --git a/GOPATH.md b/GOPATH.md
index a832a4d..2db5e8c 100644
--- a/GOPATH.md
+++ b/GOPATH.md
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
Even though the GOPATH may be a list of directories, it is generally sufficient to use a single GOPATH for all Go code on your machine. Since all packages retrieved with "go get" have a unique URL (and thus a unique path on disk), having more than one GOPATH is almost never necessary when building with the Go tool.
-### The `vendor` directories
+### `vendor/` directories ignored outside of `GOPATH`
-Note that as of go 1.11, the `vendor` directories are only supported when `$PWD` is under `GOPATH`; see https://github.com/golang/go/issues/29670 and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54140415/go-1-11-ignores-the-vendor-directory-the-errors-give-the-impression-the-direc/54156547#54156547.
+Note that as of go 1.11, the `vendor` directories are only supported when `$PWD` is under `$GOPATH`; see https://github.com/golang/go/issues/29670 and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54140415/go-1-11-ignores-the-vendor-directory-the-errors-give-the-impression-the-direc/54156547#54156547.
## FAQ
### Why won't ` $GOPATH/src/cmd/mycmd/*.go ` build?