Created factory instantiation: you passed an empty SDK key, SDK key must be a non-empty string error (markdown)
diff --git "a/factory-instantiation:-you-passed-an-empty-SDK-key,-SDK-key-must-be-a-non\342\200\" "b/factory-instantiation:-you-passed-an-empty-SDK-key,-SDK-key-must-be-a-non\342\200\"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0119335
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/factory-instantiation:-you-passed-an-empty-SDK-key,-SDK-key-must-be-a-non\342\200\"
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+I have installed go 1.21.3 version, 
+I have some issue with module
+when I build the project I get this Error:
+GOROOT=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.21.3/libexec #gosetup
+GOPATH=/Users/nehamastefanski/go #gosetup
+/opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.21.3/libexec/bin/go build -o /private/var/folders/nm/z_4x4k1162n_f1tbpkfhxvvm0000gq/T/GoLand/___go_build_gitlab_com_ct_dev_cq_iam_cmd #gosetup
+ERROR - 2023/10/31 23:43:23 factory instantiation: you passed an empty SDK key, SDK key must be a non-empty string
+SDK init error: factory instantiation: you passed an empty SDK key, SDK key must be a non-empty string
+Process finished with the exit code 0
+what can be the issue?