Commit messages, also known as CL (changelist) descriptions, should be formatted per . For example,
net/http: frob the quux before blarfing [longer description here in the body] Fixes #nnnn
Notably, for the subject (the first line of description):
For the body (the rest of the description):
lines. Don't add them. Our Gerrit server & GitHub bots enforce CLA compliance instead.Please don't use alternate GitHub-supported aliases like Close
or Resolves
instead of Fixes
To link a commit to an issue without marking it fixed—for example, if the commit is working toward a fix but not yet a complete fix—GitHub requires only that the issue is mentioned by number in the commit message. By convention, Go commits mention this at the bottom of the message using For
, where Fixes
might be expected, even if the number is also mentioned in the body of the commit message.
For example:
Refactor func Foo. This will make the handling of <corner case> shorter and easier to test. For #nnnn
It is common in other Git projects to use Updates
instead of For
, and that is acceptable too, even though it makes little sense (the commit does not update the issue). More precise phrasings are fine too. Don‘t be too pedantic in code reviews: it’s not worth asking people to change from Updates
or something else to For
, or vice versa.
You can roll back a change using the Gerrit Revert
button. Gerrit will generate a description for you. Edit the description to add the Gerrit CL number being rolled back next to or instead of the Git revision number.
Do not do a revert of a revert. Instead, create a new change, and in the description explain that this is a roll forward of CL NNNNNN which was rolled back by CL NNNNNN.
For non-“go” repos (“crypto”, “tools”, “net”, etc), the subject is still the name of the package, but you need to fully-qualify the issue number with the GitHub org/repo syntax:
cipher/rot13: add new super secure cipher Fixes golang/go#1234
Notably, the first line subject should not contain the x/crypto/
prefix. We only do that for the issue tracker.
If you‘re using GitHub Pull Requests, your commit message is constructed by GerritBot based on your PR’s title & description. See
If somebody asks you to modify your commit message, you'll need to modify your PR.