Created AVX512 (markdown)
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+Go 1.11 release introduces [AVX-512]( support.
+This page describes how to use new features as well as some important encoder details.
+### Terminology
+Most terminology comes from [Intel Software Developer's manual](
+Suffixes originate from Go assembler syntax, which is close to AT&T, which also uses size suffixes.
+Some terms are listed to avoid ambiguity (for example, opcode can have different meanings).
+ <tr>
+ <th>Term</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Operand</td>
+ <td>
+ Same as "instruction argument".
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Opcode</td>
+ <td>
+ Name that refers to instruction group. For example, <code>VADDPD</code> is an opcode.<br>
+ It refers to both VEX and EVEX encoded forms and all operand combinations.<br>
+ Most Go assembler opcodes for AVX-512 match Intel manual entries, with exceptions for cases<br>
+ where additional size suffix is used (e.g. <code>VCVTTPD2DQY</code> is <code>VCVTTPD2DQ</code>).
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Opcode suffix</td>
+ <td>
+ Suffix that overrides some opcode properties. Listed after "." (dot).<br>
+ For example, <code>VADDPD.Z</code> has "Z" opcode suffix.<br>
+ There can be multiple dot-separated opcode suffixes.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Size suffix</td>
+ <td>
+ Suffix that specifies instruction operand size if it can't be inferred from operands alone.<br>
+ For example, <code>VCVTSS2USIL</code> has "L" size suffix.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Opmask</td>
+ <td>
+ Used for both <code>{k1}</code> notation and to describe instructions that have <code>K</code> registers operands.<br>
+ Related to masking support in EVEX prefix.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Register block</td>
+ <td>
+ Multi-source operand that encodes register range.<br>
+ Intel manual uses <code>+n</code> notation for register blocks.<br>
+ For example, <code>+3</code> is a register block of 4 registers.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>FP</td>
+ <td>Floating-point</td>
+ </tr>
+### New registers
+EVEX-enabled instructions can access additional 16 `X` (128-bit xmm) and `Y` (256-bit ymm) registers, plus 32 new `Z` (512-bit zmm) registers in 64-bit mode. 32-bit mode only gets `Z0-Z7`.
+New opmask registers are named `K0-K7`.
+They can be used for both masking and for special opmask instructions (like `KADDB`).
+### Masking support
+Instructions that support masking can omit `K` register operand.
+In this case, `K0` register is implied ("all ones") and merging-masking is performed.
+This is effectively "no masking".
+`K1-K7` registers can be used to override default opmask.
+`K` register should be placed right before destination operand.
+Zeroing-masking can be activated with `Z` opcode suffix.
+For example, `VADDPD.Z (AX), Z30, K3, Z10` uses zeroing-masking and explicit `K` register.
+- If `Z` opcode suffix is removed, it's merging-masking.
+- If `K3` operand is removed, `K0` operand is implied.
+It's compile-time error to use `K0` register for `{k1}` operands (consult [manuals]( for details).
+### EVEX broadcast/rounding/SAE support
+Embedded broadcast, rounding and SAE activated through opcode suffixes.
+For reg-reg FP instructions with `{er}` enabled, rounding opcode suffix can be specified:
+* `RU_SAE` to round towards +Inf
+* `RD_SAE` to round towards -Inf
+* `RZ_SAE` to round towards zero
+* `RN_SAE` to round towards nearest
+> To read more about rounding modes, see [MXCSR.RC info](
+For reg-reg FP instructions with `{sae}` enabled, exception suppression can be specified with `SAE` opcode suffix.
+For reg-mem instrictons with `m32bcst/m64bcst` operand, broadcasting can be turned on with `BCST` opcode suffix.
+Zeroing opcode suffix can be combined with any of these.
+For example, `VMAXPD.SAE.Z Z3, Z2, Z1` uses both `Z` and `SAE` opcode suffixes.
+It is important to put zeroing opcode suffix last, otherwise it is a compilation error.
+### Register block (multi-source) operands
+Register blocks are specified using register range syntax.
+It would be enough to specify just first (low) register, but Go assembler requires
+explicit range with both ends for readability reasons.
+For example, instructions with `+3` range can be used like `VP4DPWSSD Z25, [Z0-Z3], (AX)`.
+Range `[Z0-Z3]` reads like "register block of Z0, Z1, Z2, Z3".
+Invalid ranges result in compilation error.
+### AVX1 and AVX2 instructions with EVEX prefix
+Previously existed opcodes that can be encoded using EVEX prefix now can access AVX-512 features like wider register file, zeroing/merging masking, etc. For example, `VADDPD` can now use 512-bit vector registers.
+See [encoder details](#encoder-details) for more info.
+### Supported extensions
+Best way to get up-to-date list of supported extensions is to do `ls -1` inside [test suite]( directory.
+Latest list includes:
+128-bit and 256-bit instructions additionally require `avx512vl`.
+That is, if `VADDPD` is available in `avx512f`, you can't use `X` and `Y` arguments
+without `avx512vl`.
+Filenames follow `GNU as` (gas) conventions.
+[avx512extmap.csv]( can make naming scheme more apparent.
+### Instructions with size suffix
+Some opcodes do not match Intel manual entries.
+This section is provided for search convenience.
+| Intel opcode | Go assembler opcodes |
+| `ANDN` | `ANDNL`, `ANDNQ` |
+| `BLSI` | `BLSIL`, `BLSIQ` |
+| `BLSR` | `BLSRL`, `BLSRQ` |
+| `BZHI` | `BZHIL`, `BZHIQ` |
+| `MULX` | `MULXL`, `MULXQ` |
+| `PDEP` | `PDEPL`, `PDEPQ` |
+| `PEXT` | `PEXTL`, `PEXTQ` |
+| `RORX` | `RORXL`, `RORXQ` |
+| `SARX` | `SARXL`, `SARXQ` |
+| `SHLX` | `SHLXL`, `SHLXQ` |
+| `SHRX` | `SHRXL`, `SHRXQ` |
+### Encoder details
+Bitwise comparison with older encoder may fail for VEX-encoded instructions due to slightly different encoder tables order.
+This difference may arise for instructions with both `{reg, reg/mem}` and `{reg/mem, reg}` forms for reg-reg case. One of such instructions is `VMOVUPS`.
+This does not affect code behavior, nor makes it bigger/less efficient.
+New encoding selection scheme is borrowed from [Intel XED](
+EVEX encoding is used when any of the following is true:
+* Instruction uses new registers (High 16 `X`/`Y`, `Z` or `K` registers)
+* Instruction uses EVEX-related opcode suffixes like `BCST`
+* Instruction uses operands combination that is only available for AVX-512
+In all other cases VEX encoding is used.
+This means that VEX is used whenever possible, and EVEX whenever required.
+Compressed disp8 is applied whenever possible for EVEX-encoded instructions.
+This also covers broadcasting disp8 which sometimes has different N multiplier.
+Experienced readers can inspect [avx_optabs.go]( to learn about N multipliers for any instruction.
+For example, `VADDPD` has these:
+* `N=64` for 512-bit form; `N=8` when broadcasting
+* `N=32` for 256-bit form; `N=8` when broadcasting
+* `N=16` for 128-bit form; `N=8` when broadcasting
+### Examples
+Exhaustive amount of examples can be found in Go assembler [test suite](
+Each file provides several examples for every supported instruction form in particular AVX-512 extension.
+Every example also includes generated machine code.
+Here is adopted "Vectorized Histogram Update Using AVX-512CD" from
+[IntelĀ® Optimization Manual](
+for i := 0; i < 512; i++ {
+ histo[key[i]] += 1
+ VMOVUPS 0x40(SP)(DX*4), Z4 //; vmovups zmm4, [rsp+rdx*4+0x40]
+ VPXORD Z1, Z1, Z1 //; vpxord zmm1, zmm1, zmm1
+ KMOVW K1, K2 //; kmovw k2, k1
+ VPCONFLICTD Z4, Z2 //; vpconflictd zmm2, zmm4
+ VPGATHERDD (AX)(Z4*4), K2, Z1 //; vpgatherdd zmm1{k2}, [rax+zmm4*4]
+ VPTESTMD histo<>(SB), Z2, K0 //; vptestmd k0, zmm2, [rip+0x185c]
+ KMOVW K0, CX //; kmovw ecx, k0
+ VPADDD Z0, Z1, Z3 //; vpaddd zmm3, zmm1, zmm0
+ TESTL CX, CX //; test ecx, ecx
+ JZ noConflicts //; jz noConflicts
+ VMOVUPS histo<>(SB), Z1 //; vmovups zmm1, [rip+0x1884]
+ VPTESTMD histo<>(SB), Z2, K0 //; vptestmd k0, zmm2, [rip+0x18ba]
+ VPLZCNTD Z2, Z5 //; vplzcntd zmm5, zmm2
+ XORB BX, BX //; xor bl, bl
+ KMOVW K0, CX //; kmovw ecx, k0
+ VPSUBD Z5, Z1, Z1 //; vpsubd zmm1, zmm1, zmm5
+ VPSUBD Z5, Z1, Z1 //; vpsubd zmm1, zmm1, zmm5
+ VPBROADCASTD CX, Z5 //; vpbroadcastd zmm5, ecx
+ KMOVW CX, K2 //; kmovw k2, ecx
+ VPERMD Z3, Z1, K2, Z3 //; vpermd zmm3{k2}, zmm1, zmm3
+ VPADDD Z0, Z3, K2, Z3 //; vpaddd zmm3{k2}, zmm3, zmm0
+ VPTESTMD Z2, Z5, K2, K0 //; vptestmd k0{k2}, zmm5, zmm2
+ KMOVW K0, SI //; kmovw esi, k0
+ ANDL SI, CX //; and ecx, esi
+ JZ noConflicts //; jz noConflicts
+ ADDB $1, BX //; add bl, 0x1
+ CMPB BX, $16 //; cmp bl, 0x10
+ JB resolveConflicts //; jb resolveConflicts
+ KMOVW K1, K2 //; kmovw k2, k1
+ VPSCATTERDD Z3, K2, (AX)(Z4*4) //; vpscatterdd [rax+zmm4*4]{k2}, zmm3
+ ADDL $16, DX //; add edx, 0x10
+ CMPL DX, $1024 //; cmp edx, 0x400
+ JB top //; jb top
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