Sorted by publication date.
Go Programming
The Way to Go: A Thorough Introduction to the Go Programming Language
The Go Programming Language Phrasebook
Programming in Go: Creating Applications for the 21st Century
An Introduction to Programming in Go
Mastering Concurrency in Go
Go Programming Blueprints
Go In Action
Go Web Programming
Go in Practice
Go: Up and Running
The Go Programming Language (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
Learning Go (e-book)
Network Programming with Go (e-book)
Go Bootcamp (e-book)
A Go Developer's Notebook (e-book)
Go, The Standard Library (e-book)
Practical Cryptography with Go (e-book)
The Ultimate Guide to Building Database-Driven Apps with Go (e-book)
Building Web Apps with Go (e-book)
Go Web编程
Go语言程序设计 (Programming in Go: Creating Applications for the 21st Century)
Go语言程序设计 (21世纪高等学校规划教材·计算机科学与技术)
学习 Go 语言 (e-book / Translation)
Go 学习笔记 - 第四版 (e-book)
Go言語プログラミング入門on Google App Engine
はじめてのGoogle App Engine Go言語編
基礎からわかる Go言語
Programmierung in Google Go (e-book)
Systemprogrammierung in Google Go
Nichtsequentielle Programmierung mit Go 1 (2nd edition) (available as print and e-book)
Einstieg in Google Go (e-book)
Aprende Go en Y minutos
Construyendo aplicaciones Web con Go
¡Go en Espalol!