Replace OS X with macOS and making explicit HTTPS calls
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 # IDEs and Plugins for Go
-  * **[Atom](**: JavaScript-based editor from GitHub. Go support at [go-plus](
-  * **[BBedit](**: commercial text editor for OS X.
-    * Basic Go support available with the module
+  * **[Atom](**: JavaScript-based editor from GitHub. Go support at [go-plus](
+  * **[BBedit](**: commercial text editor for macOS.
+    * Basic Go support available with the [module](
     * [Go-bbpackage]( with clippings, ctags standard library completion, better syntax highlighting, and tools
   * **[Brackets](**: a modern, open source text editor that understands web design.
     * [go-ide]( Go support with autocompletion through gocode.
-  * **[Eclipse IDE](**: a very popular, open-source, cross-platform IDE. [GoClipse]( plugin enables Go support.
+  * **[Eclipse IDE](**: a very popular, open-source, cross-platform IDE. [GoClipse]( plugin enables Go support.
   * **[Emacs](**: Extensible and customizable text editor.
     * Mode file maintained at
     * [GoFlyMake]( Flymake-style syntax checking for Go
     * [go-errcheck.el]( Errcheck integration for Emacs
     * [flycheck-metalinter]( Flycheck integration for go-metalinter utility
     * [go-playground]( Local playground inside Emacs
-  * **[Gedit](**: Official text editor for the GNOME Desktop. [Plugin for Auto-Completion and Code-Formatting available](
-  * **[Geany](**: Geany is a text editor using the GTK2 toolkit with basic features of an integrated development environment. Supports Go syntax highlighting out of the box.
+  * **[Gedit](**: Official text editor for the GNOME Desktop. [Plugin for Auto-Completion and Code-Formatting available](
+  * **[Geany](**: Geany is a text editor using the GTK2 toolkit with basic features of an integrated development environment. Supports Go syntax highlighting out of the box.
   * **[Gocode](**: An autocompletion daemon that includes support for emacs and vim.
   * **[godef](**: Prints the source location of definitions in Go programs. Integrates with acme, emacs, vim and SublimeText.
   * **[GoLand](**: Jetbrains Golang IDE (commercial) 
   * **[Gotags](**: Generates ctags-compatible tag files
   * **[GoWorks](**: [NetBeans]( based open source Go IDE.
-  * **[IntelliJ IDEA](**: Commercial cross-platform IDE. 
-  * **[jEdit](**: open-source, cross-platform text editor written in Java. [Syntax-highlighting file available](
+  * **[IntelliJ IDEA](**: Commercial cross-platform IDE. 
+  * **[jEdit](**: open-source, cross-platform text editor written in Java. [Syntax-highlighting file available](
   * **[joe](**: JOE is a full featured terminal-based screen editor which is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Supports Go syntax highlighting out of the box.
   * **[Komodo IDE](** Powerful cross-platform IDE with built-in Go support
   * **[Komodo Edit](** Powerful cross-platform text editor, Go-lang support available via [plugin](
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     * [GoSublime]( is a plugin collection with IDE-like features available.
     * [Golang Build]( is the official Sublime Text package for Go build system integration.
   * **[Textadept](**:  Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible cross-platform text editor. Supports Go syntax highlighting out of the box.
-  * **[TextMate](**: Commercial text editor for OS X. [Source code available]( under the GPLv3. [Bundle for Go available](
+  * **[TextMate](**: Commercial text editor for macOS. [Source code available]( under the GPLv3. [Bundle for Go available](
   * **[TextWrangler](**: free _little brother_ of BBedit. Both the Go module and Go.bbpackage for BBedit work for TextWrangler as well.
   * **[Vim](** & **[Neovim](**: Vi Improved. There are a number of plugins available that make editing Go code easier.
     * The [vim-go]( plugin includes misc/vim and has many other new improvements.