Wiki data import from Google Code
diff --git a/ b/
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+Some of this documentation may be out of date.
+## Belarusian - Беларуская
+ * [faq-be]( - Frequently Asked Questions.
+## Brazilian Portuguese - Português brasileiro
+ * [A Tour of Go](
+ * []( - Go documentation and news.
+## Chinese - 中文
+ * [A Tour of Go](
+ * [Go 编程语言]( - Chinese Translation of
+ * [golang-china]( - a broad range of Go documentation.
+ * [Effective Go and (old) Tutorial](
+## Czech - Čeština
+ * [Pravidla reflexe]( - a translation of [The Laws of Reflection](
+## French - Français
+ * [golang-france]( - Go documentation.
+## German - Deutsch
+ * [Eine Anleitung zum Programmieren in Go]( - the (old) Go Tutorial.
+ * [Wirkungsvoll Go programmieren]( - Effective Go.
+ * [Wie man Go-Kode schreibt]( - How to Write Go Code.
+ * [Deutschsprachige Go Themenseite - German Go resource page](
+## Japanese - 日本語
+ * [A Tour of Go](
+ * []( - Go documentation and news.
+## Korean - 한국어
+ * [A Tour of Go](
+ * [golang-korea]( - Go documentation and news.
+## Turkish - Türkçe
+ * [A Tour of Go](