Removing dead links.
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index 5189f2e..1a97cf5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* [Pointers/References/Memory](#pointers-references-and-memory-management)
* [Performance and Profiling](#performance-and-profiling)
* [Concurrency / Channels](#concurrency--channels)
-* [Web Development](#web-development)
+* [Web & API Development](#web-development)
* [Mobile Applications](#mobile-applications)
* [Interfaces / OOP](#interfaces--oop)
* [Misc](#misc)
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
Start by reading the [overview of server programming](LearnServerProgramming) documentation first.
+ * [A Journey into Microservices - Part 1](, [Part 2](, [Part 3]( _2015-03_09_
* [Making a RESTful JSON API in Go]( _2015-01-01_
* [Building a Web Server in Go]( _2014-09-01_
* [Auth and Sessions]( _2012-09-05_
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
* [Go & Assembly]( _2013-02-05_
* [Function Types in Go (golang)]( _2013-02-05_
* [I2C Programming in Go]( _2013-01-12_
- * [Go-spew: A Journey into Dumping Go Data Structures]( _2013-01-09_
+ * [Go-spew: A Journey into Dumping Go Data Structures]( _2013-01-09_
* [Optimizing Real World Go]( _2013-01-05_
* [Methods as Objects in Go]( _2012-12-26_
* [Applying The Clean Architecture to Go applications]( _2012-09-08_
@@ -154,19 +155,6 @@
## Japanese
* [WindowsでGo言語のまとめ](
- * [Websocketを使ってみた with Go言語](
- * [方向のあるチャネルを試す@Go言語](
- * [Go言語のチャネルを使った簡単なサンプル -タイムアウト処理-](
- * [Go Playgroundでランダムを試す](
- * [golang and FastCGI](
- * [goweb-msgpack](
- * [GAE/Gで単体テスト](
- * [Go言語のコードカバレッジツール](
- * [Go言語でWebアプリを作るときに便利なライブラリ&ツール](
- * [Gowebでクロスドメインリクエスト](
- * [Go言語のhttpサーバ上で外部ファイルとしてJavascriptとかCSSを使う](
- * [Go言語のテンプレートエンジンでHTMLのコメントを出す](
- * [Channel API for Golang](
* [Go言語で jQuery ライクな操作が出来る goquery を試した。](
* [Go言語向けの ORM、gorp がなかなか良い](
* [GAE/GでGoogle Cloud Storageを利用するには(1)](
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index aed34be..d3c7cad 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
* [Mat Ryer's Medium Blog](
* [Matt Aimonetti's Blog](
* [](
+* [whizdumb](
* [Carlos Becker's Blog](
* [Ardan Studios Going Go](
* [The Golang Weekly](
diff --git a/ b/
index 2b522b0..0368345 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
* ISBN: 978-0134190440
* Reference:
-## Available without Publication Date
+## Available without Publication Date
* **Learning Go** (e-book)
* Author: Miek Gieben
@@ -187,19 +187,13 @@
* Publication Date: 2013-08
* ISBN: 978-7-115-31790-2
* Reference:
- * **Go语言程序设计 (21世纪高等学校规划教材·计算机科学与技术)**
- * Author: 王鹏
- * Publication Date: 2013-12-18
- * ISBN: 9787302347231
- * Reference:
* **Go并发编程实战**
* Author: 郝林
* Publication Date: 2015-01-01
* ISBN: 9787115373984
* Reference:
* **学习 Go 语言** (e-book / Translation)
* Author: Xing Xing (mikespook)
* Publication Date: ---
@@ -248,7 +242,7 @@
* Authors: Rainer Feike and Steffen Blass
* Publication Date: 2010-11
* ISBN: 978-3-8632-4722-5
- * Reference (Amazon):
+ * Reference (Amazon):
* Reference (Google Books):
* **Systemprogrammierung in Google Go**
@@ -312,8 +306,7 @@
# Indonesia
* **Bahasa Pemrograman Go**
- * Author: Sajarwo Anggai
+ * Author: Sajarwo Anggai
* Publication Date: October 21, 2013
* ISBN: ---
* Reference:
diff --git a/ b/
index 6331b6f..ca011c6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,6 +4,5 @@
* [stringer]( – Implements `fmt.Stringer` interface for enums.
* [gostringer]( – Implements `fmt.GoStringer` interface for enums.
* [jsonenums]( – Implements `json.Marshaler` and `json.Unmarshaler` interfaces for enums.
-* [gen-mocks]( – Generate mocks for interfaces. Used in [go-sourcegraph](
* [gojson]( - Generates go struct definitions from example json documents.
* [vfsgen]( - Generates a vfsdata.go file that statically implements the given virtual filesystem.
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index beb2327..9821846 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -73,13 +73,11 @@
* [Louisville Golang]( - Louisville KY, USA.
* [Go Boston]( - Boston MA, USA.
* [GoMN]( - Minneapolis MN, USA.
- * [Davidson Golang]( - Davidson NC, USA.
* [NYC Go Developers Meetup]( - New York NY, USA.
* [New York Go Language Meetup]( - New York NY, USA.
* [GoPDX]( - Portland OR, USA.
* [GoLangPhilly]( - Philadelphia PA, USA.
* [GoLancaster]( - Lancaster PA, USA.
- * [Go Steel Programmers]( - Pittsburgh PA, USA.
* [ATX-Golang]( - Austin TX, USA.
* [GoDFW]( - Dallas TX, USA.
* [Golang Houston]( - Houston TX, USA.
@@ -99,4 +97,4 @@
* [Golang Buenos Aires] ( - Argentina.
* [Golang Medellín] ( - Colombia.
* [Golang Chile] ( - Chile.
- * [Golang Panamá] ( - Panamá.
\ No newline at end of file
+ * [Golang Panamá] ( - Panamá.
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index b49e3f8..47ad3b5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
* [Blippar](
* []( - [github]( [blog](
* []( - [source](
- * [Bowery]( - [source](, [blog](
* [Byndr](
* [Canonical]( - [source](, [email](
* [Carbon Games]( - [source](
@@ -67,11 +66,9 @@
* [Economist]( - [github](
* [Embedly]( - [blog](
* [EMC Cloud Services]( - [tweet](
- * [ErrPlane]( - [blog](
* []( - [blog](
* [Exotel]( - [website](
* [Facebook]( - [github](, [blog](
- * [FINSECTECH]( - [Cybersecurity Management](
* [Factom]( - [github](
* [Foize]( - [github](
* [Flipboard]( - [source (job post)](
@@ -98,7 +95,7 @@
* [InfluxDB]( - [blog](
* [Intel Germany (Debugger QA Team)]( - [source](
* []( - [source]( [blog:"30 servers to 2"]( [blog:"2 years of production Go"](
- * [JelloLabs]( - [blog](
+ * [JelloLabs](
* [Jimdo]( - [tweet]( [github](
* [JusTickets - built with Go](
* [Karma]( - [blog](
@@ -123,7 +120,6 @@
* [New Bamboo]( - [blog](
* [New York Times]( - [source](
* [Nexway](
- * [ngmoco:)]( - [blog](
* [Novartis]( - [g+ post](
* [Odoscope]( - [twitter](, [job](
* [Ooyala]( - [github](
@@ -153,7 +149,6 @@
* [SendHub]( - [source (shipbuilder PaaS)](
* [Shopify]( [tweet](
* [Showyou]( [source](
- * [Siminars]( - [github](
* [SmartyStreets]( [source](
* [SmugMug]( - [blog](
* [Skimlinks]( [blog](
@@ -167,7 +162,6 @@
* [StatHat]( - [Go blog post](
* []( [blog](
* [Streetspotr]( - [tweet](
- * [Stretchr]( [github](
* [SyndicatePro]( - [source](
* [Tamber]( - [blog](
* [Tapglue](
@@ -194,7 +188,7 @@
* []( - [github](
* [Urlist]( - [tweet](
* [Viki]( - [github](
- * [VividCortex]( - [blog](, [source]( [github](
+ * [VividCortex]( - [blog](, [github](
* [Whim]( - [meetup](, [tweet](
* [Yahoo]( - [github](
* [Yik Yak]( - [tweet](
diff --git a/ b/
index a5b27bb..21362f7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@
| [CircleCI]( | | [howto-1]( [howto-2]( |
| [Codeship]( | [docs]( | |
| []( | [docs]( | [open-source version]( |
-| [GoCI]( | [docs]( | [source code]( |
| [Jenkins]( | [docs]( | |
| [Magnum CI]( | [docs]( | |
| [Travis CI]( | [docs]( | [howto]( |
| [Wercker]( | [docs]( | |
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index cf3591c..b17cb51 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@
<h1>More tips</h1>
-<ul><li><a href=''>How to ask</a>
</li><li><a href=''>Writing the perfect question</a>
</li><li><a href=''>Smart questions</a>
-</li><li><a href=''>Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example</a>
\ No newline at end of file
+</li><li><a href=''>Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example</a>
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index 1ddb634..9385c66 100644
--- a/
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@@ -25,18 +25,3 @@
On Windows, install ` gcc ` with
(Make sure you add its ` bin ` subdirectory to your ` PATH `.) Go does not support the Cygwin toolchain.
-## Easy build from source
-Use [dotsoftware]( to build Go from source in few minutes, just copy and paste the following code in your terminal
-# get latest .software
-git clone
-# source it in your profile and in current session
-[ -f ~/.bash_profile ] && grep 'source ~/.software/etc/profile' ~/.bash_profile || echo 'source /.software/etc/profile' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.software/etc/profile
-# build Golang
-.software_install Golang
-# you are done!
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index b0f9618..9ea9c1e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -19,6 +19,3 @@
* [LearnErrorHandling](LearnErrorHandling) links to resources about error handling in Go.
* [LearnTesting](LearnTesting) links to resources about testing in Go.
* [LearnServerProgramming](LearnServerProgramming) links to resources about server programming in Go.
-[known bad link](
diff --git a/ b/
index 9f51974..e2c5117 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -26,9 +26,6 @@
## German - Deutsch
- * [Eine Anleitung zum Programmieren in Go]( - the (old) Go Tutorial.
- * [Wirkungsvoll Go programmieren]( - Effective Go.
- * [Wie man Go-Kode schreibt]( - How to Write Go Code.
* [Deutschsprachige Go Themenseite - German Go resource page](
## Japanese - 日本語
@@ -49,4 +46,3 @@
## Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt
* [A Tour of Go](
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index a590ad8..d25e7aa 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -728,7 +728,6 @@
* [go-fltk]( - FLTK2 GUI toolkit bindings for Go
* [go-gtk]( - Bindings for GTK
* [go-qt5]( - QT5 bindings for go
- * [GoQuick]( - Go and Qt Quick experimentation
* [gothic]( - Tcl/Tk Go bindings
* [gotk3]( - Go bindings for GTK3, requires GTK version 3.8
* [go.uik]( - A UI kit for Go, in Go. (project is closed)
@@ -839,6 +838,7 @@
## Microservices
* [gokit]( - The Go Kit microservice framework (and [author interview](
+ * [kite]( - RPC server and client framework.
## Miscellaneous
@@ -1039,7 +1039,6 @@
* [tcp]( - TCP-level socket options that allow manipulation of TCP connection facilities.
* [tcpmeter]( - A TCP throughput measuring tool
* [telnet]( - A simple interface for interacting with Telnet connection
- * [Tonika]( - Secure social networking platform
* [toxiproxy]( - Framework for simulating network conditions.
* [traceroute]( - A traceroute implementation
* [Uniqush]( - A free and open source software which provides a unified push service for server-side notification to apps on mobile devices.
@@ -1076,7 +1075,6 @@
* [goirc]( - event-based stateful IRC client framework
* [go-irc]( - Simple IRC client library
* [gorobot]( - a modular IRC bot
- * [GoTY]( - "Go Troll Yourself", minimalist client IRC library
* [go-xmpp]( - XMPP client library
* [ircflu]( - IRC bot with support for commands, scripting and web-hooks
* [irc.go]( - Go IRC bot framework
@@ -1241,7 +1239,6 @@
* [test2doc]( - Generate documentation for your go units from your unit tests.
* [testflight]( - Painless http testing in Go
* [Testify]( - A set of packages that provide many tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend.
- * [Tideland CGL Asserts]( - Make asserts during testing and inside of your applications
* [ut]( - Awesome mocks without magic.
## Validation
@@ -1360,7 +1357,6 @@
* [Revel]( - High productivity web framework modeled on Play! Framework
* [sawsij]( - Provides a small, opinionated web framework.
* [Tango]( - Micro-kernel & pluggable web framework for Go
- * [Tideland CGL Web]( - Package for RESTful web applications
* [Tiger Tonic]( - framework for building JSON web services inspired by Dropwizard
* [trinity]( - MVC framework
* [web.go]( - a simple framework to write webapps
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index 36ade85..bca83a1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
| PaaS | Repository | Quickstart Guide |
| [Google App Engine]( | | |
-| [Azure]( | | |
+| [Azure]( | | |
| [IBM BlueMix]( | | |
| [CloudBees]( | | |
| [Cloud Foundry]( | | |
-| [dotCloud]( | | |
+| [dotCloud]( | | |
| [AWS Elastic Beanstalk]( | | |
| [Heroku]( | | |
| [OpenShift]( | | |
| [Stackato]( | | |
-| [Tsuru]( | | |
\ No newline at end of file
+| [Tsuru]( | | |
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index dfb5701..898b2e5 100644
--- a/
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@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
* [[docs](] [[source](] ` ` — packages for working with text.
* [[docs](] [[source](] ` ` — the content and server program for [](
- * [[docs](] [[source](] ` ` — the content and server program for [](
* [[docs](] [[source](] ` ` — tools for code review.
@@ -25,4 +23,4 @@
[List of all packages in sub-repositories](
-NOTE: On 9 November 2014, Go sub-repositories moved to [new import paths](!msg/golang-nuts/eD8dh3T9yyA/l5Ail-xfMiAJ).
\ No newline at end of file
+NOTE: On 9 November 2014, Go sub-repositories moved to [new import paths](!msg/golang-nuts/eD8dh3T9yyA/l5Ail-xfMiAJ).
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@@ -8,21 +8,17 @@
* [Go at bitly](
* [NSQ: realtime distributed message processing at scale](
* [CloudFlare blows hole in laws of Web physics with Go and Railgun](
- * [Go as an alternative to Node.js for Very Fast Servers](
* [Why I Like Go](
* [Why I Program in Go](
* [ now served by Go](!topic/golang-nuts/BNUNbKSypE0)
* [Google's Go Programming Language Grows Up: Now What?](
* [Moving to Go](
* [Rob Pike: Why Learn Go?](
- * [Go At Conformal](
* [Why I went from Python to Go (and not node.js)](
* [Another go at the Next Big Language](
* [@tobi]( ["I have now completed two projects in Go. I predict that it's going to be the dominant language for server work."](
* [@derekcollison]( ["Prediction: Go will become the dominant language for systems work in IaaS, Orchestration, and PaaS in 24 months."](
* [Will Go be the new go-to programming language?](
- * [Go is boring](
* [Dr. Dobb's: Why Not Go?](
* [Google I/O 2012: Go in production](
* [Go at Novartis](