Reworked Wiki Home
First pass at a comprehensive index/home page for the Go wiki.
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Welcome to the Go wiki, a collection of information about the [Go Programming Language](
-Popular pages:
+Table of Contents
-- [GoUserGroups](GoUserGroups) - a list of Go user groups around the world.
-- [Projects](Projects) - a list of Go projects.
-- [Go Code Review Comments](CodeReviewComments) - a supplement to Effective Go.
-- [Learn](Learn) - learning resources on specific topics.
++ [Getting started with Go](#getting-started-with-go)
++ [Working with Go](#working-with-go)
++ [Learning more about Go](#learning-more-about-go)
++ [The Go Community](#the-go-community)
++ [Using the go toolchain](#using-the-go-toolchain)
++ [Additional Go Programming Wikis](#additional-go-programming-wikis)
++ [Onlines Services that work with Go](#onlines-services-that-work-with-go)
++ [Troubleshooting Go Programs in Production](#troubleshooting-go-programs-in-production)
++ [Contributing to the Go Project](#contributing-to-the-go-project)
++ [Platform Specific Information](#platform-specific-information)
++ [Release Specific Information](#release-specific-information)
-Other documentation:
-- []( - official docs.
-- []( - the official blog.
+## Getting started with Go
+ - [The Go Tour]( is the best place to start.
+ - [Effective Go]( will help you learn how to write idiomatic Go code.
+ - [Go standard library documentation]( to familiarize yourself with the standard library.
+ - [Use the Go Playground]( to test out Go programs in your browser.
+ - Still not convinced? Check out this list of [Go Users]( and a few of their [Success tories]( We've also assembled a long list of reasons [why you should give Go a try](
+## Working with Go
+Ready to write some Go code of your own? Here are a few links to help you get started.
+ - Install and Setup your Environment
+ - Start here: [Official Installation Documentation](
+ - If you prefer to install from source, [read this first](
+ - [InstallFromSource]( - Additional tips on source installs.
+ - Having installation problems? [InstallTroubleShooting](
+ - Make sure you have your [$GOPATH environment variable set correctly](
+ - If you need additional tips on using [$GOPATH, go here](
+ - [MultipleGoRoots]( - More advanced information on working with multiple go installations and the `$GOROOT` variable.
+ - [Go IDEs and Editors]( - Information on how to use your favorite editor with Go.
+ - Finding Go Libraries & Tools
+ - Start by searching [](
+ - Then check this list of [Go open source projects]( for additional search tools and curated lists.
+ - [Managing your dependencies]( - An overview of the tools you can use to manage the libraries that your appliction depends on.
+ - Publishing Go Packages as Open Source
+ - Getting ready to publish your package? [Start here.](
+ - [How to layout your GitHub repo]( to make it easy to for other Go programmers to use with the `go get` command.
+## Learning more about Go
+Once you have an overview of the language, here are resources you can use to learn more about the language.
+ - [Books]( - A list of Go books that have been published (ebook, paper)
+ - [Articles]( - A collection of articles to help you learn more about Go.
+ - Classes and Training
+ - [Courses]( - Online classes you can take (free & paid) to learn more about Go.
+ - [Learn]( - Additional resources and tutorials.
+ - [LearnConcurrency](
+ - [LearnErrorHandling](
+ - [LearnServerProgramming](
+ - [LearnTesting](
+ - Videos, Talks and Presentations
+ - [GoTalks]( - A collection of talks from Go conferences and meetups.
+ - [Screencasts](
+ - [Resources for non-English speakers](
+## The Go Community
+Here are some of the places where you can find Gophers online
+- Mailing Lists
+ - The mailing list for Go users is [golang-nuts](!forum/golang-nuts) - very high traffic.
+ - Before you post, [check to see if it's already been answered](, then read [these tips on how to ask a good question](
+ - For discussios about the core Go open source project, join [golang-dev](!forum/golang-dev).
+ - To get just our release announcements, join [golang-announce](!forum/golang-announce)
+- Chat, discussion and other forums
+ - We have a [Gophers Slack Channel]( Requires you to [request membership here](
+ - For IRC fans there is #go-nuts on which is [indexed here](
+ - There is also a [/r/golang]( sub-reddit.
+ - On Twitter, follow the [@golang]( account and keep tabs on the [#golang]( hashtag.
+ - We've also got a landing page on [Stack Overvflow]( for Go Q&A.
+- User Groups & Meetups - There are [Go Meetups in many cities](
+ - See here for [additional information GoUserGroups](
+- Conferences
+- Looking for companies that are using Go?
+ - Go Gopher Images
+ - [Gopher](
+## Using the go toolchain
+ - Start with the standard documentation for the `go` command [available here](
+ - See the wikis below for additional details:
+ - [GoGetTools](
+ - [GoGetProxyConfig](
+ - [cgo](
+ - [CompilerOptimizations](
+ - [GccgoCrossCompilation](
+ - [GcToolchainTricks](
+ - [GoGenerateTools](
+## Additional Go Programming Wikis
+ - Working with Databases
+ - [SQLDrivers](
+ - [SQLInterface](
+ - [Comments](
+ - [CommonMistakes](
+ - [Errors](
+ - [GcToolchainTricks](
+ - [GoForCPPProgrammers](
+ - [GoStrings](
+ - [GoVsGenerics](
+ - [Hashing](
+ - [HttpFetch](
+ - [HttpStaticFiles](
+ - [InterfaceSlice](
+ - [Iota](
+ - [LockOSThread](
+ - [MethodSets](
+ - [MutexOrChannel](
+ - [PanicAndRecover](
+ - [RaceDetector](
+ - [Range](
+ - [RateLimiting](
+ - [Rationales](
+ - [SendingMail](
+ - [SignalHandling](
+ - [SimultaneousAssignment](
+ - [SliceTricks](
+ - [Switch](
+ - [TableDrivenTests](
+ - [Timeouts](
+## Onlines Services that work with Go
+If you're looking for services that support Go, here's a list to get you started.
+ - Cloud Computing - Go is well supported on most cloud service providers.
+ - [Amazone Web Services](
+ - [Azure](
+ - [Digital Ocean](
+ - [Google Cloud Platform and App Engine for Go](
+ - [Heroku](
+ - See here for [information on additional providers](
+ - Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment - Go is well supported by all CI/CD framworks
+ - [Jenkins](
+ - [Travis](
+ - [Werker](
+ - More information [is available here](
+ - Monitoring/Logging
+ - [DeferPanic]( - Dedicated Go application performance monitoring.
+ - Package and Dependency Management
+ - []( is a source for stable Go libraries, provided by Gustavo Niemeyer.
+## Troubleshooting Go Programs in Production
+ - Understand the performance of you Go apps using the [pprof package](
+ - Heap Dumps
+ - [heapdump13](
+ - [heapdump14](
+## Contributing to the Go Project
+ - Start by reading the [Go Contribution Guidelines](
+ - If you'd like to propose a change to the Go project, start by reading the [Go Change Proposal Process](
+ - An archive of [design documents is also available](
+ - Go releases happen on ~6 month intervals. [See here for more information](
+ - Want to know more about how the [Go source sub-repositories are structured?](
+ - The Go project requires that all code be reviewed before it is submitted.
+ - Read more about our [code review practices](
+ - If you're commenting on code under review, please read [these guidelines](
+ - Issues
+ - Bug reports and feature requests should be filed using the [Github issue tracker](
+ - Want to understand how we [handle issues that are reported?](
+ - Project Dashboards
+ - [Go Builds Dashboard info](
+ - [Performance Dashboard info](
+## Platform Specific Information
+ - Considering porting Go to a new platform? [Read our porting policy first](
+ - [Mobile](
+ - [Ubuntu](
+ - Windows
+ - [WindowsBuild](
+ - [WindowsCrossCompiling](
+ - [WindowsDLLs](
+ - [WindowsSupport](
+ - [GoArm](
+ - [ChromeOS](
+ - [NetBSD](
+ - [OpenBSD](
+ - [FreeBSD](
+ - [NativeClient](
+## Release Specific Information
+ - [Go1point1Gotchas](
+ - [OlderVersions](
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As of [June 19th, 2015](, the Go toolchain includes an experimental vendoring flag, `GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT`. This is now part of the Go 1.5 release and represents the Go team's recommended approach to vendoring dependencies. You can read more about how this environment variable works in the [Go 1.5 documentation]( and the [original design document]( For a more detailed explanation, check out [this post]( by [@freeformz](
-As of 2015-08-20, [Glide](, [Godep]( and [Govendor]( support this new flag.
+As of 2015-08-20, [Glide](, [Godep]( and [Govendor]( support this new flag. Keep in mind that the `go get` command will NOT place downloaded packages into a `vendor` directory when this flag is enabled.
## Pkg copy with import path re-write
Vendoring takes the 3rd party source code that is referenced in your project and makes a copy of that code inside a new folder within the project. It re-writes the import paths so there is a single copy of all packages. GOPATH is not modified at any time.