{GitHub,Gerrit}Access, Gomote: make access request more consistent

Remove the suggestion to include "CC @golang/release" because it
silently has no effect if the GitHub account posting it does not
already have some access within the 'golang' GitHub organization.
We'll instead rely on issue triage (and gopherbot) to find these.

Also be more specific that a new issue is expected to be made.
In some cases where a person has previously applied and their
request wasn't accepted, they may opt to re-open the previous
issue. A small tweak for now since this happens fairly rarely.

Change-Id: I14f1f46f1eece1e4ba9f25c9d2d9e4d0f0d832e8
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/wiki/+/578495
Reviewed-by: Carlos Amedee <carlos@golang.org>
Auto-Submit: Dmitri Shuralyov <dmitshur@golang.org>
3 files changed
tree: 12b8a76a8604eb020062c3db8e9136c51afaf455
  1. images/
  2. .gitignore
  3. All.md
  4. Articles.md
  5. AssemblyPolicy.md
  6. AVX512.md
  7. Benchmarks.md
  8. Blogs.md
  9. Books.md
  10. BoundingResourceUse.md
  11. cgo.md
  12. ChromeOS.md
  13. codereview.cfg
  14. CodeReview.md
  15. CodeReviewComments.md
  16. CodeReviewConcurrency.md
  17. CodeTools.md
  18. Comments.md
  19. CommitMessage.md
  20. CommonMistakes.md
  21. CompilerOptimizations.md
  22. Conferences.md
  23. Configuring-GoLand-for-WebAssembly.md
  24. Contributing-to-gopls.md
  25. Contributing.md
  26. CoreDumpDebugging.md
  27. Courses.md
  28. CreatingSubRepository.md
  29. CSSStyleGuide.md
  30. CustomPprofProfiles.md
  31. Darwin.md
  32. DashboardBuilders.md
  33. default.tmpl
  34. Deprecated.md
  35. DesignDocuments.md
  36. Diagnostics.md
  37. Download-build-farm-failed-logs-and-debugging.md
  38. DragonFly-BSD.md
  39. Errors.md
  40. ErrorValueFAQ.md
  41. ExperienceReports.md
  42. FileTreeDocumentation.md
  43. FreeBSD.md
  44. FromXToGo.md
  45. Frozen.md
  46. Fuzzing-trophy-case.md
  47. Gardening.md
  48. GccgoCrossCompilation.md
  49. GcToolchainTricks.md
  50. GerritAccess.md
  51. GerritBot.md
  52. GithubAccess.md
  53. Go-1.10-Release-Party.md
  54. Go-1.6-release-party.md
  55. Go-1.8-Release-Party.md
  56. Go-Community-Slides.md
  57. Go-Release-Cycle.md
  58. Go2.md
  59. Go2ErrorHandlingFeedback.md
  60. Go2ErrorValuesFeedback.md
  61. Go2GenericsFeedback.md
  62. GoArm.md
  63. GoForCPPProgrammers.md
  64. GoGenerateTools.md
  65. GoGetProxyConfig.md
  66. GoGetTools.md
  67. golang-tools.md
  68. GoMips.md
  69. Gomote.md
  70. GOPATH.md
  71. Gopher.md
  72. gopherbot.md
  73. gopls-integrator-FAQ.md
  74. gopls.md
  75. GoStrings.md
  76. GoTalks.md
  77. GoUserGroups.md
  78. GoUsers.md
  79. HandlingIssues.md
  80. heapdump13.md
  81. heapdump14.md
  82. heapdump15-through-heapdump17.md
  83. heapdump15.md
  84. Home.md
  85. HostedContinuousIntegration.md
  86. How-to-ask-for-help.md
  87. HowToAsk.md
  88. IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins.md
  89. index.md
  90. InstallFromSource.md
  91. InstallTroubleshooting.md
  92. InterfaceSlice.md
  93. InvalidFlag.md
  94. Iota.md
  95. Learn.md
  96. LearnConcurrency.md
  97. LearnErrorHandling.md
  98. LearnServerProgramming.md
  99. LearnTesting.md
  100. Linux.md
  101. LinuxKernelSignalVectorBug.md
  102. Livestreams.md
  103. LockOSThread.md
  104. LoopvarExperiment.md
  105. LUCI.md
  106. MacOS12BSDThreadRegisterIssue.md
  107. MethodSets.md
  108. MinimumRequirements.md
  109. MinorReleases.md
  110. Mobile.md
  111. Modules.md
  112. MutexOrChannel.md
  113. nav.yaml
  114. NetBSD.md
  115. NewSpeakers.md
  116. NonEnglish.md
  117. NoPlusOne.md
  118. OpenBSD.md
  119. PackagePublishing.md
  120. PanicAndRecover.md
  121. Performance.md
  122. PerformanceMonitoring.md
  123. PGO-Tools.md
  124. Plan9.md
  125. Podcasts.md
  126. PortingPolicy.md
  127. PriorDiscussion.md
  128. Projects.md
  129. Proposals.md
  130. ProviderIntegration.md
  131. Questions.md
  132. Quiet-Weeks.md
  133. Range.md
  134. RangefuncExperiment.md
  135. RateLimiting.md
  136. ResearchPapers.md
  137. Resolving-Problems-From-Modified-Module-Path.md
  138. Resources-for-slog.md
  139. Screencasts.md
  140. SettingGOPATH.md
  141. SignalHandling.md
  142. SimultaneousAssignment.md
  143. SliceTricks.md
  144. SlowBots.md
  145. Solaris.md
  146. Spectre.md
  147. Spelling.md
  148. SQLDrivers.md
  149. SQLInterface.md
  150. Style.md
  151. SuccessStories.md
  152. Switch.md
  153. TableDrivenTests.md
  154. TargetSpecific.md
  155. TestComments.md
  156. TestFailures.md
  157. Timeouts.md
  158. Training.md
  159. Ubuntu.md
  160. Watchflakes.md
  161. WebAccessibilityResourcesAndTips.md
  162. WebAssembly.asciidoc
  163. Well-known-struct-tags.md
  164. WhyGo.md
  165. Windows.md
  166. WindowsBuild.md
  167. WindowsCrossCompiling.md
  168. WindowsDLLs.md
  169. X-Repositories.md