Updated CodeReviewComments (markdown)
diff --git a/CodeReviewComments.md b/CodeReviewComments.md
index 3c11205..8f42bc9 100644
--- a/CodeReviewComments.md
+++ b/CodeReviewComments.md
@@ -387,9 +387,23 @@
## Line Length
-There is no rigid line length limit in Go code, but avoid uncomfortably long lines. Similarly, don't add line breaks to keep lines short when they are more readable long--for example, if they are repetitive.
+There is no rigid line length limit in Go code, but avoid uncomfortably long lines.
+Similarly, don't add line breaks to keep lines short when they are more readable long--for example,
+if they are repetitive.
-Comments are typically wrapped before no more than 80 characters, not because it's a rule, but because it's more readable when viewing in an editor that might be sized to show hundreds of columns wide. Humans are better at following narrow text (e.g. columns in a newspaper) than giant walls of wide text, as a wide editor might show. Regardless, godoc should render it nicely either way.
+Most of the time when people wrap lines "unnaturally" (in the middle of function calls or
+function declarations, more or less, say, though some exceptions are around), the wrapping would be
+unnecessary if they had a reasonable number of parameters and reasonably short variable names.
+Long lines seem to go with long names, and getting rid of the long names helps a lot.
+In other words, break lines because of the semantics of what you're writing (as a general rule)
+and not because of the length of the line. If you find that this produces lines that are too long,
+then change the names or the semantics and you'll probably get a good result.
+This is, actually, exactly the same advice about how long a function should be. There's no rule
+"never have a function more than N lines long", but there is definitely such a thing as too long
+of a function, and of too stuttery tiny functions, and the solution is to change where the function
+boundaries are, not to start counting lines.
## Mixed Caps
@@ -401,6 +415,7 @@
func (n *Node) Parent1() (node *Node)
func (n *Node) Parent2() (node *Node, err error)
@@ -408,6 +423,7 @@
func (n *Node) Parent1() *Node
func (n *Node) Parent2() (*Node, error)