Updated Gardening (markdown)
diff --git a/Gardening.md b/Gardening.md
index 464428d..73c17a1 100644
--- a/Gardening.md
+++ b/Gardening.md
@@ -32,6 +32,16 @@
 Find bugs that are in state WaitingForInfo (https://github.com/golang/go/labels/WaitingForInfo) and ping them, remove the label when replies arrive, or close the bugs if a reply never arrived.
+### "Unplanned" bugs"
+We used to use the Github Milestone "Unplanned" to mean we're not planning on working something this cycle, but might sometime in the future. That became a blackhole of issues we never saw again, so we've stopped using "Unplanned", yet many still exist:
+(That query excludes ExpertNeeded, Go2, and Thinking bugs.)
+Go through the Unplanned list and either see if they can be closed, or retarget them to "Go1.XMaybe" where X is the next release. At least then we'll look at them again before bumping them to "Go1.(X+1)Maybe" or closing.
 ### Pending CLs
 Review the format of commit messages and presence of tests and formatting of code and typos/grammar in incoming pending CLs. All of that can be done without determining the correctness of the change itself. See  https://dev.golang.org/release for the list of pending CLs.