GoLSP is currently under active development by the Go team. The code is in the x/tools repository, in golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp and golang.org/x/tools/cmd/golsp.
Because we are actively working on GoLSP, it is not stable or recommended for use yet. We will make an announcement when GoLSP is ready for release.
Contributions are welcome, but since development is so active, we request that you file an issue and claim it before starting to work on something. Otherwise, it is likely that we might already be working on a fix for your issue. There are some LSP issues already open on the Go issue tracker. Any issue without an assignee and with the label “Suggested” is fair game - just please assign yourself or comment on the issue before you begin working!
Questions can be directed toward @stamblerre or @ianthehat.
For consistent updates on the development progress of GoLSP, see the notes from the golang-tools meetings (https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/golang-tools).